Doctor negligence


Well-Known Member
So my Grandmother is 92 years of age, she has more energy than I do which is amazing(I'm 23). But her mind is slowly slipping away and my 89 year old Grandfather is really scared. They went to the doctors and the doctor did a simple test to see if her memory is as bad as we say it is. So he said to her...

I want you to take this piece of paper with your right hand, fold it in half(fold once) and place it on the floor in front of you using your left hand
So she takes it with her left hand and he stops her and says
No, with the right hand
So she takes it with the right hand, folds it twice and puts it on the table with her right hand. Basically the complete opposite of what the Doctor said.

But he said she did fine and sent her on her way...

Well, two months later, at midnight we get a call from my Grandfather saying that she's gone out... So we rush to get our clothes on and as we open the front door, she's stood there. She says my Grandfather beats her and that he locked her in and she escaped. She also claims that they're divorced and have been for 2 weeks, well it turns out that she's just remembering what happened with her old marriage and getting it mixed up with who she's with now.

Now I want to know if I am able to take this to court... Clearly my grandmother is very sick mentally, probably having dementia and needs help.
The worst of it is, it's fucking blatant! She doesn't even know who her husband(my grandfather) is... She keeps asking him when Les(her husband) is coming home, she won't get into bed with him because she thinks she's cheating and she also thinks that a 3rd person lives at their house, even though it's only the two of them.

Can anyone give me some advice or ways to go about dealing with how incompetent the doctor is?


And for those who cba to read all of that above.

Doctor didn't give a shit about a 92 year old womans memory even though it's blatantly obvious and sent her on her way. Am I right to take this further?
it sucks when this happens to people, no doubt about it, but imo, what exactly did you expect the dr to do about it?? prescribe her some asprins twice daily??

seriously though, there's not much one can do about the onset of alzheimers imo..
Unfortunately you're not going to get anywhere with this. The first thing they're going to ask you is what the 2nd opinion was. You didn't get one and that's on you. I would go get the 2nd opinion and proceed with getting her help. You have no ground to stand on trying to go after the 1st doctor.
Can anyone give me some advice or ways to go about dealing with how incompetent the doctor is?......snip....

Yes ignore the doctor. Your grandmother needs immediate help. Take her to a gerontologist or a (board certified) psychiatrist (not psychologist or anything else).

Then AFTER your grandmother is taken care of, definitively, ask the doctor who took care of her *IF* what the other doctor did is malpractice and what you should do. Essentially just get your grandmother cared for, worry about liability later (much later).
it sucks when this happens to people, no doubt about it, but imo, what exactly did you expect the dr to do about it?? prescribe her some asprins twice daily??

seriously though, there's not much one can do about the onset of alzheimers imo..

Hiya! even though there's no pill etc... at the point she's leaving the home, wandering, not oriented to time and place at certain times of the day she may well need hospitalized for her own safety.

But there are some things that can be done to help with the sundowner's type symptomatology but you are right there's really only palliative care for this (assuming that's what it is, it could be something fixable).
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

I have a 92 year old grandfather in law.. and a 90 y.o grandmom in law.. up till about 1 year ago he was at 100% now he is about 70%

There is really not too much you can do for her w.o being in a retirement care facility.

Enjoy the time with her while you can... Most of us will be damn lucky to make it past 75.

The MAJORITY of Dr's are no longer working for their patients... INS co's are their bread and butter now...

contact a local elder support group speak to them see who they recommend for elder care...

hope she gets better as well..
my sisters an rn, she's always telling me this one.. you know what you call the dr who graduated last in his class?? dr... :D

I'll take ANY nurse over ANY Dr any day... never had a Dr really glad to see me.. but the staff and nurses... always smiling..and caring..
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

I have a 92 year old grandfather in law.. and a 90 y.o grandmom in law.. up till about 1 year ago he was at 100% now he is about 70%

There is really not too much you can do for her w.o being in a retirement care facility.

Enjoy the time with her while you can... Most of us will be damn lucky to make it past 75.

