Papa Raazi
People shouldn't associate Christmas with religion anymore, its dead.
...snow is pretty cool though
...snow is pretty cool though
Nope...That's awfully presumptuous, don't you think?
ummmm no, but i support your right to watch Zeitgeist videos. July 23,1892; birthday of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Christ in His Second Coming. JAH RASTAFARI!!!!You mean invented right?
a religious Christmas was lost many years ago. not that i like either, but trust me christmas is all about the showing people how much you can spend on them, and getting together.I'm an atheist, and I actually like christmas. It was always a lot of fun as a kid: the lights, christmas tree, family, presents. As an adult I was less into it, until having a child of my own - now it's as fun as ever. I don't think of it as a christian holiday - take all the jesus crap out, and most of it is still left. The christians just muscled in on other peoples holidays to begin with. I'm not a pagan, but I also like that aspect of it; celebrating getting past the shortest day of the year and being on our way to spring.
repeat, already is.Definitely changing into more of a capitalist holiday
I'm not losing any sleep over the religious part being lost.a religious Christmas was lost many years ago. not that i like either, but trust me christmas is all about the showing people how much you can spend on them, and getting together.