It`s not only more efficient - it also save life hours too - have a lock to the diagramm
A good waterpump needs as less power as posible. It´s enough just to move eg. 200 liters/h -
so you can cool a 2500 W lamp with just 2,3 W (0.1% of total power) aquarium-waterpump. In a closed circuit of liquid you don`t need much pressure or powerbomb. And now the most important ! :
Use the hot water for many things like: saving your roots in winter or bring out the heat in summer or prepare grandma a hot bathtube. The efficency of a watercooled led-light can easyly rise 30~50% if you use it for waterheating too.
Produce your electricity by wind and sun - and you can step down forwards efficency.
--- and then blow this all in the cold ass of the cole-lobby and our

blond cool world-leader to make them catch a cold and - too sick to



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