• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

  • Total voters

Brick Top

New Member
Not such a fantasy as you suggest when there are people rioting and protesting in the streets world wide.
Reading comprehension skills are so very, very important.

I said: "here on Fantasy Island," not out in 'the real world. Plus, while there are some doing what you mentioned, they would of course fall into the whopping 37% that support Occupy Wall Street, they would not increase the percentage, they are part of that small minority group.

Faux news seems much more disconnected to me. imo
I wouldn't know, I do not watch much mainstream media news broadcasts.

And the poll was conducted by The Associated Press and GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. What do they have to do with what you call "Faux News?"


Active Member
Right, but you seem to believe that RIU (aka Fantasy Island) is disconnected from the "real" world.
My point is that it is remarkably more connected than you would like to admit.

Dont suggest I'm not reading. That makes your argument sounds like more of a personal attack and not a discussion.

Ive said my piece.

Rant on BT.


Active Member
And were back to divide and conquer. You see how easily we are controled? We all know the real issue but refuse to acknowledge it. Instead we fight about debt levels and tax rates and bailouts and civil liberties and solyndra and worthless bullshit. We are doomed and its our own fault. We would rather argue with each other than unite and conquer.

I swear, when were standing naked, ass to crotch in the gas chamber, we'll still be arguing with "ass hole conservatives" and "bleeding heart liberal pussies" as the room fills with fog.


Well-Known Member
And were back to divide and conquer. You see how easily we are controled? We all know the real issue but refuse to acknowledge it. Instead we fight about debt levels and tax rates and bailouts and civil liberties and solyndra and worthless bullshit. We are doomed and its our own fault. We would rather argue with each other than unite and conquer.

I swear, when were standing naked, ass to crotch in the gas chamber, we'll still be arguing with "ass hole conservatives" and "bleeding heart liberal pussies" as the room fills with fog.
The anonymity of the net combined with the argumentative nature of many who frequent this particular section, exacerbates the friction between people of differing viewpoints. Combine that with some very intelligent debates, and you have great opportunity to learn. The OWS movement is all people from all walks of life who have had enough of the moneyed interests getting away with the slow dismantlement of our economy, our government and our lives. The list of wrongs is so long that it is difficult to have a comprehensive vision, but a singular purpose of solidarity and rebellion against those 1% is not because they have the most, it is because of HOW they got there in the first place. They used the rest of us to get where they are. We are pissed about that.

Brick Top

New Member
Right, but you seem to believe that RIU (aka Fantasy Island) is disconnected from the "real" world.

I said that like college campuses RIU is a bastion of liberalism and the poll results reflect that when compared to the AP/GFK poll results. RIU and college campuses are small worlds within a much larger world and the much larger world is very different.

Now go on and rant some more about how that is not true.

Brick Top

New Member
And were back to divide and conquer. You see how easily we are controled? We all know the real issue but refuse to acknowledge it. Instead we fight about debt levels and tax rates and bailouts and civil liberties and solyndra and worthless bullshit. We are doomed and its our own fault. We would rather argue with each other than unite and conquer.

I swear, when were standing naked, ass to crotch in the gas chamber, we'll still be arguing with "ass hole conservatives" and "bleeding heart liberal pussies" as the room fills with fog.
Does that make the term drama queen come to anyone else's mind but mine? Gas chambers? Get a grip dude!

You seem to have a problem with anyone mentioning specific issues related to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Why? Without analyzing the individual goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement there is no way to judge if it is something to be supported and joined or not. A movement is not joined because someone takes to the streets and shouts inane inflammatory comments and stirs up people's emotions. You do not support a join a movement just because it rants about problems. A movement has to have viable answers to the things they claim are problems.

Taxation was mentioned, and even though it was a valid point it was pretty much just shrugged off by the Occupy Wall Street supporters here.

Try this one. If you watch the video posted the ranting clown bitches about fiat money, how the U.S. dropped the gold standard and how since then there was nothing of actual value backing the U.S. dollar. OK, that does suck, but what is Occupy Wall Street's solution for what it object to and is protesting against? Is it go back on the gold standard? If so, does Occupy Wall Street realize just how much it would cost to purchase enough gold to back all the dollars in circulation? Where would the funds come from to buy the gold? Raping the rich would never begin to pay for what would be needed, and that is who Occupy Wall Street believes should pay the nations bills.

The clown in the video ranted about how wrong it is to just print more and more money, so you know Occupy Wall Street will not say cut down a few forests and print enough money to buy gold, and in doing so drastically devalue the current dollar and cause the price of gold to skyrocket increasing the need for even more money to be printed to pay for the needed amount of gold.

