Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
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In the event of death, I believe it is called a Will. I can will all my possessions to anyone, family or not. In my state, if I leave only one dollar to family and everything to Jane Doe, the family can not contest it. If what happens to stuff after death is an issue, you need a legal Will and that is if straight, gay, single, or married. If you don't make your wishes known, then yes, the state could get it all.

These things are automatic in the cases of legal spouses, nor did you mention dissolution or disposition of offspring.
I have come to an epiphany
after watching some Olympic coverage tonight
I support Gay marriage
But i do not support Synchronized diving

That's too gay
In the event of death, I believe it is called a Will. I can will all my possessions to anyone, family or not. In my state, if I leave only one dollar to family and everything to Jane Doe, the family can not contest it. If what happens to stuff after death is an issue, you need a legal Will and that is if straight, gay, single, or married. If you don't make your wishes known, then yes, the state could get it all.

Wills are challenged and contested all the time. Funny thing is that in most states, marriage carries with it an automatic right of survivorship. This means that a surviving spouse need not go through the probate courts, the assets automatically transfer, legally to a spouse. Allow marriage and people don't have to even get wills except for estate planning purposes where they may have assets that trigger the federal estate tax.
I still don't get why anybody is against it.

If they don't get married, it doesn't affect you at all. If they get married, it doesn't affect you at all.

So why don't the gay bashers put the Bible down and just let them live? It's not like marriage means anything now....the divorce rate for gays would most likely be much lower than straight people.
I'll be first. I don't. I haven't trolled the poll and only voted once. But since you asked, I voted no. I am not too keen on straight marriage either because it is only a legal document that means if one and the partner want to part, lawyers have to become involved and a property/money fight happens. If one is not married, you just say "Get the fuck out of my house"...

Well that's logical, because that is exactly my thought on the subject as well.

I'm just asking for those who believe in straight marriage, but who are opposed to homosexual marriage, to expose themselves and their hypocritical bigotry.
There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.

Gay weddings however, should be punishable by no less than 10 years in prison for the couple and the planner and any family members who contribute.
Sorry to resurrect, but I thought it was appropriate. I was thinking today... a lot of times, especially in CA, when a couple gets divorced the woman gets most of everything. How will they decide who gets the short end of the stick in gay marriages?
Sorry to resurrect, but I thought it was appropriate. I was thinking today... a lot of times, especially in CA, when a couple gets divorced the woman gets most of everything. How will they decide who gets the short end of the stick in gay marriages?

Maybe that is the criterion. :joint::bigjoint: cn
Sorry to resurrect, but I thought it was appropriate. I was thinking today... a lot of times, especially in CA, when a couple gets divorced the woman gets most of everything. How will they decide who gets the short end of the stick in gay marriages?
idk, but i have a feeling i'm going to find the result very entertaining.
I support the right of gays to be just as miserable as heteros.

One question I wanted to ask in the DOMA thread (but it got closed before I could) to those who want legal barriers in place for gay marriage. What behavior are you trying to prevent keeping it illegal? I guess two questions because the follow up to this would be why you think some prohibitions work and others don't?

I'm constantly surprised at some of the discussion on a pot forum.
I support the right of gays to be just as miserable as heteros.

One question I wanted to ask in the DOMA thread (but it got closed before I could) to those who want legal barriers in place for gay marriage. What behavior are you trying to prevent keeping it illegal? I guess two questions because the follow up to this would be why you think some prohibitions work and others don't?

I'm constantly surprised at some of the discussion on a pot forum.

It a War Cult imperative that we raise Warriors. Now, it is known, dick sucking, butt fuckers make very good warriors.

That knowledge was lost to the world when the current War Cults took over.

Now, in the history of these Cults, the Spartans stick out like stiff rods. They saw the wife only for the ritualistic bone
at the propitious time of the month.

Else they were out murdering among the Hellots and servicing each other in a battle hardened way.
It a War Cult imperative that we raise Warriors. Now, it is known, dick sucking, butt fuckers make very good warriors.

That knowledge was lost to the world when the current War Cults took over.

Now, in the history of these Cults, the Spartans stick out like stiff rods. They saw the wife only for the ritualistic bone
at the propitious time of the month.

Else they were out murdering among the Hellots and servicing each other in a battle hardened way.

That's stickin' it to them! cn
Yeah and as I understand it, one of the big strengths of the Spartans was the cold calm and the iron discipline to hold the line. They spoke in the terms of agriculture....mowing, instead of killing, for example.

They had ranks of men pushing the front and ranks of boys pushing from the back. Tree fucking they called it when the boys being the training push against the Oak at about 9 years old. Hours of it, all night, maybe. And the better be a good ditch of foot pushing dug, too. They entire cadre could be beaten for it, by the older boys.
They might form a wall, 40 men deep, with overlapping shields and stabbing lances. The biggest guys are on the outside columns with the Sargents to PUSH the line back into the middle, keep is really dense and unified, so the shields always overlap.

While the other side is drinking up the bottle courage and wildly chanting themselves into frenzy. The Mowers are standing so still, "Only the wind moves the horsehair crests."

Thus they held the Hot Gate for over 2 days. At the end, with only 30 or so, of the 300 Spartans left alive (they sent away over 4000 allied survivors, not of Sparta, to spread the word) they forced Darius to kill them all, to the man, for the Legend. Tough guys.
At first, entering this thread I thought by my stubborn old ways that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. but the truth is that I am tolerant of gays (the ones that don't freak me out).
So If I have no problems with gay people, why the fuck would I have a problem with them being legally recognised as couples and benefiting from the legal advantages of being married?

