Well-Known Member
i keep on telling everyone, bin laden is probably skeet shooting in texas with bush as we speak.
Thanks. I really think we are long overdue.I just got a woody from reading that post
another revolution is exaclty what we need, this Obama fucker has gone too far
actaully, standing up against the government for personal freedom and the persuit of happiness is called a patriotjesus i bet bin laden has a woodie. he wants to destryo america and all you guys want to revolt for him. i call that treason.
im trying to stick in with a smile on my face! look guys this aint about insults. fuck if i want to be spoken to like shit i get that at work. i know i disagree but at least i have a opinion. how many people on this website do you think dont like guns but are to scared to rock the boat? i dont believe for a minute that everybody on this website loves guns. or maybe im just living in hope! lo
Have you beat... 500 yards here baby. open iron sights.I can hit a target at 300 yards with my iron sights, no need for a scope. I have shot targets at 450 yards with my babe in my avatar. It's past 500 were it gets difficult, precision shooting is what i am actually starting up. I know the caliber I want just haven't chosen the gun yet, either a Remington 700 or Springfield m1a scout
Have you beat... 500 yards here baby. open iron sights.
Thanks to the USMC... OOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRaaaaahhhh!
Sucks though.... the comi's of California won't let me shoot what I want to shoot. Serve your country and they take your guns away.