Occupy Wall Street does not offer answers or solutions. All the members do is bitch, piss and moan and scream for change, but they do not offer viable solutions for what they want changed. They complain about things that are a problem, but more than just a couple of them are problems without viable solutions. So why should the Occupy Wall Street people bitch about problems current politicians can't solve since the Occupy Wall Street people lack solutions to demand be enacted and wouldn't be able to solve the problems either?

They say politicians need to change and that the system needs to change, but the change they demand is an abstract concept. They have an image in their minds of a better system, of better governing, but it is without true shape or form. It is a concept without direct relations to anything real or tangible.


Active Member
The anonymity of the net combined with the argumentative nature of many who frequent this particular section, exacerbates the friction between people of differing viewpoints. Combine that with some very intelligent debates, and you have great opportunity to learn. The OWS movement is all people from all walks of life who have had enough of the moneyed interests getting away with the slow dismantlement of our economy, our government and our lives. The list of wrongs is so long that it is difficult to have a comprehensive vision, but a singular purpose of solidarity and rebellion against those 1% is not because they have the most, it is because of HOW they got there in the first place. They used the rest of us to get where they are. We are pissed about that.

Preachin to the choir dude. (deJaVu?)


Active Member
Does that make the term drama queen come to anyone else's mind but mine? Gas chambers? Get a grip dude!

You seem to have a problem with anyone mentioning specific issues related to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Why? Without analyzing the individual goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement there is no way to judge if it is something to be supported and joined or not. A movement is not joined because someone takes to the streets and shouts inane inflammatory comments and stirs up people's emotions. You do not support a join a movement just because it rants about problems. A movement has to have viable answers to the things they claim are problems.

Taxation was mentioned, and even though it was a valid point it was pretty much just shrugged off by the Occupy Wall Street supporters here.

Try this one. If you watch the video posted the ranting clown bitches about fiat money, how the U.S. dropped the gold standard and how since then there was nothing of actual value backing the U.S. dollar. OK, that does suck, but what is Occupy Wall Street's solution for what it object to and is protesting against? Is it go back on the gold standard? If so, does Occupy Wall Street realize just how much it would cost to purchase enough gold to back all the dollars in circulation? Where would the funds come from to buy the gold? Raping the rich would never begin to pay for what would be needed, and that is who Occupy Wall Street believes should pay the nations bills.

The clown in the video ranted about how wrong it is to just print more and more money, so you know Occupy Wall Street will not say cut down a few forests and print enough money to buy gold, and in doing so drastically devalue the current dollar and cause the price of gold to skyrocket increasing the need for even more money to be printed to pay for the needed amount of gold.

Occupy Wall Street does not offer answers or solutions. All the members do is bitch, piss and moan and scream for change, but they do not offer viable solutions for what they want changed. They complain about things that are a problem, but more than just a couple of them are problems without viable solutions. So why should the Occupy Wall Street people bitch about problems current politicians can't solve since the Occupy Wall Street people lack solutions to demand be enacted and wouldn't be able to solve the problems either?

They say politicians need to change and that the system needs to change, but the change they demand is an abstract concept. They have an image in their minds of a better system, of better governing, but it is without true shape or form. It is a concept without direct relations to anything real or tangible.
Your abseloutly right, the question is tear it down now or tear it down later? Either way it sucks, but this is the reality of our situation. The longer we wait the harder it will be. The longer we wait the more blood will be spilt.

Do wprint more money, inflate the currency, rape a little more of the lower and middle class just to kick the can down the road a few more years? Just to postpone the inevitable a little longer?

I dont think people are grasping the gravity of the situation here.... We've been duped, trapped in a scam that has been sprung by the same individuals for centuries. We are their surfs and they will decide what to do. They are fucking obbsessed with over-population. From Rockefeller to Rothschild all you hear is about the need to de-populate, re-populate, controled populate etc etc.

Follow the money. Educate yourself on the history of the world monetary system and the attorcities that brought us to where we are today. This trap has been sprung befor, on other un-suspecting populations of un-informed, apathetic societies. Remeber; Revolution - Apathy - Enslavement is the 3 step cycle of the vast majority of civilizations throughout history.

We are deeply entrenched in Apathy and many would say we have already transitioned to enslavment.


Well-Known Member
taxation was mentioned but you've still failed to refute my main point from before. If the top 1% combines for a NET WORTH of 34.7% OF ALL WEALTH IN THE US and they pay 38% of ALL FEDERAL TAXES how is that unfair?

You simply stated that my figures were grossly inaccurate and then repeated your original point that the wealthy already pay most of the taxes... WELLL DUH DUMBASS of course they do, THEY OWN ALL THE WEALTH... funny how that math works out. So I repeat, what is unfair about 1% paying 38% of all federal taxes when they own nearly 35% of all the wealth? Sounds fair to me.


