Oh, you TOLD me why MY opinion was wrong, huh? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!

I really have nothing much of substance to offer this discussion I guess. My opinion was given (without insults, I might add) and I stand by it. If that makes me a "follower" or whatever bullshit you are spewing, then so be it. Nobody speaks for me, I do that for myself. YOU were the one who brought up the quote in my signature (which I gave appropriate credit for AND hyperlinked the post which also gives credit for THE POST itself to laserbrn). Believe it or not, I also have an idealistic streak in me which would LOVE to see a society with minimal controls and maximum individual freedoms. Unfortunately HUMAN NATURE makes it necessary for many of those controls which in turn limit our personal freedoms. If money were done away with tomorrow, how would you attach value to things? What about luxury items? Do we just eliminate them since there is no more "wealth" in a monetary sense and everyone is equal? Yes, I agree, in fairytale land, there would be no money and everybody would go skipping merrily, arm in arm, singing Kumbaya or "We are the World" or some such shit. Everyone would have enough and nobody would have too much. It's been tried! It hasn't worked out so well my friend! People are all different, and strive for different things. Some strive for very little if anything. Without money, we would have to return to some form of barter system which would have its own set of problems and obstacles. No system is perfect because humans are not perfect. Corruption will always exist and SOME people will always exploit others. Even in a society where everyone has enough, don't you think there will be someone else who will eventually become unhappy with what they have? What then?
Oh, you TOLD me why MY opinion was wrong, huh? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!
I have already argued as to why your opinion is wrong. Where do you get those other words from? i didn't say that.
YOU were the one who brought up the quote in my signature (which I gave appropriate credit for AND hyperlinked the post which also gives credit for THE POST itself to laserbrn).
I haven't said otherwise. I know i brought it up. Just warning you that it makes you either look stupid or gay for laserbrn. Just because nobody else is saying it, they're thinking it. I'm doing you a favour, these other arseholes just stand by and let you continue. You should thank me.
Unfortunately HUMAN NATURE makes it necessary for many of those controls which in turn limit our personal freedoms.
Human Nature is programmable, the brain is simply a computer. You think a thief or rapist is born that way? it has been shown that human's learn their nature from the environment they are presented with. rear a human baby with animals and the child will grow to behave like an animal. it wouldn't know how to steal, or have any notion of material value. We learn all of what we believe we do naturally from our environment. we choose what music we like, we choose what personality to have based on the options our environment presents to us. We make a series of choices that are determined upon our environment. A human baby will quite happily eat human excrement, the baby does not know yet how disgusting it is, adults teach the child to dislike the smell. The child is programmed. even as the child ages and learns to step outside the programming of the schools and parents, then there is the programming from the TV, news programs, music.
The system we have now creates violence, it creates theft, creates poverty, creates criminals by design. For there to be a top, there has to be a bottom. the less the top give to the bottom, the less the bottom have to fight over and blame each other for.
Getting rid of money and status does not mean that we won't have limits on what we can do. We will still need to follow natural laws.
If money were done away with tomorrow, how would you attach value to things? What about luxury items? Do we just eliminate them since there is no more "wealth" in a monetary sense and everyone is equal?
things wouldn't have a value, that's the point in getting rid of the monetary system.
Everyone would have enough and nobody would have too much. It's been tried! It hasn't worked out so well my friend!
You could have too much if you wanted to, there just wouldn't be any point. When has this been tried?
Without money, we would have to return to some form of barter system
No need to barter. In a computerised world, machines would pack and do everything. you want food you go to a supermarket and pick it up for free. want a new TV? go to the store and grab one, whatever size you feel you need. want 5 TV's? go grab them. maybe you could sell one? oh... wait. people don't need to buy them, or barter for them. no monetary system means NO MONETARY SYSTEM. bartering is just another form of monetary system, it applies value to objects.
Corruption will always exist and SOME people will always exploit others.
corruption can only exist when there is money and status. if there isn't anything to gain, corruption is nulled by default.
Even in a society where everyone has enough, don't you think there will be someone else who will eventually become unhappy with what they have? What then?
if you have enough and can have whatever you want how could you be unhappy with what you have? People usually get unhappy with what they don't have... and in a world where you can have whatever you want being unhappy with what you don't have is impossible.