Does Anyone Know Where to Get C.Ruderalis Seeds in the U.S.?

I am hoping now that hemp is legal in the US that stuff like Ruderalis will be easier to come by, eventually.

It’s not like the demand for them isn’t there.

If I can find them I will let you know…

Maybe we can do a co-op deal…

The “cannatonic” thing is getting better, though they are still way too THC dominant.

Which is fine for folks it helps, but that’s not what I am looking for.

I am just looking for ruderalis traits, short (2 feet tall), 15-20:1 CBD:THC that sort of thing. The auto-flower thing isn’t a big deal for me, I like being able to delay the flower to ensure the plant is ready and it gives me time to take clones at my leisure.

I would love to play Luther Burbank with my plants, but I don’t have the room and I am super allergic to pollen. I wouldn’t be able to deal with the amount of pollen that male flower produce.

Like I said, if I find anything I will keep you in mind.

Please do the same for me as well.
There is a few low thc like .5 and under cbd autoflower strains out there u can buy dinamed cbd auto is a good one

If you wanting a landrace ruderalis then the thc and cbd is going to be low on both if its not worked any
There is a few low thc like .5 and under cbd autoflower strains out there u can buy dinamed cbd auto is a good one

If you wanting a landrace ruderalis then the thc and cbd is going to be low on both if its not worked any

Good point, but they can't be any worse than say fiber hemp.
The plants were about knee high. This is back when I was a kid...mid-60s. Nobody smoked pot in my small town...nor did I till I moved to the big city a few years later.

Soil is rich river bottom farmland.

If you have a way of getting back there and collecting some of the seeds, I am sure you could sell all you collected.
Ruderalis was basically used to make autoflowering strains with high THC content that finished much sooner more than to reap CBD tho it should be good for that too.

Many years back I was out in Vancouver and bought some Early Wonder Skunk as I was into trying an autoflower. Walked in and paid cash at the Vancouver Seed Bank and a few months later when I finally grew them out most hermied. I called them to bitch and they sent me some LowRyder1 seeds as a replacement even tho I had no proof that I'd bought the Wonder Skunks at all. No charge and had them 4 days after the call. Great customer service in my books.

Tiny little plants and I crossed them with with some other THC strains and also just bred the nicest ones with themselves and still have 17 LR1 x LR1 seeds in my seed list so may see if I can get any to sprout and make more seeds. I didn't realize that they were good for CBD tho I'm sure there are better strains out there now if CBD is what you're after. The LR1 don't yield worth shit.

In the Wikipedia about Ruderalis it's said that it was imported to the states long ago and can be found in ditchweed to this day tho you'd have to get samples lab tested to see if it would be worth growing.

A few years ago a buddy sent me some crosses he made with Cannatonic and a hemp varietal called Otto#1 and named GoldFish. He also crossed the GF with Herijuana and I have 10 or so seeds of that with a couple of the GF left over as well. Not long ago I got what I needed to do the Beam's test for CBD and found out the Otto female I have been vegging since I got those seeds came up negative for CBD tho 2 of the GF females showed strong positives. Got rid of that girl and unfortunately did not take cuttings from the best of the two GF girls which are nearing the end of flowering right now. Will try to reveg both but that's a crapshoot.

I don't smoke the GoldFish but make it into cocobudder and eat it. A good dose in the evening makes me sleep like a baby and really takes care of my joint pain for most of the next day as well. The buzz is nice and a bit like being a little drunk and having a small toke. I toke sativa for depression but just tiny hits in a pipe or I can have an anxiety attack that lasts for 15 min or so.

Beam's test results. The red/purple colour indicates CBD present.

I) Otto#1 from the now dead female.
II) GoldFish 'A'
III) GoldFish 'B'
IV) Critical Mass CBD I bought from a Kelowna dispensary.
V) Critical Mass grown from a clone a buddy gave me.

The stuff from the dispensary, # IV showed the strongest colour change but was not as effective at reducing my joint pain as # III, the GF 'B' is. Got really high off the same dose too and suspected it wasn't even a CBD cross so saved a couple grams from the 1/2 oz I'd originally bought just to test it. Sure hope the GF 'B' revegs as it works really well.

Ruderalis was basically used to make autoflowering strains with high THC content that finished much sooner more than to reap CBD tho it should be good for that too.

Many years back I was out in Vancouver and bought some Early Wonder Skunk as I was into trying an autoflower. Walked in and paid cash at the Vancouver Seed Bank and a few months later when I finally grew them out most hermied. I called them to bitch and they sent me some LowRyder1 seeds as a replacement even tho I had no proof that I'd bought the Wonder Skunks at all. No charge and had them 4 days after the call. Great customer service in my books.

Tiny little plants and I crossed them with with some other THC strains and also just bred the nicest ones with themselves and still have 17 LR1 x LR1 seeds in my seed list so may see if I can get any to sprout and make more seeds. I didn't realize that they were good for CBD tho I'm sure there are better strains out there now if CBD is what you're after. The LR1 don't yield worth shit.

