Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

That's good people your counter arguments are more than welcome, that can help anybody reading this thread to determine what is Truth.

I just wanted to add on to Intuition here, it is very important(relatively) that you understand exactly what Intuition really is.

Intuition is never wrong, never ever ever ever, never. A parodox. It is actually your Intuition that recognizes counter-intuition, it is Intuition that Knows to go beyond the paradox and seek the Truth, and it always Knows when it has arrived at the Truth, the thing is you just don't trust it.

Answer the following questions. 1. 1+1=2 T or F 2. 1=1=3 T or F If you answered T to the first question and F to the second then you are trusting your intuition.

Another question. If humanity does not have faith in God he will become angry and destroy humanity, for he is one to be feared T or F If you answered T you are not trusting your Intuition.

This is how I can tell that Stephen Hawkings is not a genius, he does not speak of Truth, he is imagining pie in the sky ideas, logical possibilities yes, brilliant most certainly, but completely useless, exercise for the mind but that's all, however I must add that he is fulfilling a great purpose, to show people that which is not Truth.

The Theory of Relativity may never be proven but it will never be disproven either, that's because it is the Truth, I have gone over every counter possibility and it is the only thing that makes absolute sense(Intuition). Now it is "quite" a good possibility that he and I both slipped up at the same time and that someone else may recognize a flaw or flaws that need to be corrected, but in general it is Truth and will never be disproven.

Humanity is approaching the end of it's evolution, the perfect placement of the Cosmos, the clockwork universe, however I must add that at every single little tick there is consciousness involved, there absolutely must be a "Knowing" involved. "Do not look at the universe as a machine" Newton. This universe is very Alive, just open your eyes and see.

Believe it or not there is an end to all knowledge and we are approaching that end. "when humanity finally finds the answer to all of lifes questions it will be very simple" Einstein

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated" Confucious

"Simplicity is the unltimate sophistication" DaVinci

Please trust your Intuition, it is a genius, it "Knows" the Truth, you just have to "recollect" it.
The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when incompetent people not only fail to realize their incompetence, but consider themselves much more competent than everyone else.–Kruger_effect

Argument by assertion is the logical fallacy where someone tries to argue a point by merely asserting that it is true, regardless of contradiction. While this may seem stupid, it's actually an easy trap to fall into and is quite common.
Lol, I'd forgoteen about Dunning-Kruger. When I first found out about it, I became so paranoid and pretty much convinced myself that I knew nothing. One must avoid hubris.
My intuition tells me that New Age United is a sexual deviant and likes to be beat and pissed on while wearing lace panties. It must be TRUTH because intuition is never wrong. :rolleyes:
Lol, I'd forgoteen about Dunning-Kruger. When I first found out about it, I became so paranoid and pretty much convinced myself that I knew nothing. One must avoid hubris.

I think of it as the American Idol syndrome. No matter how many people say that you suck and no matter how little you progress at a skill, you still think you're destined for fame. You can also see the D-K effect in just about any episode of Kitchen Nightmares/restaurant impossible. The only way the chefs/owners know they are failing is the fact that they are losing money, but they never think it's because of management, service or food quality, even after it's pointed out.
See that's exactly what I'm saying, I think you must have forgotten exactly what intuition really is. Of course intuition can be wrong, there are all sorts of counter-intuitives, you can not even find the Truth without running into atleast one paradox, but once you do find the Truth it absolutely must be completely intuitive, that is exactly how you confirm the Truth, that is how you "recollect" things, that is how your mind works. Now you recollect that don't you.

There would be no philosophy, no math, no science without it, it is literally the key to all intelligence, it truly is a marvel.

That's good people your counter arguments are more than welcome, that can help anybody reading this thread to determine what is Truth.

I just wanted to add on to Intuition here, it is very important(relatively) that you understand exactly what Intuition really is.

Intuition is never wrong, never ever ever ever, never. A parodox. It is actually your Intuition that recognizes counter-intuition, it is Intuition that Knows to go beyond the paradox and seek the Truth, and it always Knows when it has arrived at the Truth, the thing is you just don't trust it.

