Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
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There was never a country argument.. Bro. There were merely facts stated by me

Facts and opinions are not the same thing. Your so called facts on most issues have been ignorantly disgraceful and your analogies weren’t much better.

When people ask me such questions I always tell them my honest Opinion, which I believe as fact

The above bolded highlights just how childish and “wet behind the ears” you are.

People in My country think that Australia is a paradise (clearly cuzz they were lied to). But its really just a big desert with some natural wonders here and there.

Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.

Again that would be your opinion based on silly youtube clips not actual experience.

Let me ask you something. should be easy. Recite something important which you received through your education

Don’t make logically contradictory statements.

A statement, or set of statements is logically consistent when it involves no logical contradiction. A logical contradiction is the conjunction of a statement S and it's denial not-S. In logic, it is a fundamental law- the law of non contradiction- that a statement and its denial can not both be true at the same time.

How do you use it in your everyday life?

Pointing out the contradictions in your posts

and do you think it would be hard for anyone to learn such a thing on their own time?

Hopefully not, i’ve been trying to show you where you keep going wrong but it’s not helping, maybe ask your parents instead...
Echelon1k1.. are you smart?
Are you intelligent?

rate your self on a scale of 1-15

I give you a 5, though perhaps it should be 4, or even less.
Echelon1k1.. are you smart?
Are you intelligent?

rate your self on a scale of 1-15

I give you a 5, though perhaps it should be 4, or even less.

I don't know how credible your polling analysis and interpretation is but I would guess any result rendered by you would be worth jack + shit...

If we're asking irrelevant questions now, how long is your hair? How much chicken do you eat? :dunce:
I think that the path leading us to the truth is very obvious.

Now, This will probably offend some people because that's just the nature of the world. Smart people see certain things as obvious, and as soon as they say these things to the public, these things become clear to everyone else as well, and everyone else suddenly reacts and thinks "oh that was so obvious!" But of course not everyone else managed to think of these certain ideas which appear to be obvious, them selves.

However if what is being suggested does not suit everyone else's opinions, views, or w/e, and especially if it makes certain people unhappy for whatever reason, then, the feeling of the idea being obvious mixed with the fact that it does not suit certain people will arouse the feeling of insult to those people whom do not feel it suits them.
Now if you were somebody else who was not in the position where the suggested OBVIOUS idea does not suit, then you would be far more likely to actually consider the idea, because you wont take insult and instantly deny the idea and block it from further consideration. You will just stand your ground at the point where you took insult and build a wall, Just like Echelon did so aggressively when I told him his country is a fucked up place. Anyway.So, what's obvious?

It's obvious that all or most beings on earth have a sex drive. If we did not have a sex drive then lots of species might never bother doing the crazy things that they OFTEN do in order to try to have sex! and then that means that maybe lots of species would have never existed!
So, before we get to the topic of having sex with the same sex or the opposite sex, I think its worth identifying the fact that probably every living thing, no matter if they actually want to or not, has a drive inside of them causing them to seek sex!

Now, people aren't born with manuals. They just follow their heart, their instincts, their gut, their greed, their pelvis, the flock, whatever!
Since we're not born with manuals, we don't go walking around reading a manual that says "If you're a boy, have sex with girls, and vice versa".

Many people are attracted to the opposite sex because that is how things work. But everyone knows that there is much more to attraction than simple sex drive biology. Some girls are attracted to rich men. Some birds are attracted to shiny objects.
Some people like big buts. others like little buts, some people such as my self, are attracted to all sorts of feminine body figures, but seek an attractive person on the inside as well as on the outside.

There is a whole lot more on the topic, but yeh, I have shit to do.

So what does that mean, then? You're saying homosexuality isn't natural, just understandable confusion?
Nope. I just counted animals.

If I WERE to include everything, well that would be about 8 million.

Edit: I did include vertebrates and invertebrates. They are animals too.

Just one problem. That 8 million number includes species that have never been identified, so obviously none of those species has ever been meaningfully observed. That's why it made no sense to start from that point. But I found that same estimate, and it gave a different number for the number of species identified.

The specific number doesn't matter because I think the point remains: there hasn't actually been close observation of very many animal species. If no one's watching for the gay sex, we don't know about it.
I think gay couples should have all the same rights as married couples do, but they need to call their union something other than marriage.
Why? It's not like marriage is sacred anymore haha. Most heterosexual couples barely make it 5 years. I say who cares! Let them marry who they want.
Why? It's not like marriage is sacred anymore haha. Most heterosexual couples barely make it 5 years. I say who cares! Let them marry who they want.
It's the term "marriage" that the Righties and the Christi-nazis have (ironically) stuck up their ass tho, if it were called Civil Union, Civil Partnership, etc then I don't think the vehement opposition to gay marriage would last long.
I am anti marriage of any sort. It is simply am unwarranted ceremony that costs money. I am against it regardless of gender. I feel all marriage statutes should be abolished and people live however and with whomever they choose with any one needing to even be made aware.
I am anti marriage of any sort. It is simply am unwarranted ceremony that costs money. I am against it regardless of gender. I feel all marriage statutes should be abolished and people live however and with whomever they choose with any one needing to even be made aware.


I agree with you completely. I've held this unpopular view for a couple of years now. Do you HAVE to be married to be faithful and to love each other? Does marriage keep one faithful? No, it just complicates things. After gay marriage is allowed, I guess I will start having to protest for group and line marriage.

It's the term "marriage" that the Righties and the Christi-nazis have (ironically) stuck up their ass tho, if it were called Civil Union, Civil Partnership, etc then I don't think the vehement opposition to gay marriage would last long.

People are very adamant about marriage being a religious sacrament. It's been around WAY before modern religion I'm sure. It's unnatural and unhealthy.
Ay as long as I don't have to start adding a little homo in my life cuz everyones doin it, im fine with all gays just being gay with themselves.
Just one problem. That 8 million number includes species that have never been identified, so obviously none of those species has ever been meaningfully observed. That's why it made no sense to start from that point. But I found that same estimate, and it gave a different number for the number of species identified.

The specific number doesn't matter because I think the point remains: there hasn't actually been close observation of very many animal species. If no one's watching for the gay sex, we don't know about it.

The link I used for the animal species has the species we have recorded. There are anywhere from 1-30million species of insects alone.

Yes that 8 million is an estimate of all living species. I used only what we have for sure recorded, which is around 1 million.

I agree with the point in regards to watching for it.

Still, its not exactly a prevelant trait in the animal kingdom. Still natural though.
The link I used for the animal species has the species we have recorded. There are anywhere from 1-30million species of insects alone.

Yes that 8 million is an estimate of all living species. I used only what we have for sure recorded, which is around 1 million.

I agree with the point in regards to watching for it.

Still, its not exactly a prevelant trait in the animal kingdom. Still natural though.

If we haven't even observed the vast majority of animal species at all, how can we possibly make definitive statements about what is prevalent?

Edit: For all we know, the reason we don't see those species is because the rampant gay sex prevents much reproduction from happening... ;-)
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