do your kids watch you take aspirin?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I don't hide that, and I don't hide medical marijuana. I don't see why I would but I DO see lots of videos and posts about how damaging everyone thinks this medical treatment is for kids to see or partake in. I wonder how those of you with kids treat your usage? I follow the laws but I don't bullshit my kids either; they are 5 and 9 and if I acted like something was up or acted sketchy they would pick up on it in less than a second. I can barely hide xmas gifts once a year, no way I could begin to hide my use of the plant so I don't try. Am I the norm here or the outlier? :leaf:
My kitties watch me puff all the time.

If I had kids, wouldn't want them to model my behavior, until they were old enough to not be as easily influenced, so I'd run rather low-key. I respect parents that treat lil ones as lil adult minds and remain honest and open. the only problem I see w them 'knowing' is that kids don't understand the ramifications of talking about daddy's hand rolled cigs. kids aren't discreet, never will be... it's just a developmental situation. bit of a catch-22 imo, and perhaps I can't really say until I make em baby. lol
Nope, and my Kids are all Adults and never in front of my Grand Daughter either.
Hey, I'm not to Lazy to take it outside when they are around.

Would hate for my 5yo to draw a pic of me or my bong in class.

A place for everything and everything in it's place (in this case, my study).
My kids (ages 25-13) have all seen me "high" they have seen me eat plenty of medibles as well.. I dont smoke near them (cigs-pipes or mj) I had a talk with my 2 youngest (ages 10 and 13 at the time) showed them exactly what pot was explained the benefits.... they had seen me on my pain killers and other rx's and hated that so they didnt really want me adding to the list of crap I was taking.. but I was able to get off all my rx's (after 22 years) with the use of MJ. My family and (mom and dad and other siblings) have all changed their mindset on MJ use.. all my family in WA voted for rec use last election.. mom had even mentioned she may partake in a few edibles once they get the laws set in stone there..
I believe you should be honest with your kids...

to a degree.. a 4 year old is not going to know more then ok dad smokes..... a 7 year old is gonna explain to the teacher how beautiful your pot grow is..

a 10 year will say.. ok dad.. a 17 year old will say pass the bong.. so... a little fear on the older ones.. a little less knowledge to the younguns.. lol
I definitely knew when my pops had smoked and smelled the skunk coming out of
his room at least a few times a week, it did not bother me in the least bit and would
want to be around him. I did find both my parents annoying as shit after a few drinks
though. And that was just with a buzz on, not full blown drunk.

I am with Huel, be as honest as possible and explain flat out what it is, and why you use it.
Also, go into great detail why using as a teen is not smart as well.
to a degree.. a 4 year old is not going to know more then ok dad smokes..... a 7 year old is gonna explain to the teacher how beautiful your pot grow is..

a 10 year will say.. ok dad.. a 17 year old will say pass the bong.. so... a little fear on the older ones.. a little less knowledge to the younguns.. lol

Obviously to a degree, children of different ages have different levels of comprehension and should be talked to accordingly. I also believe you should be respectful in how you medicate, you shouldn't be sitting on the couch with a toddler on your lap while putting the blow torch to your titanium nail and doing dabs...

But more realistically, you should respect children the same the same way cigarette smokers do and not smoke directly in front of them if possible.
I don't burn in front of my kids but I do not hide it either. I've weighed the options of every shade in the spectrum of letting them in on what I do and do not do with regards with MJ. I know little ones can't keep secrets, that's as obvious as anything in the world right there. I wouldn't ask them to lie or keep a secret anyway. my oldest is 8 and has a friend who is 10-the friends dad is a cop and a neighbor. I have a card, I follow the law and see no reason to fear what my kids may say and who they may say it to. I keep going back to this thought: if I hide, kids are smart and will know I hide for a reason. If I just roll with it there will be no interest in it for them. Best case scenario if the kids get chatty to a teacher or their friends policeman dad I can help them understand the benefits and maybe kill some stigma with my knowledge on the subject. worst case scenario is obviously the feds blow open the door and snatch up all my kids and smash my shit etc. I think the latter is a long shot, I'm small potatoes in the grand scheme and in the end I'll be vindicated in court as I do not break the law. its a struggle, only because of fear. fear of what the boogy man or the cops or both will do to me. I can't live in fear. I do not want my kids to grow up under the impression the plant is bad in any way. its not. people are bad, no fucking doubt but not the plant. all negative things regarding MJ comes from the evils of people not the plant. it grows it dies it attempts to reproduce and that's all it does. My dad has firearms, lots of them. all legal registered etc. The boys have seen them. under close supervision they have used them as well. I feel a gun isn't evil, again people are evils a gun is just a gun, same as a door stop until it's loaded and pointed and used. I don't want my kids to think guns are bad. I want them to absolutely respect guns, and know them and how to be safe with them. If I hide the world then they will seek to learn about what I hide without me. THIS is a real and valid fear that they will leave me out of their exploration of the world. a teacher hearing about daddys basement garden is small potatoes to me with regards to what my kids are up against. They came home and told me about the lock-down drill they did. My guts dropped. It was some shit I didn't want them to have to deal with but its got to happen. Any rate, I'm not trying to change anyone's view I was just polling my RIU peeps on what they do. Thanks everyone for replying.
I would bet a buck most of our kids will do the opposite of what we do rather than the same as...
I have 3 girls 16 thru 25 not one of them partakes in recreational herb....they all understand my need for my
prescription though,,,,all of mine prefer alcohol to drugs....
They have all seen /smelled etc. and are very informed ....which is the most important thing....