Answer the following questions. 1. 1+1=2 T or F 2. 1=1=3 T or F If you answered T to the first question and F to the second then you are trusting your intuition.

Another question. If humanity does not have faith in God he will become angry and destroy humanity, for he is one to be feared T or F If you answered T you are not trusting your Intuition.

This is how I can tell that Stephen Hawkings is not a genius, he does not speak of Truth, he is imagining pie in the sky ideas, logical possibilities yes, brilliant most certainly, but completely useless, exercise for the mind but that's all, however I must add that he is fulfilling a great purpose, to show people that which is not Truth.

The Theory of Relativity may never be proven but it will never be disproven either, that's because it is the Truth, I have gone over every counter possibility and it is the only thing that makes absolute sense(Intuition). Now it is "quite" a good possibility that he and I both slipped up at the same time and that someone else may recognize a flaw or flaws that need to be corrected, but in general it is Truth and will never be disproven.

Humanity is approaching the end of it's evolution, the perfect placement of the Cosmos, the clockwork universe, however I must add that at every single little tick there is consciousness involved, there absolutely must be a "Knowing" involved. "Do not look at the universe as a machine" Newton. This universe is very Alive, just open your eyes and see.

Believe it or not there is an end to all knowledge and we are approaching that end. "when humanity finally finds the answer to all of lifes questions it will be very simple" Einstein

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated" Confucious

"Simplicity is the unltimate sophistication" DaVinci

Please trust your Intuition, it is a genius, it "Knows" the Truth, you just have to "recollect" it.

The bolded red above? One of us is missing something really basic here.

Intuition is not required nor desired when doing math. We don't arrive at correct answers by intuition, but by rational methodology and proofs.


noun \ˌin-tü-ˈi-shən, -tyü-\
Definition of INTUITION

: quick and ready insight

a : immediate apprehension or cognition
b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

Attempting to gain knowledge without the effort of rational thought is tempting, but I find it's always better to do the work to come to effective, 'true' answers...
I deem it extremely unwise to take spiritual advice from anyone who contradicts themselves so plainly. I don't think anyone here is trying to be mean to you N/A... though some are harsh with their words, we are just trying to help you observe your thoughts. It's very hard for some people to be wrong, even more so to accept it, but those who do here in the SS&P forums gain much congratulations when we admit our faults and apologize, for that you will gain admiration and respect rather than the scrutiny and criticism of your contradictory ideas.
I'm sorry but the Truth is just beyond you, it just is, I'm sorry but explaining this to those that do not see is like trying to explain physics to a monkey, I'm sorry but it is

This is the pilosophy section right, there must be a philosopher around

If anyone would actually like to debate about something I would be more than open, this is not about me or you, this is about the Truth and nothing more, if you show me respect I will show you the upmost respect. The most important thing in philosophy is to leave the ego at the door, never attack your opponent, there are no opponents in philosophy, this is about the Truth, not about who is right or wrong, that is completely useless. The Truth is not important, but it can be very very valuable. These are not philosophers, they are just playing games in their minds.

The best way to start a debate is to ask a question or simply to give your opinion on a certain subject. If you are not familiar with philosophy that's ok, I can very easily teach you. Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is also called recollection.

If you understand this you are free to speak, just ignore these guys they'll be alright
Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is also called recollection.
No no. I'm sorry but you cannot just give words any definition you feel is appropriate. Words have meaning and ignoring them to float you personal agenda is dishonest.

Attacking an interlocutor's position is not the same as 'attacking an opponent.' Inferring that your knowledge about truth somehow equates to physicists knowledge compared to monkeys is quite laughable -- and painting your opponents as the monkeys right before you tell others to not attack your opponents is sad. Considering your contradictions and use of weak metaphors and trite sayings, you expose yourself as either a self-deluded wannabe or a fraud.
I'm sorry but the Truth is just beyond you, it just is, I'm sorry but explaining this to those that do not see is like trying to explain physics to a monkey, I'm sorry but it is

More like someone who is delusional failing at attempting to persuade critical thinkers.

