Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

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There are a few things to consider before we totally accept homosexuals. First, I am personally disgusted by the sight of males kissing, and I think it is normal for me to feel that disgust. Feel free to chime in if you like.

I wouldn't use the word "disgusting," but I admit that it is offputting to watch straight people kissing, in most circumstances. In all fairness, I found women to be very boring kissers, so maybe that's what my reaction is based on.

Considering that we don't know if homosexuality is a good part of nature or not (their gay parades are definitely not appreciated, not by me) what will happen to the children if suddenly all the homosexuals begin performing PDA's? (public displays of affection - kissing in public)

Do polygamist Mormons represent straight people? Of course not. Most gay people don't go to gay parades. We didn't assemble in congress and decree that there should be parades, just as straight people didn't assemble in congress to embrace their flamboyants.
It is not a matter of why, it is the matter of fact that this is how I feel. I would be disgusted if a man kissed me, therefore naturally seeing two men kiss is disgusting. It makes sense doesn't it?

You may as well be asking why it is that a straight man would be disgusted if a gay man kissed him. As i said, its about feelings, therefore it is elementary talk, with an elementary grade answer.
Though there is more to it, which I have written about below.

So you're ok with the double standard? well Why should I consider you if you do not consider me? Another elementary discussion.

Because I try to be opened minded, and what gay people do is disgusting according to me and mostly everyone else, but I am expected to accept them by people like you, yet their actions are something which in this case I would rather be ignorant of, which goes against my natural will to be open minded. Funny how so many gays love to jump to that conclusion, that people don't like them because they stir up some sort of "SUPER SECRET GAY THING" inside of straight men. It's quite rude tbh.
Gays should practice fitting in by not being so rude if they want acceptance. Don't just be a fag and expect everyone to accept you when you're going to go around pissing people off. We cant have "give give" relationships with gays being the receivers. Relationships work when its a give and take situation.

Are you your self gay, Uncle? Do you even know if gays have any issue when they see straight couples kissing? I sorta doubt that this is the case!
Why should anyone feel awkward about a perfectly natural and beautiful process, unless there is something wrong with them? (or unless they're little children who are undeveloped... Interesting thought!! Perhaps some people don't develop full and they fulfil their need for sex by getting it from the most familiar source? Other people of the same sex. ?? whats ur opinion? let me guess, INSULT!)

As for my feelings in regards to gay people kissing, I am certain that It puts me off because I believe it is wrong. My biology is wired in such a way that I am simply attracted to females (the opposite sex). That's nature, Duh.
so then if i was to see two young boys kissing, then the way I would feel about that would reflect directly upon what I would say I think about that situation, And I think that situation is wrong because that is the way I feel about it, and in this case, nature is responsible for the way that I and so many others feel.
I am tolerant of gay people and I treat them fairly, but I do not think it is a good thing that they are gay. I think there's something wrong with them.

Wtf!? who the * told you that? Look, she wasn't a dog, she was just incredibly drunk and acting like a complete slut. Perfect opportunity, right? No need to dare me twice!

Someone was talking about you before and they said that your account was hacked.. i was just asking!


that only took me one post to coax the bigot out of you.

Heterocentric attitude? I said I was tolerant of gays. Isn't that enough?
I mean.. come on man, can't gay people be understanding of me for once? Can't they understand that it is normal straight people to feel awkward and confused about gay people?
I mean, if they can't understand that then its sort of a case of the pot calling the kettle black when they expect to be accepted for who they are, whilst them selves not being accepting of straight peoples natural and normal feelings and doubts.

I don't think it's normal for straight people to feel awkward and confused about gay people or to have "doubts." I agree that there may be some evolutionary aspect; perhaps it is biologically unnerving to encounter difference, and perhaps that would be the source of confusion and suspicion. For example, I had a friend who grew up in an area that was almost entirely black; he spent maybe 14 years of his life in that kind of environment, and then suddenly moved into an environment that was almost entirely white. He told me that seeing white people everywhere and no black people was absolutely terrifying--it was uncomfortable and unnerving and took time to adjust to. This seems perfectly understandable to me, just because he didn't understand their culture, their language, their habits; but eventually his fear subsided. Any awkwardness, confusion, or doubt was an initial and merely temporary reaction.