In the Wikipedia about Ruderalis it's said that it was imported to the states long ago and can be found in ditchweed to this day tho you'd have to get samples lab tested to see if it would be worth growing.

A few years ago a buddy sent me some crosses he made with Cannatonic and a hemp varietal called Otto#1 and named GoldFish. He also crossed the GF with Herijuana and I have 10 or so seeds of that with a couple of the GF left over as well. Not long ago I got what I needed to do the Beam's test for CBD and found out the Otto female I have been vegging since I got those seeds came up negative for CBD tho 2 of the GF females showed strong positives. Got rid of that girl and unfortunately did not take cuttings from the best of the two GF girls which are nearing the end of flowering right now. Will try to reveg both but that's a crapshoot.

I don't smoke the GoldFish but make it into cocobudder and eat it. A good dose in the evening makes me sleep like a baby and really takes care of my joint pain for most of the next day as well. The buzz is nice and a bit like being a little drunk and having a small toke. I toke sativa for depression but just tiny hits in a pipe or I can have an anxiety attack that lasts for 15 min or so.

Beam's test results. The red/purple colour indicates CBD present.

I) Otto#1 from the now dead female.
II) GoldFish 'A'
III) GoldFish 'B'
IV) Critical Mass CBD I bought from a Kelowna dispensary.
V) Critical Mass grown from a clone a buddy gave me.

The stuff from the dispensary, # IV showed the strongest colour change but was not as effective at reducing my joint pain as # III, the GF 'B' is. Got really high off the same dose too and suspected it wasn't even a CBD cross so saved a couple grams from the 1/2 oz I'd originally bought just to test it. Sure hope the GF 'B' revegs as it works really well.

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I think as CBD production becomes even more viable, finding ruderalis strains will become less and less probable because these strains will be guarded by Big Cannabis.

You don’t see customer service like you had at the Vancouver Seed Bank anymore, now the customer is treated like a burden…

Supposedly common run ruderalis is supposed to be really high in CBD and low in THC, similar to hemp, except the CBD is naturally higher unlike hemp, and the plants are short.

In my experience CBD-rich plants have lower yields, though others "claim” high yields but I think a lot of that is BS.

Colorimetric testing of cannabinoids (like the Beam’s test) is interesting and there are a lot of recent patents on the topic, so it appears people are looking to make money on "cheap" home test kits.
This is an area I haven’t had the time to look over much, but I am familiar with the process.

I have a strain that boasts that it is 20:1 CBD:THC but no matter when it is harvested I always have to dilute the oil quite a bit because I have a pretty decent negative reaction to it, more so than another strain that claims to be 1:1 (both by the same seed bank). I need to have them tested but I am too cheap to have it done.

Re-vegging can be a lengthy process that shouldn't be rushed and can take a few generations of clones to fully sort out.

I hate when people lump all THC or CBD in as the same.
Not all THC is the same and the same goes for CBD.
The only strain I have found so far that I haven’t had an instant bad reaction to is Skywalker, but the hits have to be small or really diluted and repeated often to keep the plateau going.
Using Skywalker I was able to chill for the first time in too many years to count, but now all the dispensaries in the area only carry Skywalker OG, claiming it’s “the same” and it’s not.
I would like to get some seeds, but I am focused on CBD right now, to help with my seizures.
The medication I am on for the seizures intensifies the effects of THC (alcohol, caffeine, etc…) because I wasn’t like this before I began taking this medication, but it keeps the seizure intensity down (not so much the frequency) and I cannot go back to what it was like before…

I haven’t gotten into cannabis hybridizing but it looks like I am heading in that direction…
To be honest it looks like the industry is heading in the direction of gene manipulation, so soon we will see GMO cannabis, which in my opinion sort of negates the reason for why people use it and grow it in the first place.
But it's all about profits and maxing out yield.
Which in the end will be the industries undoing, because as it is the industry is mostly unregulated, if they keep up with the greed, it will just cause consumer watchdog groups to clamp down on them, which in turn will cause laws and regulations to be written, and then people will bitch because there are too many regulations...
It's a vicious cycle.

Good luck with the Goldfish B, I hope you can get it to reveg and get lots of clones.
Maybe one day you can start producing seeds and sell them.
got some ruderalis seeds from a guy in canada i think, his ig handle is @russian_landrace_bureau
the guy did some wild collecting in and around russia, and i can vouch for his stuff being the real deal.
Ruderelis is noticeable by the trait of the lower branches flower and the upper keep sprouting, the lower ends up more ripe than the upper on harvest due to this trait, I have a old school northern bc strain that finishes before the frost in September up here and it has ruderelis in it, I dislike the ruderelis leaners as they are weak, so I really selected away from that. I think the ruderelis is essential to making these northern strains. I've been rocking this strain since about 95. Last yr I crossed it to a male pbb for some rejuvenation to the old genetics. A bit of testing here.


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