Do You Believe In Ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Check this one night around midnight the doorbell rang and we all ran into the livingroom. That alone isn't scary but the thing is we don't have a doorbell, or a button, or a speaker just wires hanging out of the wall...

you've got a phantom door bell? i never realized inaminate objects could return from the grave too...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Nope that was my house. Kinda messed up :lol: My room had to be blessed so I could sleep in it as a toddler, later on my mom says she walked in and I was playing by myself but talking to someone. When she asked who I was talking to I replied "the silent boy" and she said why is he silent? She says I put my finger up to my mouth and said "sssshhh he doesn't talk". Really freaked her out since I had just learned to talk yet I knew the word "silent". Alot of weird shit happened there, :lol: not projected memories my parents never talked about the ghosts until my sister and I complained.
Sounds a lot more plausible that your mom is making shit up. I heard all about ghosts and weird stuff going on in my moms house, and then in the family's house after I was born. She has a million stories, many of which revolve around the supernatural. I was inclined to believe her as a kid because she is my mom, but after I started thinking and evaluating things presented to me for myself I had to abandon the idea that she was right, and accept the fact that she was mistaken. Something weird happened, and she incorrectly attributed it to ghosts. She really believes it, and over the years I can hear the stories evolve to take on new details. The older I get the more inconsistencies I hear in her stories. She is an absolute believer and I cannot convince her otherwise.

And lol at bobbypyn and goldenganja. You two need to be in a fucking nut house.


Well-Known Member
Sounds a lot more plausible that your mom is making shit up. I heard all about ghosts and weird stuff going on in my moms house, and then in the family's house after I was born. She has a million stories, many of which revolve around the supernatural. I was inclined to believe her as a kid because she is my mom, but after I started thinking and evaluating things presented to me for myself I had to abandon the idea that she was right, and accept the fact that she was mistaken. Something weird happened, and she incorrectly attributed it to ghosts. She really believes it, and over the years I can hear the stories evolve to take on new details. The older I get the more inconsistencies I hear in her stories. She is an absolute believer and I cannot convince her otherwise.

And lol at bobbypyn and goldenganja. You two need to be in a fucking nut house.
Speaking of Mothers, my mother used to read tea/coffee grounds. Accuracy was amazing!


Well-Known Member
My first encounter with seeing "dead people"~ I was 23 and standing in the back of a grave side service funeral. This was the very first funeral I ever went to, it was my Uncles. So there I am listening to the preacher and to his left is the casket with my uncle inside. Out of the blue I see (behind casket) a wall, and standing behind the wall, was a man with a smile and to his left was my uncle ( I could see from mid waist up). He seemed to be looking over the crowd attending his services, anyways he turns his head, looks at me and say's " wow ( my name ) is here", he then turns his head to look at others then it all faded away as quick as it appeared.
From that very day on it became the "norm" to see and communicate with the past on.


Well-Known Member
Yes as seen in video. But like I said before, until you are near death or dead the truth will always elude you.
what about these times?

sylvia is a con artist and youintroduced yourself as a "real psychic" the proffered her up as proof of it being real...



Well-Known Member
Yeah I Googled her name, and WOW she was busted for investment fraud and grand theft, just a few lol. Yeah I easily backed her,even knowing of her past "frauds", being I am a genuine Psychic /Medium and know first hand of many many like me. Some so so freaky amazing even to me. I never met her, but I just assume that she had to prove herself many times over before becoming so famous. I wonder what the ratio of rights to wrongs is over all these years?
what about these times?

sylvia is a con artist and youintroduced yourself as a "real psychic" the proffered her up as proof of it being real...



Well-Known Member
Yeah I Googled her name, and WOW she was busted for investment fraud and grand theft, just a few lol. Yeah I easily backed her,even knowing of her past "frauds", being I am a genuine Psychic /Medium and know first hand of many many like me. Some so so freaky amazing even to me. I never met her, but I just assume that she had to prove herself many times over before becoming so famous. I wonder what the ratio of rights to wrongs is over all these years?
Investment fraud and grand theft are red herrings. She could be a very bad person and still have psychic powers. We are talking specifically about times she exploited peoples belief in her powers. If she actually has psychic powers, why go to the trouble to scam people? Just pure evil satisfaction? Do you think that sometimes she scams people, and other times her powers 'kick in'? If so, how do you distinguish between a real reading and a pretend one? If you can't, then why believe any are real? Just seems to be a lot of issues that don't add up, including the fact that you haven't asked these questions of yourself.