Mind you, I come from a family of three boys whose father drank heavy,and my brothers and I all prefer drugs to alcohol....
sorta like skipping each generation back and forth
My daughter (who is 8 going on 20) comes home from school and tells me that the teacher was talking about how drugs are bad,especialy pot.The whole thing got started when a kid in her class brought up that his parents smoke pot and that his parents had told him pot was not bad for you but good,needless to say I figured now was as good a time as any to explain what pot is and how it helps and how their are so many other things pot is good for other than smoking.I believe if you are stright with your kids about things and let them know its ok to come to you about anything.Like someone already said kids can pick up on bullshit a mile away and if you lie to them and they know it,it makes them want to dig deeper and not let it go,if they think your telling the truth and dont mind talking about it they usually move on,my kids also know tho that if me or my wife tell them dont bring something up in public keep it in the house and explain why,they will listen.

As for smoking in front of the kids (be it pot,cigirites) I try and avoid it and go outside or in my room or if I know their in there room I might smoke a quick 1 in the living room.Thats just me and I dont think anyways wrong really,everyone has their own family dianamick that works best for them that keeps everything moving along.
I grew up in Detroit just a few homes away from literally (3) liqueur stores with a view of a horse race track and the all the activities one may observe there. Negligent alcoholic parents were common in my neighborhood. I later watched friends lose their lives as teens and way too many families destroyed by alcohol throughout my life. Oddly the only damage to society I've witnessed from marijuana in this lifetime is a direct result of the bigotry and police actions taken by our government. I think we need to concern our children with right and wrong as simply viewed with their own eyes. If whatever you are doing is "wrong", by all means stop for the welfare of your children. But if what you are doing is not "wrong", hiding in shame is merely fueling the bigotry of a clearly unjust prohibition and it's propaganda. Not too long ago this society left to parents teaching the bigotry of segregation ...
My daughter (who is 8 going on 20) comes home from school and tells me that the teacher was talking about how drugs are bad,especialy pot.The whole thing got started when a kid in her class brought up that his parents smoke pot and that his parents had told him pot was not bad for you but good,needless to say I figured now was as good a time as any to explain what pot is and how it helps and how their are so many other things pot is good for other than smoking.I believe if you are stright with your kids about things and let them know its ok to come to you about anything.Like someone already said kids can pick up on bullshit a mile away and if you lie to them and they know it,it makes them want to dig deeper and not let it go,if they think your telling the truth and dont mind talking about it they usually move on,my kids also know tho that if me or my wife tell them dont bring something up in public keep it in the house and explain why,they will listen.

As for smoking in front of the kids (be it pot,cigirites) I try and avoid it and go outside or in my room or if I know their in there room I might smoke a quick 1 in the living room.Thats just me and I dont think anyways wrong really,everyone has their own family dianamick that works best for them that keeps everything moving along.

This touched another of my fears: if I don't give them correct information they will get what you're describing. side note, my 8 year old son was at a sleep over and when he came home he told me that so-and-so's dad also makes medicine. he knew this because his friend was about to tell him why they can't go in the basement to play when the dad politely interrupted and just said "I have some things down there that I need to keep to myself." both boys were nonchalant about it because both of us were that way and answered questions as they came up. I wore my NORML shirt next time I picked my son up-subtle friendly flag to fly-and got a subtle wink and nod back. kids are amazingly perceptive-you just can't bullshit them so I go the opposite way.
This touched another of my fears: if I don't give them correct information they will get what you're describing. side note, my 8 year old son was at a sleep over and when he came home he told me that so-and-so's dad also makes medicine. he knew this because his friend was about to tell him why they can't go in the basement to play when the dad politely interrupted and just said "I have some things down there that I need to keep to myself." both boys were nonchalant about it because both of us were that way and answered questions as they came up. I wore my NORML shirt next time I picked my son up-subtle friendly flag to fly-and got a subtle wink and nod back. kids are amazingly perceptive-you just can't bullshit them so I go the opposite way.
Its sooo crazy how smart and perceptive kids are now a days,When I was there age it was a simplier time no computers,cell phones,you only get a couple cable channels.
I’ve always been a proponent of raising my boy with “age appropriate honesty”.

