Does it hurt... Lighting question..


Well does it hurt to have just as many 5000k-6500k bulbs as you have 2500k in flower?

Say i have four 2500k bulbs but i also have two 5000k bulbs and i have two 6500k bulbs in the box is it gonna effect my yield or anything?


Active Member
With CFL's you cannot overdue the light as long as you got the heat under control. I've heard and researched on here many awesome grows using a mix of 2700k 6500k 5000k throughout the whole life of the plant. I think that all 6500k work better when they are growing veg. but when you switch to flower, thats when you add the 2700 and 5000 and as many as you can fit. Hope this helps!


I was just a lil worried hahah.. I want to get the most i can out of it i switched it to 12/12 about a week ago it is looking good and is still growing but i only had four of the 2700k bulbs.. I knew that wasn't gonna be enough that is why i added in the 4 daylight bulbs.. heat is under control it stays around 80 degs in the box all day long if i leave the door cracked open to get fresh air in..

Mister Black

Active Member
You can have 2700k's during veg at a ratio of 2:1 in favour of the 6500k's.

You can have 6500k's in flower at a ration of 3:1 in favour of the 2700k's.

I'd not mess with any other spectrum unless that is all you have available.

Please be careful about putting too many veg spectrum lights on the plant during flower. Do you want the plant to go back into veg?


Well-Known Member
You can have 2700k's during veg at a ratio of 2:1 in favour of the 6500k's.

You can have 6500k's in flower at a ration of 3:1 in favour of the 2700k's.

I'd not mess with any other spectrum unless that is all you have available.

Please be careful about putting too many veg spectrum lights on the plant during flower. Do you want the plant to go back into veg?
"veg spectrum" lights wouldnt make a plant stop flowering. You could flower a plant under 6500k only. Hormones related to dark periods are responsible for flowering not light spectrum.
A plant might use more red light during bloom but it isnt what makes it flower.


Thanks guys i ended up getting three more 2700k lights so now i have seven 2700k lights with one 6500k light..

Mister Black

Active Member
"veg spectrum" lights wouldnt make a plant stop flowering. You could flower a plant under 6500k only. Hormones related to dark periods are responsible for flowering not light spectrum.
A plant might use more red light during bloom but it isnt what makes it flower.
Not really recommended or even close to ideal though is it or no one would use 2700k's would they?


Well-Known Member
If you are still in the "stretch" 6500k and 5000k will keep the plants a bit shorter.
i am 4 weeks into flower and have. 11 5000k and 10 2700k for 450w of cfl the buds are growing very fast and crystaling up nicely:


Active Member
Not really recommended or even close to ideal though is it or no one would use 2700k's would they?
no and he wasn't suggesting that... the point of his post was the stop the miss-information you posted from spreading.

Having all 6500k during flowering would not put the plant back in veg nor would it make it produce no buds. Light cycle controls if the plant flowers or vegs of a photo-period plant and time decides on an auto flowering plant. 2700k have way more red color spectrum which is better for bud formation this is why people want to have more red then blue spectrum in flowering, they do not use 2700k because they don't want their plants to veg.


Well-Known Member
i did some reading and seen where people have flowered under mh lights, and their buds where shorter but fatter and more dense. some people use it to stop stretch. i do know that i added more lights to my box and two of them are the 6000k, i don't know if it is just the added light (all around in the box) or the fact that the two 6000k are on the left side, side lights but the two plants on that side are doing better then the ones that are just 2700k. my next round will have alot more lights as well as more 6000k lights.


Active Member
Right now I'm doing 12/12 from seed and have about 320 watts of 2700 and I could be wrong but they def. grew a little slower during veg under 27's than my first grow. I would suggest using 65's till you want to flower and then add 2700k, but remember it is the lighting times that produces the buds.

Mister Black

Active Member
no and he wasn't suggesting that... the point of his post was the stop the miss-information you posted from spreading.

Having all 6500k during flowering would not put the plant back in veg nor would it make it produce no buds. Light cycle controls if the plant flowers or vegs of a photo-period plant and time decides on an auto flowering plant. 2700k have way more red color spectrum which is better for bud formation this is why people want to have more red then blue spectrum in flowering, they do not use 2700k because they don't want their plants to veg.
Who said anything about 6500k's making a plant go back into veg? I asked the OP whether he wanted the plant to re veg.
Plus saying light spectrum does not matter is absolutely terrible advice. Masking that by distorting other responses is equally unhelpful.

6500k's are best for veg and 2700k's are best for flower. They can be mixed but at the correct ratios.

You tell me whether my ratios or your 'any spectrum is fine as long as you change the light period' advice is more helpful?