Hang on just a moment while I think.
*tick tock*

I have absolutely no problem with them at all. (so they should be allowed to be legally coupled. I don't subscribe to religion so as for the question of actual mariage? that is probably not for me to answer)
The only thing that really comes to mind is that being gay might be some sort of thing that happens to people in the brain (well, obviously everything that a person is, happens as a result of the brain, right??) but the question is, what is the nature of that "thing".

There are a few things to consider before we totally accept homosexuals. First, I am personally disgusted by the sight of males kissing, and I think it is normal for me to feel that disgust. Feel free to chime in if you like.
Considering that we don't know if homosexuality is a good part of nature or not (their gay parades are definitely not appreciated, not by me) what will happen to the children if suddenly all the homosexuals begin performing PDA's? (public displays of affection - kissing in public)

My asshole is for shitting only. I don't care what you do with yours.

The other week when I was lighting my fondue candle (or whatever that thing is called)- (in order to burn the air around my plants)
i was crouched down and I needed to fart.
I had never lit my farts on fire before so I thought id give it a try! I farted through my shorts, and it worked!... I had a good chuckle. :lol:
There are a few things to consider before we totally accept homosexuals. First, I am personally disgusted by the sight of males kissing, and I think it is normal for me to feel that disgust. Feel free to chime in if you like.
Considering that we don't know if homosexuality is a good part of nature or not (their gay parades are definitely not appreciated, not by me) what will happen to the children if suddenly all the homosexuals begin performing PDA's? (public displays of affection - kissing in public)

did you ever consider that gays might be offended by your hetero PDAs?

you've given away your homophobic, heterocentric attitude.
did you ever consider that gays might be offended by your hetero PDAs?

you've given away your homophobic, heterocentric attitude.

No I never honestly thought of that, but why should they be? They wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for straight people. So, you know? That's just absurd.

Heterocentric attitude? I said I was tolerant of gays. Isn't that enough?
I mean.. come on man, can't gay people be understanding of me for once? Can't they understand that it is normal straight people to feel awkward and confused about gay people?
I mean, if they can't understand that then its sort of a case of the pot calling the kettle black when they expect to be accepted for who they are, whilst them selves not being accepting of straight peoples natural and normal feelings and doubts.

Oh btw Unclebukck.. Is it true that your account is used by more than one person? by a group of people who hacked the account?
No I never honestly thought of that, but why should they be?

why should you be offended by their PDA?

I mean.. come on man, can't gay people be understanding of me for once?

yeah, you're the victim.

Can't they understand that it is normal straight people to feel awkward and confused about gay people?

why do you feel awkward and confused about gay people? do they arouse some latent or repressed urges deep inside of you?

I mean, if they can't understand that then its sort of a case of the pot calling the kettle black when they expect to be accepted for who they are, whilst them selves not being accepting of straight peoples natural and normal feelings and doubts.

so they're not allowed to be uncomfortable with hetero PDA, but they need to accept that you are "confused" and "awkward" about their PDA?

cool double standards there!

Oh btw Unclebukck.. Is it true that your account is used by more than one person? by a group of people who hacked the account?

is it true that you once fucked a dog on a dare?
why should you be offended by their PDA?
It is not a matter of why, it is the matter of fact that this is how I feel. I would be disgusted if a man kissed me, therefore naturally seeing two men kiss is disgusting. It makes sense doesn't it?

You may as well be asking why it is that a straight man would be disgusted if a gay man kissed him. As i said, its about feelings, therefore it is elementary talk, with an elementary grade answer.
Though there is more to it, which I have written about below.

yeah, you're the victim.
So you're ok with the double standard? well Why should I consider you if you do not consider me? Another elementary discussion.

why do you feel awkward and confused about gay people? do they arouse some latent or repressed urges deep inside of you?
Because I try to be opened minded, and what gay people do is disgusting according to me and mostly everyone else, but I am expected to accept them by people like you, yet their actions are something which in this case I would rather be ignorant of, which goes against my natural will to be open minded. Funny how so many gays love to jump to that conclusion, that people don't like them because they stir up some sort of "SUPER SECRET GAY THING" inside of straight men. It's quite rude tbh.
Gays should practice fitting in by not being so rude if they want acceptance. Don't just be a fag and expect everyone to accept you when you're going to go around pissing people off. We cant have "give give" relationships with gays being the receivers. Relationships work when its a give and take situation.

so they're not allowed to be uncomfortable with hetero PDA, but they need to accept that you are "confused" and "awkward" about their PDA?

cool double standards there!

Are you your self gay, Uncle? Do you even know if gays have any issue when they see straight couples kissing? I sorta doubt that this is the case!
Why should anyone feel awkward about a perfectly natural and beautiful process, unless there is something wrong with them? (or unless they're little children who are undeveloped... Interesting thought!! Perhaps some people don't develop full and they fulfil their need for sex by getting it from the most familiar source? Other people of the same sex. ?? whats ur opinion? let me guess, INSULT!)

As for my feelings in regards to gay people kissing, I am certain that It puts me off because I believe it is wrong. My biology is wired in such a way that I am simply attracted to females (the opposite sex). That's nature, Duh.
so then if i was to see two young boys kissing, then the way I would feel about that would reflect directly upon what I would say I think about that situation, And I think that situation is wrong because that is the way I feel about it, and in this case, nature is responsible for the way that I and so many others feel.
I am tolerant of gay people and I treat them fairly, but I do not think it is a good thing that they are gay. I think there's something wrong with them.

is it true that you once fucked a dog on a dare?

Wtf!? who the * told you that? Look, she wasn't a dog, she was just incredibly drunk and acting like a complete slut. Perfect opportunity, right? No need to dare me twice!

Someone was talking about you before and they said that your account was hacked.. i was just asking!
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