When people learn that other people are just people--with the same emotions, the same hopes, the same dreams, the same desires for acceptance by other people--all our differences melt away, and no uncomfortable feelings should be left slogging through our hearts.

Why should we accept your fear when you have nothing to be afraid of?
I don't think it's normal for straight people to feel awkward and confused about gay people or to have "doubts." I agree that there may be some evolutionary aspect; perhaps it is biologically unnerving to encounter difference, and perhaps that would be the source of confusion and suspicion. For example, I had a friend who grew up in an area that was almost entirely black; he spent maybe 14 years of his life in that kind of environment, and then suddenly moved into an environment that was almost entirely white. He told me that seeing white people everywhere and no black people was absolutely terrifying--it was uncomfortable and unnerving and took time to adjust to. This seems perfectly understandable to me, just because he didn't understand their culture, their language, their habits; but eventually his fear subsided. Any awkwardness, confusion, or doubt was an initial and merely temporary reaction.

When people learn that other people are just people--with the same emotions, the same hopes, the same dreams, the same desires for acceptance by other people--all our differences melt away, and no uncomfortable feelings should be left slogging through our hearts.

Why should we accept your fear when you have nothing to be afraid of?

you're absolutely right, I am sure there is nothing to be af... oh wait wait no no.

what about the kids?! man? what about the kids?
There is still the question of "is being gay really natural"?

I know what this must sound like to some people.. It sounds like I'm some sorta backward intolerant guy, But im not....

I'm just legitimately curious about the biological process that must happen to a person when they become gay, and I question the nature of that biological process. If we can find out whether or not the nature of that process is absolutely normal, then that would be a massive breakthrough. I'm pretty sure though that, (considering how many gay ppl there are) Its all good... but just as you said so well with the black kid and the white people, its just weird!! lol


that only took me one post to coax the bigot out of you.


You called me a dumbass and a bigot. you're wrong in both cases. It only took me one reply after your false claims of my character to tell you that you're wrong.

Anyway, Bigot is way too much of a harsh word. It doesn't suit me.

Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions

see? there's the definition! That doesn't suit me at all silly.


Dumbass defined:
dunce: a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence

Ill have you know i'm quite intelligent, so for you to so strongly disagree with the things I have said and insult me for it, simply because you took insult to my legitimate thoughts and feelings, suggests to me that you are not so perfect your self.

I bet you feel proud of your self too. another one hits the dust, yeh? did you get some satisfaction from "coaxing the real me" out into public, did ya? head hunter, are ya? what now, you gona hire a lynch mob armed with dildo`s?
There is still the question of "is being gay really natural"?

it occurs in nature all the time.

I know what this must sound like to some people.. It sounds like I'm some sorta backward intolerant guy, But im not....

I'm just legitimately curious about the biological process that must happen to a person when they become gay, and I question the nature of that biological process.

what part of that includes calling them fags, disgusting, and saying something is wrong with them?

Ill have you know i'm quite intelligent

you can keep trying to convince yourself of that all day, but you won't convince anyone else.

what now, you gona hire a lynch mob armed with dildo`s?

why is there an apostrophe in dildos?
you're absolutely right, I am sure there is nothing to be af... oh wait wait no no.

what about the kids?! man? what about the kids?
There is still the question of "is being gay really natural"?

I know what this must sound like to some people.. It sounds like I'm some sorta backward intolerant guy, But im not....

I'm just legitimately curious about the biological process that must happen to a person when they become gay, and I question the nature of that biological process. If we can find out whether or not the nature of that process is absolutely normal, then that would be a massive breakthrough. I'm pretty sure though that, (considering how many gay ppl there are) Its all good... but just as you said so well with the black kid and the white people, its just weird!! lol

You need only look at the animal kingdom to see that homosexual behavior is really natural. More than 1,000 species. Why does the precise mechanism matter? It happens. It's just a variation amidst myriad other variations.
I was reading this article after I posted that, and I just have to because I so badly want it to be true:

"An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are of homosexual males. They steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks."