I don’t smoke mj in from of my boy, Similar to how when I smoked ciggs I didn’t smoke tobacco in from of him. Why some may ask? It is not because I feel and/or believe I am doing anything “wrong” but rather do not want to predisposition my son to anything. I want him to form his own likes and dislikes that are not influenced by seeing his pops blazing tobacco or mj. I am equally as cognizant of the presence of alcohol and how it is being consumed around my boy.

I tell my son the medical reasons why I use cannabis; I’ve showed him studies depicting the healing powers of cannabis. I’ve explained to him that the general public is ill informed about cannabis and that if he should feel so compelled he is now armed with facts to educate people as opposed to fear based mental programming. I’ve explained to him the multiple industrial uses of hemp.

We treat cannabis with respect in our home, just like we would any medicine. It can be extremely helpful for those that need it and not so much help for those that don’t.

I’ve also watched excerpts of cannabis cups with him. I did this to show him the stark difference in how cannabis is treated in our home vs. how it is glorified. We don’t glorify cannabis in our home anymore than we would another substance that improves our lives.

I was very clear to my son that what I do is 100% legal. I did not want him to worry for my safety. I’ve told my son that even though what I do is legal the public is still brainwashed about cannabis and that it is not safe to tell people about it. I told him in a way that a teen ager could understand by telling him that he may like a girl and if her parents find out I medicate they may not let their daughter date him. By that example a 14 year old boy will understand REAL QUICK the injustice of profiling cannabis users. I’ve also told him that if he tells ANYONE a police officer could find out that may not know I am legal; I explained (briefly) the issues that could cause.

I had this conversation with my son recently because I felt it was time. Time that he was about to find out on his own and I always want him to hear things from me FIRST.
This just shows how powerful government propaganda can be:
I know no one will die from smoking pot.
I know the vast majority of kids will not become schizophrenic a year or two earlier than 'normal'.
I started smoking weed when I was 11 years old, and never voluntarily quit for more than a day or two between bags, etc.

But I am not real comfortable discussing kids smoking or eating weed.
I know that like in the case of little Charlotte out in Colorado: pot has saved children's lives and/or made it bearable for those with certain afflictions.
But since 1969 the government and the local cops and other LEO have pumped US full of 'for the children' crap.
And I guess it got to me somewhere along the line.

I suppose what I am saying is that if a Doctor says the kid needs it - I accept that at face value - just as I would phenobarbital or any other drug they wanted to give a kid to treat them.
But I am not comfortable with untrained 'caregivers' making those choices and setting dosing and all.
I want a trained medical eye on a kid before and after the first few doses.
I realize it's probably not real rational thinking; but it is where I am at right now.

As for telling them you use it for medicine: if you do use it as meds at least part of the time you partake - why not?
I'm not too sure I would grow with young kids in the home - too many variables for my comfort level.
I most definitely would not 'caregive' out of a home with children residing - too hard to secure proper and too restrictive for the family.
But that's just me personal - I sure would not want to add any restrictions to the law because of my own thinking on it - the people who wrote this law knew what they were doing and the people who voted for it did as well.

I still maintain that medical users will never be fully free from harrassment and dangers associated with the meds until it is legal for all adults to smoke weed for recreation.
Until them we must weigh each option carefully and match it to our own personal situation.
So I believe it's best to never talk about giving mm to a specific child outside of protected environs because you will piss someone off and they just might try to fry you.
I have no interest in letting my children (4 and 7) see me use cannabis. For this reason, I only smoke after they go to bed, out in my pole barn, upstairs, never in the house.

I made the mistake of letting my then 2 yr old in my grow room while tending to my garden, which is now permanently shut down here, and every once in a while she will be walking around in the downstairs part of the garage, and ask me how the plants are doing. I just look at her like I'm confused and ask her what plants? She then replies by saying the ones that are in the other door, upstairs. Oy. Big mistake, glad its over. I can't believe she remembers that.