Does anybody feel aprehensive about getting advice from a place called Newbie Central


No offense but newbies or not everyone makes mistakes and everyone learns from them. I am on my first grow, and I have gotten great advice from everyone posting in the newbie section. I have also been able to help people who are just joining, by sharing my mistakes so they wont make the same ones. Nobody here will have the perfect advice, as there will always be differences whether it be soil, temps, nutes, plants, etc. Not one piece of advice will be perfect for you, but the thousands that are offered will help you decide what will be the most helpful for your specific situation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its pretty simple, I just spend hours researching on whatever stage I'm at. I spent three months online before I planted a seed. I don't think I've asked many questions here and if I have, I've exhausted all other options. I think I have asked a few opinions on smells of specific strains if I couldn't find the answer anywhere else, but I agree to come here and ask the most basic of questions without even looking into it is lazy. Some of the questions asked here can be answered in literally seconds with a Google search .All the answers are there, just look, use common sense and learn to read your plants. We are spoiled for information in this age. If all else fails and you are stuck then I'm sure someone will be willing to help you out here.


Well-Known Member
totaly agree, some are just to lazy or have no sense of logic

and one must also ask himself sum times if the advice given to somebody who did`t even read the first pages of any grow guide is worth helping out, I mean I love to help people, specially if you can see it helps em and they appreciate it, but how much help is it if he fail on the very next stages/day

don't understand it, must suck big time not to know for yourself , to spend hours and hours and $ and then don't use just a bit of time to do some research on there own, sure some have problems reading, but there are also a lot of nice youtube videos out there, how hard can it be

take every thing in here with a grain of salt, and once you think you got some solid advice, go and do a bit of research on it (google is a great tool) before you do anything drastic based on some 14 yo kid`s bad advice


Well-Known Member
It's easier for new growers to post here and sit back and wait for the information to come to them. It's lazy too. Much harder to research and read or ask a pro. Most pros have posted pix of their grows here. It's easy enough to find them. It takes balls and incentive to look for your own answers. But it's more rewarding in the end.
Although with the search option being screwed up and many stickies having bad links and broken pics I can no longer rail on the noobs for asking. (big shout out for sunni for taking on the daunting task of fixing the broken things in the stickies.)


Well-Known Member
Although with the search option being screwed up and many stickies having bad links and broken pics I can no longer rail on the noobs for asking. (big shout out for sunni for taking on the daunting task of fixing the broken things in the stickies.)
The search engine was always a waste for me. Even just recently I was looking for something that should have popped right up but led me to PAGES of stuff...too much stuff to go through. So yeah I won't rail either. Even when the post is vague or has no pix. I just take a breath and read it and try to read in between the lines. But I am patient and not everyone is. But patience only gets me through a few posts. After that I need a break. So props to all the other seasoned growers who take the time to help. Between all of us I'm sure we make a difference. Sunni is a sweetheart. She has a thick skin. I couldn't do all that work. I would be like fdd back in the day, slashing and burning and banning and closing


Well-Known Member
I never use the search engine, google works fine and also come up with plenty of RIU pages
Google first, ask questions later! I find it really amusing when people ask dumb questions like, guess my yield. My plant is 3 ft tall, 3 tops, and has been flowering for 7 weeks (but no picture). Then they have people giving stupid answers and they get offended by it...Did u really think u were gonna get a strait answer? :wall:
Google has plenty of info out there and many experienced people on here are more than willing to help, if the questions are worth answering


Well-Known Member
yea and google also work really well after you got your advice, to check out the advice, see if other have done the same aso


Well-Known Member
Google first, ask questions later! I find it really amusing when people ask dumb questions like, guess my yield. My plant is 3 ft tall, 3 tops, and has been flowering for 7 weeks (but no picture). Then they have people giving stupid answers and they get offended by it...Did u really think u were gonna get a strait answer? :wall:
Google has plenty of info out there and many experienced people on here are more than willing to help, if the questions are worth answering

I don't know what is worse, the people who ask those kind of stupid questions, or those who actually think they can answer.

Look at all the "is it done yet" threads. No possible way to look at these crappy pictures on here and have any idea at all if a plant is ready, but there are always pages of people saying "you have 1 week left" "give it a few more days" "looks ready to me"....


Well-Known Member
What about the people who have spent awhile researching. Your best bet is to google then cipher through the bullshit. I may still be a noob but I know alot of the answers to these questions but if I don't know then I wouldn't even try to answer them.