You seem incapable of defending your claims, or even explaining exactly why you believe them. Considering this is a subject you live every day, I find that disappointing. How do you expect any of us to put serious thought into what you are saying when it seems you yourself have not?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to bother pointing out the flaws in the logic of my detractors; their ridicule is not only expected but a foregone conclusion when I try to share my experiences with the uninitiated. and for the tuffguy who questioned the validity of my test results; take it up with Green Oaks Hospital. Look fellas, I'm a 10th grade high school drop out; do i posses the linguistic proficiency
of one? I daresay i do not. how to explain that if not for above average intelligence? unless you wanna get into past life experiences.... which I can only assume you do not.

ever heard of William James Sidis? the boy with the 300 IQ?

Abraham Sperling, director of New York City's Aptitude Testing Institute, said after Sidis's death that according to his calculations, Sidis "easily had an IQ between 250 and 300", meaning that at some time his intellectual age was 2.5 to 3 times his actual age (not the same scale as modern deviation IQ[23]). There was no evidence that his intellect had declined in adulthood

you should read his book The Animate and the Inanimate.
my point being high scores aren't so rare as the tuffguy would have you believe.


Well-Known Member
I actually get a perverse delight from the derision of the most rabid of my detractors. You get to call me wrong for now, but I get to show you that you're wrong forever. I'll take your best attempts with a smile... a somewhat evil one.


Well-Known Member
=Heisenberg; If she actually has psychic powers, why go to the trouble to scam people? I think greed and fear of losing the number one spot she worked s hard to achieve. Just pure evil satisfaction? I don't think evil. Evil is a terrible thing. Do you think that sometimes she scams people, and other times her powers 'kick in'? I think when dealing with money, yes you are going to lie or embellish the truth every now and again. If so, how do you distinguish between a real reading and a pretend one? A true reading comes on naturally. Like when you say things that make no sense to you, but the client understands fully, then you know you are on the right reading/spirit. Also you get information faster and clearer the more you "connected" you are to client/spirit. Some times friends will ask for a general reading so I tell them I will look around them and if anything stands out I will let you know. Takes a moment or less and I know if I can read them something or not. Like one friend I told her she was going to become pregnant soon and have a boy ( 3 months later POW ) Another friend ask for same (GR) and I told her that a spirit is around her and she is being warned while driving ? She started crying and telling me how she lost her friend in a car accident a few weeks ago and she has been drinking heavy and driving. See made no sense to me, but I say what I see and it makes sense or comes to light to them If you can't, then why believe any are real? Just seems to be a lot of issues that don't add up, including the fact that you haven't asked these questions of yourself.Why would I ask questions that you ask about psychics to myself? Believe me, when you are only 5 years old and have dreams that come to light 12 years later, U have a whole new and way different set of questions to ask and figure out.

You seem incapable of defending your claims,The only way for me to defend myself in your eyes would be to read or communicate with someone for you. or even explaining exactly why you believe them. I feel I have explained greatly if not exactly why I believe in Psychics/Mediums Considering this is a subject you live every day, I find that disappointing. How do you expect any of us to put serious thought into what you are saying when it seems you yourself have not?I have no doubt that you will always be one of the misfortunant ones. I base this on just what you been saying in here. No worries though, your time may be wasted trying to debunk truth and reality that you may never grasp, but when you die and we all do, the truth will be there waiting for you. Go ahead and look me up when your set free :lol:

Quick questions~ Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe in the bible?


Well-Known Member
I too get the same feeling lol. I know it's wrong but you have no idea how many times I wanted to say "I told you so".
I actually get a perverse delight from the derision of the most rabid of my detractors. You get to call me wrong for now, but I get to show you that you're wrong forever. I'll take your best attempts with a smile... a somewhat evil one.


Well-Known Member
Neither of you have provided anything other than evidence of the same well known mistakes we always see with erroneous conclusions. These are the same mistakes we must be aware of whether forming a belief about ghosts, bigfoot, or gravity. You have provided no more than anecdotal evidence, the same anecdotal evidence I could find for leprechauns or aliens. Personal accounts are certainly enough evidence to start an investigation, but never factor into the final conclusion. This is for good reason, once an investigation starts it is imperative to control for all known mistakes, otherwise how can we trust the conclusion?

All I have done is subject your claims to consistent doubt and point out errors in your reasoning. I even provided sources for the errors I sighted, it's not as if I unfairly made them up. I gave you valid reasons why I don't believe, and you couldn't give me valid reason why you do believe. Listening to you describe your experiences, it seems providing proof would be a simple matter and almost elementary to the process. In the end, you can only tell me that any proof that can ever be provided comes after death. It would be easy for me to claim the same; once you die it will be proven that there is no afterlife. If I said that, would it do anything to convince you at all? Of course not. That's because it is nothing more than cognitive dissonance.

