Does anybody feel aprehensive about getting advice from a place called Newbie Central


Well-Known Member
Just because they're newbies, they could have stumbled on some good ideas, equipment, strains, nutes etc., being newbies doesn't always mean newbie to growing, could mean newbie to the forum, at least that's my opinion, could be worth while to give a listen.


Well-Known Member
It is, but considering I just pulled nearly a 1/2 pound from my first indoor grow after learning about indoor growing from Newbie Central, I'd say you're a troll.



Well-Known Member
People who have been growing for years (including me) hang around and help out here. All the experts visit this portion of the site, likely even more than other parts.



Well-Known Member
Its my understanding that its called newbie central because its a place for newbies to ask advice, not for them to give it (but thats not always bad either)


Well-Known Member
I don't really think of it as a bad thing at all. I learn a crazy amount of info here. It's a great section. Look at Prosperian's thread. It's in here. He kills it. I do love some of the questions that get asked. Hell, I ask some weird ones all the time. Everyone can learn a ton. I used to grow with exclusively with synthetic nutes. Now I am moving far into organics. I am total noob in the organic side of growing. Here is my thread to prove it. Look at the name of the thread. It's all good. We are all learning.


Well-Known Member
It is, but considering I just pulled nearly a 1/2 pound from my first indoor grow after learning about indoor growing from Newbie Central, I'd say you're a troll.

As a newbie yourself I won't even consider giving you a responce.


Well-Known Member
It is, but considering I just pulled nearly a 1/2 pound from my first indoor grow after learning about indoor growing from Newbie Central, I'd say you're a troll.

eye lernt two reed and right buy waching seesame street

fanks big berd


Well-Known Member
yeah unless you wanna lurk for a long ass time to figure out whos legit, I wouldn't be too crazy about accepting any advice here, 1 guy in particular bmeat I think he was called posted loads on here like he was some sort of guru, and he sucked, badly. I'm sure there are many more like that.


Well-Known Member
like others have said, this part of the forum is for new growers to come and ask questions from people who for the most part offer sound advice and give their OPINIONS on the new growers issues the newbie worrying about being laughed at or shunned. There are MANY long time growers here who look at these forums and offer their help because they want to see new growers be successful.


Active Member
If anything its a great place to start and get pointers. From there you can do the research and make up your own mind.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think of it as a bad thing at all. I learn a crazy amount of info here. It's a great section. Look at Prosperian's thread. It's in here. He kills it. I do love some of the questions that get asked. Hell, I ask some weird ones all the time. Everyone can learn a ton. I used to grow with exclusively with synthetic nutes. Now I am moving far into organics. I am total noob in the organic side of growing. Here is my thread to prove it. Look at the name of the thread. It's all good. We are all learning.
wtf am I?!?!?!...chopped liver?.....haha...jk


Well-Known Member
I, much too often, see someone with a fresh thread "first grow" and just by their questions see they are entirely clueless, trying to answer questions. 99% of the time you can see they have no clue at all what they are talking about, but doesn't stop them from pretending.


Global Moderator
Staff member
A lot of experienced growers pop in here to help where we can (myself included).
Isn't that what this should be all about ?


Well-Known Member
It's easier for new growers to post here and sit back and wait for the information to come to them. It's lazy too. Much harder to research and read or ask a pro. Most pros have posted pix of their grows here. It's easy enough to find them. It takes balls and incentive to look for your own answers. But it's more rewarding in the end.