CBD Strains / Medical Mass


Well-Known Member

I recently became aware that the CBD strains actually have quite a bit of THC in them ( I was thinking it's like 1 or 2 %), but apparently it's 10% for some.

This is the one I found has 10%

I hardly ever smoke weed, a gram lasts me half a year. I did smoke a lot when I was younger, and that lasted for about 10 years. Daily smoke.
Now it just makes me sleepy, lazy, think weird stuff, anti-social, and pretty much only way to get back to baseline is to sleep it off.

For me stronger strains / more THC does not equal good time, so this caught my interest. I'm growing white widow now, and I have a bunch of seeds from RQS, such as amnesia haze, critical, northern lights...but I'm curious about the 1:1 cbd:thc ratio, and the ones that have decent thc content (8-10%).

Will it hit different? Are there any noticeable differences because of the thc/cbd ratio?
I know I'm not the only one that has "issues" I mentioned with normal weed (pretty much i become dysfunctional in every department), but how cbd rich weed would compare with it's lower THC and 1:1 ratio to CBD?

Where I live, I cannot buy this to try. I have to grow it myself, and that will take me 4 months in hydro... so would like to know if it's worth the investment.

I’m the same as you I don’t like to get super high either. I’ve grown some 1:1 strains and I enjoyed them quite a bit actually. My wife & most of my friends are stoners and they say they couldn’t feel a thing lmao. The strain was supposedly 8-10% of each. I would definitely say give it a try.
Yes definitely there's a difference, It's all about the number, The higher the number the higher it hits hard. For your weed needs look for grasslife.io
I just picked up a clone of Gush Mints CBD, which is a 1:1 high cannabinoid strain. Pretty excited about this one.


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