Do you think before prohibition people smoked weed all the time?


Well-Known Member
Do you think people smoked weed all the time before the world got all anal about it?

I remember my great gramma grew hemp in their fields before it became illegal, so you know they had to have had some females in there too.

I dont know, what do you guys think?


Active Member
I think if they had access to it they were probably smoking soooo much! think about now how much people smoke back then it must have been ridiculous with absolutely nothing to do all the time..


Well we shall see what happens if Colorado legalizes it this November.... It could become the Amsterdam of the United States and is already leading the way in the business of medical marijuana. Hell there are more dispensary's in Denver then there are Starbuck's in the whole state!


New Member
I don't think so.. Government members thought that if alcohol is legalized then they can generate great revenue out of it. But No members of the government believed that they can generate some effective tax revenue from marijuana. This proves my point.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so.. Government members thought that if alcohol is legalized then they can generate great revenue out of it. But No members of the government believed that they can generate some effective tax revenue from marijuana. This proves my point.
In Canada the government taxes the shit out of alcohol and cigarettes. I do think it is a good thing though, since the extra money is needed to support people later in life for health care.


Well-Known Member
I think if they had access to it they were probably smoking soooo much! think about now how much people smoke back then it must have been ridiculous with absolutely nothing to do all the time..
Especially on a farm, working in fields all day by yourself or with a hand full of people. You would have to be high to do that work all day.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My mother said that during the Depression my grandfather had to take work with the railroad. They used to walk the track and find weed growing nearby. They would dry it, cure it and smoke it like cigarettes (the plant not the buds). I don't know if my grandpa every got high. But I know he smoked it. :D


Active Member
Haha thats pretty cool though!
My mother said that during the Depression my grandfather had to take work with the railroad. They used to walk the track and find weed growing nearby. They would dry it, cure it and smoke it like cigarettes (the plant not the buds). I don't know if my grandpa every got high. But I know he smoked it. :D

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Yes, they did. My mom was a young woman during prohibition if she was alive today she'd be 94.

She told me that when they'd go out to the bars that during the breaks for the band people would go out to the alleys and smoke it out without fear. They went to the alleys because it was considered low-brow for a woman to smoke and especially to smoke in public.

Edit: that was in Canada


Well-Known Member
cannabis was medicine until harry got hold of the handle called "marijuana" and roped it in with drugs such as heroin, cocaine and opium, all in perscription pills i might add !!! cannabis has been used through-out the ages of man - the early'st date recorded 6000bc that i know of :)


Well-Known Member
If you believe that people didn't get stoned back in the day the you probably also think sex just became popular this past 50 years or so.
I'm fairly certain they did. Humans across the globe, in general, use whatever is available to alter themselves into a "better state of mind". Folks will be drinking, sniffin, smokin & eating stuffs to alter their minds til the end of time. Heck, they drank "bathtub gin" during prohibition (eww, I don'wanna drink nuthin outta nobodies, even mine, tub! Nasy nasty nasty!) SO I vote: Yes. ; )


Ursus marijanus
I'm fairly certain they did. Humans across the globe, in general, use whatever is available to alter themselves into a "better state of mind". Folks will be drinking, sniffin, smokin & eating stuffs to alter their minds til the end of time. Heck, they drank "bathtub gin" during prohibition (eww, I don'wanna drink nuthin outta nobodies, even mine, tub! Nasy nasty nasty!) SO I vote: Yes. ; )
Better than Toile'quila! lol cn


Well-Known Member
My mother said that during the Depression my grandfather had to take work with the railroad. They used to walk the track and find weed growing nearby. They would dry it, cure it and smoke it like cigarettes (the plant not the buds). I don't know if my grandpa every got high. But I know he smoked it. :D
Thats a cool story, thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think if they had access to it they were probably smoking soooo much! think about now how much people smoke back then it must have been ridiculous with absolutely nothing to do all the time..
Nothing! Seriously NOTHING! Wow..... My understanding was that our forefathers were a tad bit busier than we are today. Hunting and growing their food. Spinning and weaving their own textiles. No washing machines and no faucets. You hauled water from the well. No cars you got around on horses. Oh yes and you had to grow food for your horses too. Not to mention unlike cars horses require daily care.

For food there was no such thing as supermarkets or many restaurants. Further you baked your own bread and everything was made from scratch. You canned, dried and otherwise preserved your own. Oh yes and you got to make your own soap etc......

While I am sure they were aware of Cannabis as it was part of the legitimate pharmacopeia of the time, and used it I'm certain they didn't spend all their time smoking it as they had a few other items on their agenda.


Active Member
When I was a little kid my siblings, mom and granparents went out to the old homestead in rural nebraska. My mom and her parents kicked the dust down memory lane. Then right before we left my mom popped the trunk of granpas caprice and pulled up this HUGE plant right out of the ground and thew it in roots and all. HAHAHA I was only 10 but I knew what that was because my dad had a whole shed full of those plants.


Well-Known Member
"It was probably the Scythians, a barbaric tribe from the Caucasus, who introduced the plant to Europe. The Greek traveler Herodotus (circa 500 BC) wrote of the Scyth warriors purifying themselves in steam baths filled with smoke from burning hemp seeds:”They make a booth by fixing in the ground three sticks inclined toward one another, and stretching around them woolen pelts which they arrange so as to fit as close as possible: inside the booth a dish is placed upon the ground into which they put a number of red-hot stones and then add some hemp… immediately it smokes and gives out such a vapour that no Greek steam bath can surpass it… the Scyths howl with pleasure at these baths.” Herodotus’ claims were recently born out by archaeological finds of tripods, braziers and hemp seeds in frozen Scythian tombs in central Asia [13]."

Sweet...BC Hotbox.


New Member
In Canada the government taxes the shit out of alcohol and cigarettes.
I feel no doubt government is only concern about generating revenue for themselves by applying heavy taxation alcohol and cigarettes but there could be possibility that people might be using it less as it is becoming expensive day-by-day. So, indirectly government is doing good for the people. lolzzz