Edit: And as long as we're on this theme...

"The Amazon River dolphin or boto has been reported to form up in bands of 3–5 individuals enjoying group sex. The groups usually comprise young males and sometimes one or two females. Sex is often performed in non-reproductive ways, using snout, flippers and genital rubbing, without regard to gender.[SUP][58][/SUP] In captivity, they have been observed to sometimes perform homosexual and heterosexual penetration of the blowhole, a hole homologous with the nostril of other mammals, making this the only known example of nasal sex in the animal kingdom.[SUP][58][/SUP][SUP][59][/SUP] The males will sometimes also perform sex with males from the tucuxi species, a type of small porpoise.[SUP][58]" [/SUP]
I was reading this article after I posted that, and I just have to because I so badly want it to be true:

"An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are of homosexual males. They steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks."

Edit: And as long as we're on this theme...

"The Amazon River dolphin or boto has been reported to form up in bands of 3–5 individuals enjoying group sex. The groups usually comprise young males and sometimes one or two females. Sex is often performed in non-reproductive ways, using snout, flippers and genital rubbing, without regard to gender.[SUP][58][/SUP] In captivity, they have been observed to sometimes perform homosexual and heterosexual penetration of the blowhole, a hole homologous with the nostril of other mammals, making this the only known example of nasal sex in the animal kingdom.[SUP][58][/SUP][SUP][59][/SUP] The males will sometimes also perform sex with males from the tucuxi species, a type of small porpoise.[SUP][58]" [/SUP]

that was awesome. i gotta spread the rep first :eyesmoke:
It occurs in nature but is statistically rare.

Going on the number 1000, well there is about 1.36 million animal species...

So that's .07% of the animal species.

That does not make it unnatural. Rare does not equal unnatural.

Edit: Disclaimer - the numbers vary in regards to total animal species. We haven't discovered everything yet.
It occurs in nature but is statistically rare.

Going on the number 1000, well there is about 1.36 million animal species...

So that's .07% of the animal species.

That does not make it unnatural. Rare does not equal unnatural.

Edit: Disclaimer - the numbers vary in regards to total animal species. We haven't discovered everything yet.

I think you're counting everything. Subtract 400,000 to get the animal species. Of whatever number remains, how many have been closely studied by human beings? I can't find an answer, but I'm convinced it must not be very many. I think the animal sex article said 1,500 species had been observed engaging in homosexual behavior, with only 500 of those species thoroughly studied. This implies we just don't know about all the gay animal sex going on because we haven't studied it very well. If your statistic is based on very little observation, it cannot possibly be meaningful.

In some species, homosexual behavior is incredibly common. Of course, I think it makes less sense to compare what's natural for an ant, fish, or swan to what's natural for a hominid. All hominid species, including humans, engage in homosexual behavior. How can that not be compelling evidence that it's natural?
You need only look at the animal kingdom to see that homosexual behavior is really natural. More than 1,000 species. Why does the precise mechanism matter? It happens. It's just a variation amidst myriad other variations.

Isn't it something animals do when they don't have appropriate access to the other sex?

you can keep trying to convince yourself of that all day, but you won't convince anyone else.

So you assume everyone else is no smarter than you? okay then.
Isn't it something animals do when they don't have appropriate access to the other sex?

You might be confusing that for something else entirely... honest question, does the following turn you on?


It's okay if it does, nothing wrong with that, did you catch the mardi gras when you were here in AUS?
Look guys, Echelon1k1 has opened his arms and welcomed me into his circle of friends.

So which is it eche? I have been to Australia or I haven't?

Perhaps amongst the other things which you're suffering from, you're also suffering from this?