I understand why people make these mistakes. What I don't understand is why they defend these mistakes after they are pointed out.


Well-Known Member
You sure do talk a lot. About answering my simple questions.
Neither of you have provided anything other than evidence of the same well known mistakes we always see with erroneous conclusions. These are the same mistakes we must be aware of whether forming a belief about ghosts, bigfoot, or gravity. You have provided no more than anecdotal evidence, the same anecdotal evidence I could find for leprechauns or aliens. Personal accounts are certainly enough evidence to start an investigation, but never factor into the final conclusion. This is for good reason, once an investigation starts it is imperative to control for all known mistakes, otherwise how can we trust the conclusion?

All I have done is subject your claims to consistent doubt and point out errors in your reasoning. I even provided sources for the errors I sighted, it's not as if I unfairly made them up. I gave you valid reasons why I don't believe, and you couldn't give me valid reason why you do believe. Listening to you describe your experiences, it seems providing proof would be a simple matter and almost elementary to the process. In the end, you can only tell me that any proof that can ever be provided comes after death. It would be easy for me to claim the same; once you die it will be proven that there is no afterlife. If I said that, would it do anything to convince you at all? Of course not. That's because it is nothing more than cognitive dissonance.

I understand why people make these mistakes. What I don't understand is why they defend these mistakes after they are pointed out.


Active Member
I've never met a Christian psychic. Are you Christian? Does't the bible forbid divination?
It has mixed messages but for the most part claiming to have the power of prediction (a power reserved solely to God) is considered sacrilegious :bigjoint: I'm a better psychic than most people I see claiming to be :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've never met a Christian psychic. Are you Christian? Does't the bible forbid divination?
This is not accurate. Christ Himself warned the seers of his day to "test the spirits" they dealt with in order that they not be deceived by the inhabitants of the lower realms. see, that's the problem; all the truly mystical aspects of the Bible have been removed & there's nothing more destructive than half of a story. I follow Christ; I commune with certain spirits who have shed their physical bodies. The trick is to sanctify your contacts; make them openly declare their allegiance and if they try to worm out of it, you know they're uncool.

for the record, I'm not psychic per se; I just believe more than most so I am afforded a certain degree of assistance from the other side.


Well-Known Member
Neither of you have provided anything other than evidence of the same well known mistakes we always see with erroneous conclusions. These are the same mistakes we must be aware of whether forming a belief about ghosts, bigfoot, or gravity. You have provided no more than anecdotal evidence, the same anecdotal evidence I could find for leprechauns or aliens. Personal accounts are certainly enough evidence to start an investigation, but never factor into the final conclusion. This is for good reason, once an investigation starts it is imperative to control for all known mistakes, otherwise how can we trust the conclusion?

All I have done is subject your claims to consistent doubt and point out errors in your reasoning. I even provided sources for the errors I sighted, it's not as if I unfairly made them up. I gave you valid reasons why I don't believe, and you couldn't give me valid reason why you do believe. Listening to you describe your experiences, it seems providing proof would be a simple matter and almost elementary to the process. In the end, you can only tell me that any proof that can ever be provided comes after death. It would be easy for me to claim the same; once you die it will be proven that there is no afterlife. If I said that, would it do anything to convince you at all? Of course not. That's because it is nothing more than cognitive dissonance.

I understand why people make these mistakes. What I don't understand is why they defend these mistakes after they are pointed out.
For someone so quick to point out debate flaws in the arguments of others, your own missives are rife with them as well. For instance, your tendency to group disparate topics (any number of said topics displaying various degrees of ridiculousness) in an attempt to lay a blanket implied accusation that all topics listed are, by virtue of their being listed, to be considered ridiculous out of hand. This is a common tactic known as Shitting In The Punchbowl.


Well-Known Member
I do not understand this utter contempt for human experience (aka "anecdotal evidence") for it is human experience which leads us to question the world around us and this natural tendency is what birthed your precious science.


Well-Known Member
This is not accurate. Christ Himself warned the seers of his day to "test the spirits" they dealt with in order that they not be deceived by the inhabitants of the lower realms. see, that's the problem; all the truly mystical aspects of the Bible have been removed & there's nothing more destructive than half of a story. I follow Christ; I commune with certain spirits who have shed their physical bodies. The trick is to sanctify your contacts; make them openly declare their allegiance and if they try to worm out of it, you know they're uncool.

for the record, I'm not psychic per se; I just believe more than most so I am afforded a certain degree of assistance from the other side.
While he may or may not have said that, the church AND the bible both strictly forbid divination. Every psychic I've ever met is either pagan or new age, though I am aware that the spiritualist church does follow a sect of Christianity. I've just never met them.