This is the pilosophy section right, there must be a philosopher around

With the faculties demonstrated thusfar, you've clearly demonstrated you're not one.

If anyone would actually like to debate about something I would be more than open, this is not about me or you, this is about the Truth and nothing more, if you show me respect I will show you the upmost respect.

I'm not convinced you are actually looking for the truth. Seems to me you are looking for reassurance in your beliefs.

The most important thing in philosophy is to leave the ego at the door, never attack your opponent, there are no opponents in philosophy, this is about the Truth, not about who is right or wrong, that is completely useless.

If two sides are arguing, or debating to find out who is proposing the true statement, it absolutely matters who is right and who is wrong. That's the basis for finding out the truth, how can you say it doesn't matter? It's the most important aspect.

The Truth is not important, but it can be very very valuable. These are not philosophers, they are just playing games in their minds.

You just said this was 'all about the truth', and now you're saying it's not important - yet it's very, very, valuable.... are you fucking with us? Because your inconsistency is maddening.

The best way to start a debate is to ask a question or simply to give your opinion on a certain subject. If you are not familiar with philosophy that's ok, I can very easily teach you. Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is also called recollection.

No, it's not. Intuition is your subconscious making conscious decisions, without a basis in logic. If you use logic to come to a conclusion, you didn't need intuition because you reasonably came to a conclusion.

If you understand this you are free to speak, just ignore these guys they'll be alright

I thought you wanted a debate?

Here's an excerpt from a book by a Professor of Psychology from The Beckman Centre at the university of Illinois;

"Most students and professors have long believed that, when in doubt, test-takers should stick with their first answers and “go with their gut.” But data show that test-takers are more than twice as likely to change an incorrect answer to a correct one than vice versa."

This is part of an article written by Dr. John Grohol, PsyD, who is the CEO and founder of Psych Central. He is an author, researcher and expert in mental health online, and has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues -- as well as the intersection of technology and human behavior -- since 1992. Dr. Grohol sits on the editorial board of the journalCyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking and is a founding board member and treasurer of the Society for Participatory Medicine.

Six years ago, Malcolm Gladwell released a book entitled Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. In his usual style, Gladwell weaves stories in-between descriptions of scientific research the support his hypothesis that our intuition can be surprisingly accurate and right.

One year ago, authors Daniel J. Simons and Christopher F. Chabris, writing inThe Chronicle of Higher Education not only had some choice words for Gladwell’s cherry-picking of the research, but also showed how intuition probably only works best in certain situations, where there is no clear science or logical decision-making process to arrive at the “right” answer. For instance, when choosing which ice cream is “best.”

Reasoned analysis, however, works best in virtually every other situation. Which, as it turns out, is most situations where big life decisions come into play.
Gladwell also argues that intuition is not always right. But it’s an argument that employs circular reasoning as exemplified in the last chapter, “Listening with your eyes.” In it, he describes how orchestra auditions moved from being un-blinded (meaning the people judging the audition saw people perform their musical pieces) to blinded (meaning the judges did not view or see who played what piece).

The argument Gladwell makes from this example is that the judge’s intuition was influenced by previously-unrecognized factors — the gender of the performer, what type of musical instrument they were playing, even their race. But that intuition was eventually corrected, because we can change what our intuition tells us:

Too often we are resigned to what happens in the blink of an eye. It doesn’t seem like we have much control over whatever bubbles to the surface from our unconscious. But we do, and if we can control the environment in which rapid cognition takes place, then we can control rapid cognition.
But this is circular reasoning. We often don’t know our intuition is wrong until long after the fact, or unless we conduct a scientific experiment that shows how truly wrong it is. For hundreds of years, conductors and other judges trusted their intuition about how to choose their orchestra players and for hundreds of years, they were horribly wrong. It was only through a freak accident of chance that they learned how wrong they were, as Gladwell describes it.

We don’t know when to trust our intuition in the future, because we have only hindsight in which to see whether we were right or not.

