Does Big Bloom extend flowering time?

Bob Saggit

Hey people, I was just wondering if anyone knew about whether or not Big Bloom extends flowering time? This is my first grow ever and I don't know that much about the fertilizers. I would be psyched if I had more time to let them fill out but I'm also wary of the impending frosts. let me know
no i dont think it gives you any more time but your plant will survive through a few frosts, your leaves will turn a bit purple but thats about it.. As long as its not freezing temps u should be alright depending on the quality of your plant

Bob Saggit

sweet. yeah there are small bits of purple in the buds its cool. I had to pull off a piece of moldy bud today though :( i hope that doesn't spread


Well-Known Member
Yea, flowering time depends on the strains genetics, It has nothing to do with nutrients. Good luck man, keep those girls warm.