Doc's Oregon Greenhouse 2015

@AlphaPhase and @Aeroknow this has alot more pics of the greenhouse:)
This thread is great doc!! The videos had me drooling! And the land hunt looks beautiful out there. And damn, you can forge too?! So many talents dude, love it! I love the forged in fire tv show, I just got into watching it and it really makes me want to learn how to make knives now for a hobby, but it looks hard as hell to figure it out :p

B-E-A-UTIFUL grow dude!
Anyone ever use this? I went to get some green cure to kill any spores before they start chunking up and the rain hits. They didnt have it but had this. It is a organizam that fights rot and pm.IMG_20150920_192952.jpg
Dude!!! I could kick the feet up in that every fukin day.
It's amazing how relaxing and therapeutic it is just to be around you plants. Sometimes I'll just be out there staring at them touching them smelling them. And my wife will come out and see me just standing there staring and ask wtf I'm doing lol. I always say I'm just looking for anything out if the ordinary.
It's amazing how relaxing and therapeutic it is just to be around you plants. Sometimes I'll just be out there staring at them touching them smelling them. And my wife will come out and see me just standing there staring and ask wtf I'm doing lol. I always say I'm just looking for anything out if the ordinary.

Hear ya bro. My wife used to ask why I spend so much time with my girlfriends (she calls them), then she just stopped worrying about it as it wont change