This hardly seems like something you can hang your hat on, that you can look to always (or even ever) reasonably “control the environment” where you’re making intuitive judgments.
As Simons and Chabris — authors of the book, The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us — note, trusting your intuition can have serious consequences and even put other people’s lives at jeopardy:

Flawed intuitions about the mind extend to virtually every other domain of cognition. Consider eyewitness memory. In the vast majority of cases in which DNA evidence exonerated a death-row inmate, the original conviction was based largely on the testimony of a confident eyewitness with a vivid memory of the crime. Jurors (and everyone else) tend to intuitively trust that when people are certain, they are likely to be right.
Nonsense. Galileo tracked the movement of stars and planets, and proof, is by definition, tangible not some mystic woo-woo that is completely un-falsifiable.

and yet, neither church nor science would accept it. So, for them, the proof was meaningless. That, and they had a population to control
and yet, neither church nor science would accept it. So, for them, the proof was meaningless. That, and they had a population to control

The fact that the paradigm shift wasn't instant doesn't make the catalyst, the evidence, meaningless. It completely altered how we look at our solar system, and the universe. It was the evidence that made it happen.
and yet, neither church nor science would accept it. So, for them, the proof was meaningless. That, and they had a population to control
The Church would not accept it because it contradicted dogma. Science is not a group or organization. Science neither accepts or rejects ideas, people do. Science was the method that Galileo used to come to his conclusions, which were by no means proof of anything, because the scientific method does not try to prove things, only explain to the best of our ability. Proofs are for math and spirits, not science.

Copernicus' heliocentrism fit Galileo's observations better than the geocentric models of the day. One of the dogmatic conclusions of the geocentrists (Ptolemaic system) was that EVERYTHING orbited the earth. The fact that observations told Galileo that some things do not, specifically the moons of Jupiter. He also reasoned that the phases of Venus and the motion of sunspots were inconsistent with the Ptolemaic system.
Nobody recognized it, "Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is also called recollection" This is a mistake, it is counter-intuitive, you may have saw it but you just did not trust your Intuition, it should read "Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a
practical question, this is called recollection" but you just did not trust your intuition, you had the chance to prove a genius wrong but only a genius can do that, only one who trusts their Intuition can do that.

I know that I know nothing, now lets find the Truth

"I think, therefore I am" Descartes - False, the one who says I think is not the one that says I am, "I think" (Awareness), "therefore I am" (Ego)

"I am, that I am" The Torah - Truth

That is Philosophy, I don't know what they told you in school but they just filled your head with a bunch of garbage, clear it out, you are just standing in your own way, get out of it

"What is Truth" Perhaps Jesus just didn't feel like answering the question lmfao!!!!!!!!

It's ok people, it is really nothing important at all, not at all, just go back to sleep

Laugh my fucking face off sorry sorry sorry I'm done I'm done
Nobody recognized it, "Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a practical question, it is also called recollection" This is a mistake, it is counter-intuitive, you may have saw it but you just did not trust your Intuition, it should read "Intuition is the ability to use memory and logic to come up with the correct answer to a
practical question, this is called recollection" but you just did not trust your intuition, you had the chance to prove a genius wrong but only a genius can do that, only one who trusts their Intuition can do that.

I know that I know nothing, now lets find the Truth

"I think, therefore I am" Descartes - False, the one who says I think is not the one that says I am, "I think" (Awareness), "therefore I am" (Ego)

"I am, that I am" The Torah - Truth

That is Philosophy, I don't know what they told you in school but they just filled your head with a bunch of garbage, clear it out, you are just standing in your own way, get out of it

"What is Truth" Perhaps Jesus just didn't feel like answering the question lmfao!!!!!!!!

It's ok people, it is really nothing important at all, not at all, just go back to sleep

Laugh my fucking face off sorry sorry sorry I'm done I'm done

That's not the Torah, that's Popeye...

Heis's video reminded me of this one, thought I'd share. Hopefully someone else will get a kick out of it too.
The Church would not accept it because it contradicted dogma. Science is not a group or organization. Science neither accepts or rejects ideas, people do.

...while holding the science (etc) banner over their heads - same way believers hold their banners. Sht, nothing's fckn changed, ever :shock:
