Well-Known Member
iraq was chemical and biological weaponsNorth Korea, we did go to war with Iraq over WMD according to some people, if not WMD than energy (oil), which is related. Libya and Syria haven't yet had the chance, but with our puppets in power, they might not have too many problems. The US is certainly pushing a nonproliferation agenda.
i havent seen syria or libya try to go for nuclear power yet
are you suggesting that the usa is stopping them having nukes or are you being deliberatley vague and saying new zealand doent need them?Then there is New Zealand. No nuclear technology whatsoever, and yet so green...odd.
looks to me that they've some work to do...
is petulance part of basic for the armed forces over there?Anyway, it doesn't really matter, this whole thing has been because you perceived that I challenged your supremacy and ultimate correctness and therefore devoted two pages to vanquishing my uncouth disrespect of the idea that Nuclear power is the only good solution to a problem we agree exists.
im pretty sure my argument throughout has been that society should cut down on their energy usage but theres only so far it can go before it stops being the society it is nowCool though, totally over shadow any responsibility that society has for buying so much energy from people who have no scruples about destroying the environment.
but nice strawman tho keep it up