Active Member
These people have it all wrong. It is disgusting knowing there are humans out there this clueless. They are obviously not all clueless, but the overwhelming majority is.

I'm personally glad these idiot democrats are supporting them! Shows how ridiculous they are too.


Active Member
Gas chambers? Get a grip dude!

It was a figure of speech. Its more likely to be a revised version of the swine flu, which they will also magically have a vaccine for immediatley, except it will cost millions a dose and the supply will be very limited.


Active Member
You did ask; "Do you support the "Occupy" protests?" Didn't you? Did you only want yes or no answers or did you want to know why someone supports or does not support the Occupy Wall Street clown shoes? Their inane beliefs on taxation is largely why I do not, and will not, support them. I explained why they are clueless. Someone attempted to refute facts, so I pointed out that the facts remain facts regardless of all the leftist propaganda, and that is mainly why I cannot support the Occupy Wall Street buffoons.
Arguing with socialist liberals is hard. They deal in fabrication and stupidity. Fabrication and stupidity is an endless supply of material. Facts are limited, therefore less material!


Active Member
taxation was mentioned but you've still failed to refute my main point from before. If the top 1% combines for a NET WORTH of 34.7% OF ALL WEALTH IN THE US and they pay 38% of ALL FEDERAL TAXES how is that unfair?

You simply stated that my figures were grossly inaccurate and then repeated your original point that the wealthy already pay most of the taxes... WELLL DUH DUMBASS of course they do, THEY OWN ALL THE WEALTH... funny how that math works out. So I repeat, what is unfair about 1% paying 38% of all federal taxes when they own nearly 35% of all the wealth? Sounds fair to me.
Whats unfair is that while we argue about taxes a half dozen families take all your taxes for themselves and steals the country behind your back. Raise the tax rate to 100%, the debt will still go up because it is mathematically impossible to pay a debt to a person that you have to borrow from - at interest- to pay the debt to that person. Its called; a trap, a scam, being duped, conned, FUCKED.


Active Member
Arguing with socialist liberals is hard. They deal in fabrication and stupidity. Fabrication and stupidity is an endless supply of material. Facts are limited, therefore less material!
You have been assimilated. Welcome to the Borg.

Ron Paul 2012


Active Member
RIU and college campuses are small worlds within a much larger world and the much larger world is very different.
Like I said, I DISAGREE!

Simply, RIU's poll represents more of a majority of people than you would like to admit.

Once again, that's why they are protesting and rioting in the streets around the world.

RUI shows a majority of people are supporting, perhaps not actively engaged, but supporting never the less.

Time will tell, while you sit on the sidelines, folks will continue to display their displeasure with the overall structure of modern society.

Blah blah blah.... I'm bored


Well-Known Member
Whats unfair is that while we argue about taxes a half dozen families take all your taxes for themselves and steals the country behind your back. Raise the tax rate to 100%, the debt will still go up because it is mathematically impossible to pay a debt to a person that you have to borrow from - at interest- to pay the debt to that person. Its called; a trap, a scam, being duped, conned, FUCKED.
That doesn't make any sense, why would anyone raise the tax rate to 100%? what a serious answer :roll:

It's not just about closing the deficit, to me it's really become about a gaping whole in the progressive tax system that allows 25% of millionaires to pay less in taxes as a percentage of income than the median rate for those making between 40-50k a year... Does that sound fair to you? someone making 40-50k per year gets to pay ~13% effective federal tax and joe blow millionaire chilling in his huge house pays LESS than you as a percentage of income. Fair? I'll go even further, 10% of all millionaires (we're talking billionaires mostly at this point) pay 4.2% effective federal tax or less... Fair?


Active Member
Arguing with socialist liberals is hard. They deal in fabrication and stupidity. Fabrication and stupidity is an endless supply of material. Facts are limited, therefore less material!
These people have it all wrong. It is disgusting knowing there are humans out there this clueless. They are obviously not all clueless, but the overwhelming majority is.

I'm personally glad these idiot democrats are supporting them! Shows how ridiculous they are too.
Ahhhttt..... sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh it's gonna be ok.

Don't care. I have dismissed everything you've said thus far as completely ridiculous.

Your photo is exactly how I picture you! It's perfect!


Active Member
I would try to personally attack a person I've never met, seen, etc, etc on the internet if I was you guys too. You don't have any other grounds for your support for people trying to destroy our country.

Being tough on the internet is sweet, but it really hurts feelings guys :(


Active Member
I would try to personally attack a person I've never met, seen, etc, etc on the internet if I was you guys too. You don't have any other grounds for your support for people trying to destroy our country.

Being tough on the internet is sweet, but it really hurts feelings guys :(
Read it...

Dismissed it