Does ash color actually signify differences in quality?

I've read OVER and OVER again that when your bud burns white and fluffy its because you flushed it properly.. However 3/4 of the way through my first grow I harvested most of 1 plant (2 stains in 1 DWC bucket)... Anyway after the proper dry/cure its burns SMOOTH and down to a perfectly white fluffy ash. It hits pretty smooth until a point then it gets pretty thick and coughy.

I'm just looking for input from experienced growers, cause all the internet searches seemed to be secondhand folklore..

P.S. I'm doing a progressive harvest with this plant and the second harvest will get a full flush cause it seems to be timed right to harvest with my other strain... So I'll try to come back and give an update as to the differences in ash color..


Well-Known Member
I cant tell any differince, some weed has blacker ash, Idk why.

I just quick dried a sample of sharks breath an its ash was greay as hell with no proper dry or cure.
Word, thats about what I was expecting to hear.. I'm curious to see first hand how the same strain/plant tastes one bud flushed, one not.


Active Member
I have had both ash. I think it does indeed have to do with strains, a purple strain might be darker as a white strain might be lighter.
I know I didnt flush this strain.. and there is no popping or sparking at all! I did run a lower nute solution though for the last 4-5 days. Maybe 600 PPM


Well-Known Member
Flushing aside, I've always been under the impression that it's best not to use nutes in the last week before harvest.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I've tried it both ways. I flushed for years because that what it said in the books. I tried not flushing a few times and couldn't tell the difference. The purist, organo nazis will have a shit fit about this if they hear it and accuse you of having no taste. Tuff shit for them. Only you can tell whats best for you.
I must admit though, I don't use nutes the final week. It's just to save money. Hell, I'm such a cheap fucker, I use generic rubbers.


Well-Known Member
HAHA, Generic How? Store brand? OH, the Plant Parenthood ones?? They'll give you a sack....not a bag, a SACK of them for like 10 bucks. All different colors. Every vag i've pounded couldn't handle more then 72 hrs of maybe my stamina thats the issue, but jesus, whats a person to do with a fucking gross of condoms?!

Sorry got a little off topic...ummm, nutes and...whatever....blah!


HAHA, Generic How? Store brand? OH, the Plant Parenthood ones?? They'll give you a sack....not a bag, a SACK of them for like 10 bucks. All different colors. Every vag i've pounded couldn't handle more then 72 hrs of maybe my stamina thats the issue, but jesus, whats a person to do with a fucking gross of condoms?!

Sorry got a little off topic...ummm, nutes and...whatever....blah!
lol, didnt expect to see this in a thread about the color of ashes, but regardless, sometimes if you find one good enough, you might not need those troublesome little soldier helmets, just my opinion i suppose.