Can you say Socialism? Good because thats the worlds short term future
I agree that something needs to change but this isn’t the way to do it. If we want to change the U.S. or the world for that matter then we need to audit the Government. Get the government out of wallstreet not wallstreet out of the government. The Occupy movement is basically Proletarian Revolution & Communist Revolution. This is all a big scam to get the world to change to Socialism or Communism and idk about you but I'd rather have capital form the land I own and the goods that I produce. The world run by the working class sounds swell but will not be in the long run. The problem is not capitalism but Monopoly Capitalism and other forms that I have not yet researched. This movement has been taken control of by the ideas of MARXISM which were developed by Karl Marx in the 1800s (look it up on Wikipedia) The ideas of Marxism state that there will be a world revolution against "capitalism" and replacing it with Stateless Communism and/or Socialism (china, Germany, Russia, Korea, etc.) I'm all set with all of it... Sorry if anyone is Marxist out there but it’s not the way that America is supposed to be run. We have always said that we want freedom; I can assure you after this movement we will have no such thing... Do some research for yourself on Marxism, Ideology, Class struggle, class warfare, Proletarian Revolution, and World revolution.. Wikipedia is a wonderful tool. I know we need to take a stance but we are going about it the wrong way.. The lack of organization has let the already organized Democratic Socialist of America to be heard, as well as other organizations.
OWS=Good Idea, bad outcome