• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do you or someone you know have Cancer?


stays relevant.
My mother had cancer... cannabis didn't cure it- having her breast removed cured it. I refuse to believe cannabis in ANY form cures cancer... and it's wrong to play off of the desperation of sick people to promote cannabis legalization.


Active Member
My mother had cancer... cannabis didn't cure it- having her breast removed cured it. I refuse to believe cannabis in ANY form cures cancer... and it's wrong to play off of the desperation of sick people to promote cannabis legalization.
Agreed. Let's fight the fight fairly.


Active Member
Sorry for the double post, but I watched the beginning of the video, and yeah I've smoked that stuff before. A lot of clubs in cali sell it for anywhere from 30-60 a g. It doesn't cure cancer, but for about an hour after you toke it you don't give a fuck what you have.


stays relevant.
You know, the whole thing "this cures cancer" "that cures cancer" makes me sick. 98% of the things claimed to cure cancer don't cure anything. It's giving people unrealistic hope that they can fight it without rad, chemo, or surgery... and then who's to blame when it's too late because the cancer spread?


Active Member
Word, I agree. It's definitely fucked up. I've smoked this stuff, and I'm pretty sure I don't have cancer. Also, the stuff is pretty hard to swallow. Its a sticky oil that gets caught in the back of your throat and can cause some pretty unpleasant swallowing difficulties.


New Member
Was she smoking it or eating the oil that had THC? Smoking it isnt supposed to work.

My mother had cancer... cannabis didn't cure it- having her breast removed cured it. I refuse to believe cannabis in ANY form cures cancer... and it's wrong to play off of the desperation of sick people to promote cannabis legalization.


New Member
Fireog was it the oil that has THC in it made from budz?

Word, I agree. It's definitely fucked up. I've smoked this stuff, and I'm pretty sure I don't have cancer. Also, the stuff is pretty hard to swallow. Its a sticky oil that gets caught in the back of your throat and can cause some pretty unpleasant swallowing difficulties.


Active Member
Fireog was it the oil that has THC in it made from budz?

Yes it was, I believe it was anywhere from 40-80 percent THC, probably closer to 60-80 %. I cant say because I dont have the equipment to test it, but I would say its about three times as potent as a good hash.


Well-Known Member
I agree that its unfair to use cancer or any other illness to promote legalisation..
I'm Just happy that those who need to use, can do so without fear of repercussions..

slightly off topic but,
I helped a friend do a medical paper a while back and its since been discovered that NEEM oil has very beneficial effects on tumors and a multitude of other medical complaints, as well as working as a a contraceptive and STI inhibitor.

Here's part of the paper that was released to the press

Its Latin name is Azadirachta indica but it is more popularly known as neem and is found in abundance in India and other Asian nations. Neem has been researched thoroughly and scientists are now cautiously calling it the “wonder plant.” Briefly, neem has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help with mouth or gum diseases and also act against sexually transmitted diseases.

It also has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help in fighting athletes foot and arthritis. Studies conducted in Malaysia, Thailand, and India show that neem helps to boost antioxidant levels and thus protects against liver damage and carcinogens. Neem also helps in the treatment for malaria and diabetes.
All parts of the neem tree can be used such as the fruit, seeds, bark, oil, roots, and leaves. Neem’s cures for many diseases have been described but these have to be independently confirmed by clinical research trials. In vitro and preclinical studies have come up with some spectacular results but a lot more research needs to be carried out before neem can be recommended for human use.
Neem has many active compounds that work together through different mechanisms. This feature highlights its potent effect on cancers. An important mechanism that has been discovered is programmed cell death in which cancer cells are directly killed. This enables a process called cross-priming because the apoptosis allows the body’s immune system cells to start identifying and destroying the cancer cells. Research has shown that neem produces glutathione, which is a carcinogen-detoxyfing enzyme and is one of the antioxidants that neem produces. Chiefly, the research on neem shows that it works effectively in human cell lines and animal models. These include lung, cancer, stomach, skin, prostate, and breast cancer, among others. Studies with neem have thrown up results showing that pre-treatment with it is highly effective as a protection against cancer. While it is efficacious as a stand-alone treatment, research also shows that it increases the positive effects while reducing the side effects of some traditional cancer treatments.
Neem has been used and tested on quite a few cancers. Neem-based creams have been used to treat skin cancer and it has been taken internally also to test its effect on lymphocytic cancer. Indian, Japanese, and European scientist have discovered that the neem bark and seeds and oil contain polysaccharides and liminoids that helped to reduce tumors and were efficacious against lymphocytic leukaemia. Results from another research showed that neem leaf extract prevents cancer cells from sticking to other body cells, which means that cancer cannot spread so easily to other parts of the body and can be more easily destroyed.
Research is still ongoing about the effects of neem and it is still an alternative treatment that can be taken alongside more conventional cancer treatment. Patients with cancer can volunteer for clinical trials to study the results of neem on cancer. But do consult your physician before going in for any kind of alternative treatment that includes neem or other herbs.