Complex of Indecisiveness
‘The Complex of Indecisiveness’ might develop in childhood as well as in the adult age due to the impediment, stress or chock that occurred during the decision-making process. That is to say, at the time of taking the important resolution, the flux of the reflections of the person was disturbed and he/she lost the confidence, which, therefore, led to the failure to complete the certain task in his/her life.
The complex shows the following syndromes:

  • The apparent disorientation in life;
  • The lack of confidence;
  • The inability to take serious decisions independently;
  • The high dependence on the opinion of others;
  • The tendency to change one`s mind at the last moment.
‘The Complex of Indecisiveness’ might be the cause of the major troubles in a life, such as an ability to speak in public, sound out one`s own opinion on the subject, defend one`s own position. The complex shall be fought up with definitely with the psychological practices that boost up one`s proper confidence.

I'm not saying that I see all of these traits in you, obviously I do not know you very well at all (other than that you are so blinded by patriotism and you feel so indebted to your country that you dribble incoherence in front of anyone who challenges your country in order to build a terribly and UGLY wall of defence / offence. YOU SHALL NOT PASS MY WALL OF UGLINESS!! GO BLESS AUSTRALIA! AUSTRALIA IS THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WOOORLD MAYT.)

Anyway, perhaps you should consider considering to consider that you are not a perfect person? You are not one of gods chosen angels who have been sent to the PARADISE that is the land down under.
I think you're counting everything. Subtract 400,000 to get the animal species. Of whatever number remains, how many have been closely studied by human beings? I can't find an answer, but I'm convinced it must not be very many. I think the animal sex article said 1,500 species had been observed engaging in homosexual behavior, with only 500 of those species thoroughly studied. This implies we just don't know about all the gay animal sex going on because we haven't studied it very well. If your statistic is based on very little observation, it cannot possibly be meaningful.

In some species, homosexual behavior is incredibly common. Of course, I think it makes less sense to compare what's natural for an ant, fish, or swan to what's natural for a hominid. All hominid species, including humans, engage in homosexual behavior. How can that not be compelling evidence that it's natural?

I think that the path leading us to the truth is very obvious.

Now, This will probably offend some people because that's just the nature of the world. Smart people see certain things as obvious, and as soon as they say these things to the public, these things become clear to everyone else as well, and everyone else suddenly reacts and thinks "oh that was so obvious!" But of course not everyone else managed to think of these certain ideas which appear to be obvious, them selves.
However if what is being suggested does not suit everyone else's opinions, views, or w/e, and especially if it makes certain people unhappy for whatever reason, then, the feeling of the idea being obvious mixed with the fact that it does not suit certain people will arouse the feeling of insult to those people whom do not feel it suits them.
Now if you were somebody else who was not in the position where the suggested OBVIOUS idea does not suit, then you would be far more likely to actually consider the idea, because you wont take insult and instantly deny the idea and block it from further consideration. You will just stand your ground at the point where you took insult and build a wall, Just like Echelon did so aggressively when I told him his country is a fucked up place. Anyway.

So, what's obvious?

It's obvious that all or most beings on earth have a sex drive. If we did not have a sex drive then lots of species might never bother doing the crazy things that they OFTEN do in order to try to have sex! and then that means that maybe lots of species would have never existed!
So, before we get to the topic of having sex with the same sex or the opposite sex, I think its worth identifying the fact that probably every living thing, no matter if they actually want to or not, has a drive inside of them causing them to seek sex!

Now, people aren't born with manuals. They just follow their heart, their instincts, their gut, their greed, their pelvis, the flock, whatever!
Since we're not born with manuals, we don't go walking around reading a manual that says "If you're a boy, have sex with girls, and vice versa".

Many people are attracted to the opposite sex because that is how things work. But everyone knows that there is much more to attraction than simple sex drive biology. Some girls are attracted to rich men. Some birds are attracted to shiny objects.
Some people like big buts. others like little buts, some people such as my self, are attracted to all sorts of feminine body figures, but seek an attractive person on the inside as well as on the outside.