The MAJORITY of Dr's are no longer working for their patients... INS co's are their bread and butter now...

contact a local elder support group speak to them see who they recommend for elder care...

hope she gets better as well..

Yes. Thank god for emergency medicine but other than that, doctors nowadays are useless corporate pharmie drones.
what exactly did you want the doc to do?.Call for the orderlies and have her taken to a care home?

No I expect him to be honest, give a fair assessment and not just get through his patients as quickly as he can... I expect a thorough examination, not some half arsed "I have more important patients to attend to" bullshit.

I'm no doctor, so I don't know what else he could do, but a quick 2 minute visit is not what I expected.
Its perhaps hard for him to tell how bad it is..but if he rushed her out and said she was fine..that is pretty bad..if she is blatantly gone ,he should probably be having words with can't sue him though ,it's not malpractice to make an incorrect happens all the time ,a doctor will say he made an honest mistake and that is what the court will belive ,whether its true or not..
So my Grandmother is 92 years of age, she has more energy than I do which is amazing(I'm 23). But her mind is slowly slipping away and my 89 year old Grandfather is really scared. They went to the doctors and the doctor did a simple test to see if her memory is as bad as we say it is. So he said to her...

So she takes it with her left hand and he stops her and says

So she takes it with the right hand, folds it twice and puts it on the table with her right hand. Basically the complete opposite of what the Doctor said.

But he said she did fine and sent her on her way...

Well, two months later, at midnight we get a call from my Grandfather saying that she's gone out... So we rush to get our clothes on and as we open the front door, she's stood there. She says my Grandfather beats her and that he locked her in and she escaped. She also claims that they're divorced and have been for 2 weeks, well it turns out that she's just remembering what happened with her old marriage and getting it mixed up with who she's with now.

Now I want to know if I am able to take this to court... Clearly my grandmother is very sick mentally, probably having dementia and needs help.
The worst of it is, it's fucking blatant! She doesn't even know who her husband(my grandfather) is... She keeps asking him when Les(her husband) is coming home, she won't get into bed with him because she thinks she's cheating and she also thinks that a 3rd person lives at their house, even though it's only the two of them.

Can anyone give me some advice or ways to go about dealing with how incompetent the doctor is?


And for those who cba to read all of that above.

Doctor didn't give a shit about a 92 year old womans memory even though it's blatantly obvious and sent her on her way. Am I right to take this further?

My father in law is 90yrs old he has dementia he lives alone and has a carer twice a day, as his dementia slowly gets worse we have called the doctor out on several occasions, he wanders off and gets lost he has burnt the kettle out in four accasions he can't remember if he's eaten or wether its night or day, so the doctor called social services they came out and assessed him and said he needed to be a home for his own safety. The family sat him down and told him what they had said and he wasn't safe to be left on his own, he went berserk and refused to go anywhere social services and the doctor said they couldn't make him go if he didn't agree to it so what do you do he's an accident waiting to happen, and something will happen one day.
Its perhaps hard for him to tell how bad it is..but if he rushed her out and said she was fine..that is pretty bad..if she is blatantly gone ,he should probably be having words with can't sue him though ,it's not malpractice to make an incorrect happens all the time ,a doctor will say he made an honest mistake and that is what the court will belive ,whether its true or not..

I'm not bothered about a settlement or gaining money from it. I just want my Grandmother to get the help she needs. But to be fair, there is "honest mistake" and then there is neglect... He's clearly not bothered about getting her sorted, as he scheduled another appointment for next year... 2014...
Not being mean or anything since some old people fear this, she either needs to live with you or a good home that can take care of her for her final years.
Also, I've heard that more old people are using Ipad puzzles to help keep their mind sharp, not sure how much proof there is in that but it sounds legit.
i dont understand. You went to a shitty doctor and now you want to sue or something? Just go to another doctor... whats the big deal. Would have taken less time than this thread to just look on the medicare website and find somebody that will still accept obamamedicare patients and go from there. Or go to the ER. Theres 100 nurses there that will help you work through the buillshit and paper work to get her helped.