I helped him read through hundreds of medical tests and experiments, and it does seem that our beloved Neem is indeed a very useful plant, and not just for erradicating those spidermites.

My wife has pityriasis lichenoides chronica(or however its spelt), that, whilst not serious, is 'apparently' incurable, she's tried using neem as it is good for skin conditions too, and she's had a drastic reduction in the amount of lesions/hives she suffers from..


New Member
People you cannot just assume it doesnt work because you don't think it works. It may piss you off when people claim Marijuana may cure cancer, but it pisses me off when people dismiss possible solutions just cause "i dont think so". Look up the studies for yourself.

You people already know you cannot trust popular opinion. Thats why I want to see if anyone has tried this, or will try it. 1 dose, and 1 try isnt going to help anything, its supposed to take like 3 months of injesting the oil.


Id like to see the results myself. When I got the money and time, ill be trying this out with some random cancer patient that has been recently diagnosed and has opted out of Chemo treatment.


Active Member
Id like to see the results myself. When I got the money and time, ill be trying this out with some random cancer patient that has been recently diagnosed and has opted out of Chemo treatment.

Great, great. Will you be referring to said patient this way the whole time too?


New Member
Sure, does it matter? Are you just looking for something to pick at? Loser? Go repeat some more bullshit you heard on the TV to your buddies. :dunce:

Great, great. Will you be referring to said patient this way the whole time too?


Active Member
Sure, does it matter? Are you just looking for something to pick at? Loser? Go repeat some more bullshit you heard on the TV to your buddies. :dunce:
Hmm. Can I ask you a few questions? Do you have a card? Average yield per square meter of your last sea of green? ANY question about genetics? Are you even 12 years old?


New Member
Like im giving in to your pissing contest. You're just a mindless repeater. And then its "OH YEAH blah blah blah card blah blah blah yeild" You dont know me.


Hmm. Can I ask you a few questions? Do you have a card? Average yield per square meter of your last sea of green? ANY question about genetics? Are you even 12 years old?


Active Member
Okay, so the answer to the questions were no, I dont know what your talking about, mom can you define a word for me, and yes?


New Member
I got plants to tend to. Go play your little pissing contest games with with your little retard buddies.

Okay, so the answer to the questions were no, I dont know what your talking about, mom can you define a word for me, and yes?


Active Member
Cmon man, you dont have any plants. And tending to them would not forfeit your ability to post on a forum. Just stop.


New Member
Anyway people, as you can see the people adamantly opposed to the use of hash oil or hemp oil as something that may help or cure cancer base their beliefs on nothing, so if you have the ability to do so, give it a try.


Rick Simpson has a website with directions how to make the oil, look around the site and you can see that nothing is for sale. http://Phoenixtears.ca

And here is some related reading Seamaiden has posted in another thread as recommended READING (yeah you have to read to learn new things fireog)


I havent claimed that this is going to work, nor do I know, but please, don't be a dumbass and instantly dismiss it just cause "i dont think" it works. We all know the general concensus isnt always correct (drug war, two party politics, water fluoridation etc) We're growers, and some of us grow enough to be able to test this out. Its the only way anyone would ever know, and given the somewhat promising results from scientific studies referened in the above links, I believe its worth a try.


Well-Known Member

no-one is refuting the possibility that it may work and may be a real 'discovery', and i'm sure as hell most people would admit that theyd think it was pretty amazing if MJ did have the desired tumor busting effect.
As far as you tarring us with the 'i dont think so' brush, i think you got us all wrong!!!!
The medical world is constantly testing MJ for numerous medical treatments, some work, some dont, some lose funding and others just get lost in the mire.
Hell i would never have thought that neem oil would help HIV patients, stop cancer cells sticking to the bodies own cells, or act as a contraceptive, cure skin disorders or help with oral hygiene disorders,amongst its plethora of other uses, but then again, I'M NOT A DOCTOR..
And neither my friend, are you.

But as you said, its RESEARCH, which is ongoing..
As far as you testing it out on a "RANDOM CANCER PATIENT" which i must say is a very undignified way to refer to a person who has been afflicted with a terrible illness..Well i hope you're really not that retarded..
If it works, your time will be better spent letting the PROFESSIONALS deal with it, as i severely doubt you have any medical qualifications, or the ability to examine the patient or the necessary intelligence to reach a conclusion from the test results. (i may be wrong)
You dont know dosage regulation, the medical grade strains they use(which are highly probable to be far more potent than any of the strains we have available in the undergound growing scene)

Therefore you are pissing into the wind.

If it works, great.
If it doesnt, back to the drawing board..

Finally no-one was ragging on you, so quit the bitchin.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and the right to voice it, hopefully without things getting un-civilized...

REMEMBER - opinions are like assholes...........Everybody has one and some of them stink.