There is a whole lot more on the topic, but yeh, I have shit to do.
I think you're counting everything. Subtract 400,000 to get the animal species. Of whatever number remains, how many have been closely studied by human beings? I can't find an answer, but I'm convinced it must not be very many. I think the animal sex article said 1,500 species had been observed engaging in homosexual behavior, with only 500 of those species thoroughly studied. This implies we just don't know about all the gay animal sex going on because we haven't studied it very well. If your statistic is based on very little observation, it cannot possibly be meaningful.

In some species, homosexual behavior is incredibly common. Of course, I think it makes less sense to compare what's natural for an ant, fish, or swan to what's natural for a hominid. All hominid species, including humans, engage in homosexual behavior. How can that not be compelling evidence that it's natural?

Nope. I just counted animals.

If I WERE to include everything, well that would be about 8 million.

Edit: I did include vertebrates and invertebrates. They are animals too.
Look guys, Echelon1k1 has opened his arms and welcomed me into his circle of friends.

So which is it eche? I have been to Australia or I haven't?

Perhaps amongst the other things which you're suffering from, you're also suffering from this?

I'm not saying that I see all of these traits in you, obviously I do not know you very well at all (other than that you are so blinded by patriotism and you feel so indebted to your country that you dribble incoherence in front of anyone who challenges your country in order to build a terribly and UGLY wall of defence / offence. YOU SHALL NOT PASS MY WALL OF UGLINESS!! GO BLESS AUSTRALIA! AUSTRALIA IS THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WOOORLD MAYT.)

Anyway, perhaps you should consider considering to consider that you are not a perfect person? You are not one of gods chosen angels who have been sent to the PARADISE that is the land down under.

bro you lost the country argument and a "coherent" person would realise what a contradictory statement is or at least someone with a real education :lol: Even if you've been here it's really besides the point as you've proven to be so ignorant on the subject of nations, it's beyond a joke...

Great deflection from the question at hand though, it's all good if the picture turned you on - you might even have a chance with them, considering your locality, as it's a pic from a Polish gay pride parade!

pro tip - what might be perceived by a human as a homosexual attempt between two animals may in fact be a showing of dominance, misconstrued as homosexuality
22 people who voted don't, including me. I'm past the reasons against it, im past the bullshit, im past the point of give a shit for the fight.
bro you lost the country argument and a "coherent" person would realise what a contradictory statement is or at least someone with a real education :lol: Even if you've been here it's really besides the point as you've proven to be so ignorant on the subject of nations, it's beyond a joke...

Great deflection from the question at hand though, it's all good if the picture turned you on - you might even have a chance with them, considering your locality, as it's a pic from a Polish gay pride parade!

pro tip - what might be perceived by a human as a homosexual attempt between two animals may in fact be a showing of dominance, misconstrued as homosexuality

There was never a country argument.. Bro.
There were merely facts stated by me, which you believed were refutable based on your pride complex.

Let me ask you something. should be easy. Recite something important which you received through your education. How do you use it in your everyday life? and do you think it would be hard for anyone to learn such a thing on their own time?
Sensible question, no? unlike your question about the homo`s that I didn't bother dignifying with a response.

Talking with you is extremely annoying because you clearly don't remember a thing passed 5 seconds and you always say one thing, then you contradict either your self, or the truth of the matter ten seconds later. Or you make some shit up.
Actually you make a whole lot of shit up. I'm letting you know this because I don't want to talk to you. It's not because you're good at arguing and I feel ashamed to lose all the time (that is not what happens. Though everyone know's this is the conclusion your feeble mind will instantly jump to like some puppy who just got a doggy treat.) I don't want to talk to you for the reasons above, amongst others. Its as if you have gone senile. What makes it worse is that you accuse me of all these things which you're doing your self over and over.

You take offence and you try (but fail) to refute things, like when I say for example: "some Australians from my experience are very rude", to which you would most likely reply by being rude, contradicting your own point of refute, like a retard.

Or maybe you're just some retard who loves to waste peoples time? Another reason I would appreciate if you could stfu and stop chatting me up as if we were friends or something.
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