do you break up your ganja?


Active Member
i have some friends who break up their budz by hand before smoking it in a pipe/bong. i know others who use a grinder. then there are those people who take a bowl-sized nug and plug it straight in.

how do you all like to prep your weed before toking? do you think it makes a difference in the smoke and high?


Well-Known Member
im a big fan of brakin it up or grindin it. ya get better hits. air flow is your friend.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what I'm smoking. If its some garbage, no doubt will I break it up, remove the stems and seeds. However, if it is some good weed i just toss it in the pipe.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I always break it up, never grind it unless its for a j or blunt. Not opposed to just throwin a nug in there i guess ive just have got in the habbit of breaking it up.


Well-Known Member
I haven't broken up weed by hand in a long ass time... and when I do I usually find out that I suck at it. I use a grinder all the time, if I'm with someone else who doesn't have a grinder then I usually tell them to break it up because I don't have the patience for that shit.


bud bootlegger
for years i just always just broke my stuff up by hand, but now that i use a grinder, i will never go back to just breaking it up by hand... i love my grinder and my grinder loves me, lol... but i honestly think that just throwing a big nug into a bowl or bong without breaking it up before hand is a waste.. it never burns nearly as well as it would if broken or ground up first, and i feel that alot of times you will notice that what starts off looking like a small nug, when you throw it in a grinder, you end up with a nice big pile of herb.. alot bigger than you would have thought it would have been just looking at the nug.. and i also think that grinding it up first helps to release the taste and smell much better than not doing it... take a nice nug for yourself... check it out.. snap it, flick it, rub it down, lol... give it a nice sniff and remember how it smells.. now take that same nug and throw it in a good grinder and now give it a nice whiff.. i am sure that you will agree that the aroma is much stronger after it comes out of a grinder...


Active Member
i keep my nails cut so that i dont get nasty shit under them... long nails breed disgusting bacteria... but i like to break mine up by hand as well, there is something relaxing about breaking up a nice lookin nug and takin in that earthy skunky aroma.


Active Member
Depends on the weed, if its middies or less i will break it up by hand. If its some dank then i will use a grinder or if im feeling lazy i will just tear a chunk off and stick it in the bowl. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i use to break it up by hand but invest in a grinder, but get a 3 stage grinder with a catcher, it has a screen where all the grinded up herb falls on and the kief falls through the screen, so you can make a nice hash bowl. believe me it's worth it. they can be pricey but look for them at gas stations, i found one that's usually 30-40 bucks is 15 i'm gonna buy it

True Stoner

Active Member
I use a coffee grinder and save all the that collect in the lid and inside the grinder. I just scrap it out witha knife when it collects and theni make hash with it. I take 2 spoons and lite a candle and i put all teh crystals in the one spoon..i use a tablespoon and then i add a couple drops of water with my finger and then press the other spoon on top with them over the candle. I do this untill its all mashed together and then form it and bamm its the good shit. MAkes great bots!!
I am new to smoking and I used to just put the buds in haha.. but it IS better to break it up because it burns faster, gets you more smoke. :p