New Member
There was never a country argument.. Bro. There were merely facts stated by me
Facts and opinions are not the same thing. Your so called facts on most issues have been ignorantly disgraceful and your analogies werent much better.
When people ask me such questions I always tell them my honest Opinion, which I believe as fact
The above bolded highlights just how childish and wet behind the ears you are.
People in My country think that Australia is a paradise (clearly cuzz they were lied to). But its really just a big desert with some natural wonders here and there.
Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.
Again that would be your opinion based on silly youtube clips not actual experience.
Let me ask you something. should be easy. Recite something important which you received through your education
Dont make logically contradictory statements.
A statement, or set of statements is logically consistent when it involves no logical contradiction. A logical contradiction is the conjunction of a statement S and it's denial not-S. In logic, it is a fundamental law- the law of non contradiction- that a statement and its denial can not both be true at the same time.
How do you use it in your everyday life?
Pointing out the contradictions in your posts
and do you think it would be hard for anyone to learn such a thing on their own time?
Hopefully not, ive been trying to show you where you keep going wrong but its not helping, maybe ask your parents instead...