Do we need some oil?

Med ...

You constantly do your best to avoid questions. Is it because you don't have the answers? If so ... just admit it. Here's the question again:

If government is the answer to poverty, why, after spending Six Trillion in tax dollars on the War on Poverty since LBJ's administration do we still have poverty?

Now then, you asked a question and I'd like to answer it. Here's your question:

Yeah I'm sure people choose to be poor. when they wake up in the ghetto they say, "you know what, I've seen those rich guys driving mercedes and I don't want any part of that"

The answer, of course is ... the don't say they don't want to be "rich." They just have no concept of how to get there. They haven't prepared. Their parents have let them down. The government monopolized school systems have let them down. Government in general has let them down. I don't know of anyone who has just "woken" up in the morning and became rich. Most wealthy people I know, and I know quite a few. have EARNED their wealth the hard way. They have become obsessed with what they do. They work, or have worked very long hours, 60-80 hours per week at a business/job/profession that they LOVE. Most of the time, their business consists of helping the most amount of people get what THEY want ... at which time, the wealthy, or those about to become wealthy get what they want as well.

Med, do you remember those "greedy, rich bastards" who used to give you your carpenter jobs? How were they able to make their money? Did they make their money by offering poor servce and an inferior product, or did they make their money by offering great service and a superior product. Why were THEY the contractors who hired you ... and not the other way around?

So you finally realize that all people cannot be rich, like as all people cannot be the quarterback on the highschool football team We would all like to live up on the hill and drive porsches, but I'm not looking for the pot of gold anymore, I'm just chillin til the next time! I've got plenty on my plate! But I will not be derided without a comeback!
Well, first of all ... no one's trying to "demean" you. You've done a pretty good job of doing that yourself here in the forum. And, based upon your last post, you are taking things entirely too personally. This isn't about you. And yes ... you are jealous of those who have made it in life. Your posts are rife with this jealousy.

Well, first of all ... no one's trying to "demean" you. You've done a pretty good job of doing that yourself here in the forum. And, based upon your last post, you are taking things entirely too personally. This isn't about you. And yes ... you are jealous of those who have made it in life. Your posts are rife with this jealousy.

So, where do we go from here? I say tomato, you say tomato, I say potato, you say potato. There is not much difference except the way we see the economic structure of the society. You base freedom on a lack of government interference in your finances and I see government as having the role of making sure its citizens are provided for, Basic shit, like health and security.
So, where do we go from here? I say tomato, you say tomato, I say potato, you say potato. There is not much difference except the way we see the economic structure of the society. You base freedom on a lack of government interference in your finances and I see government as having the role of making sure its citizens are provided for, Basic shit, like health and security.

Well, thats an interesting commentary there, Med. You almost have it right, except for this:

"You base freedom on a lack of government interference in your finances ..."

It goes WAY beyond taxes and finances Med. Way beyond. And the idea of government entering into areas that it was never designed for is exactly what's stiffling freedom. Sorry you don't see that.

Well, thats an interesting commentary there, Med. You almost have it right, except for this:

"You base freedom on a lack of government interference in your finances ..."

It goes WAY beyond taxes and finances Med. Way beyond. And the idea of government entering into areas that it was never designed for is exactly what's stiffling freedom. Sorry you don't see that.

You're wrong, I see government being way beyond it's mandate. I believe in Individual freedom every bit as much as you, I just believe the more you make, the more you should pay. I'm for trying to balance a society that is so far separated from poor to rich that it is extremely disparaging. Like I've posted many times, How much is enough. The thing with money and power is, there is never enough. When someone achieves all the money they will ever need for ten lifetimes, the greed factor shifts to power. That is what is making this a term limit experiment. This country will not survive another 50 years unless the power factor is brought under control, in fact I'll go on record as saying 15 years is stretching it!
Well, I hope you're not correct in your analysis. The point I keep making, and you keep missing is ... there is no third way. There is no such thing as Socialism-lite. Its a slippery slope, Med ... and brilliant men have tried it before ... and millions, upon millions have perished as a result.

Well, I hope you're not correct in your analysis. The point I keep making, and you keep missing is ... there is no third way. There is no such thing as Socialism-lite. Its a slippery slope, Med ... and brilliant men have tried it before ... and millions, upon millions have perished as a result.

Have you ever heard of "the lion shall lie down with the lambs", I think it possible! I don't know how in this tumultous world we'll ever achieve it without our Father stepping in, but we can dream can't we! I'm not sure if we'll be individuals or a part of a wonderous being that fulfills all your desires and dreams. It is a wierd feeling to think we will not have a body and only be a spirit or a part of the great spirit. I believe it is beyond mans capability to know this.
The spiritual world is the spiritual world. We live in the physical world. And in the physical world, Man rules with all of his faults. Now then, if all men lived in The State of Grace, then I would agree with you whole heartedly. There is a reason why the population in North Korea are starving while The Dear Leader is dining on cavier and drinking the finest scotch whiskeys and having his way with the most beautiful maidens in the land ... and it isn't anything spiritual. *lol*

The Dear Leader is dining on cavier and drinking the finest scotch whiskeys and having his way with the most beautiful maidens in the land ... and it isn't anything spiritual. *lol*

You can keep the caviar and the scotch whiskey, but that maiden thing has my interest, how did you say we can get that Job?
The Dear Leader is dining on cavier and drinking the finest scotch whiskeys and having his way with the most beautiful maidens in the land ... and it isn't anything spiritual. *lol*

Vi You can keep the caviar and the scotch whiskey, but that maiden thing has my interest, how did you say we can get that Job?

*lol* ... Its quite easy, Med. The first thing we do, is convince the populace that the State is first and foremost. Then we regulate all alternative political parties out of existance. Two parties are fine as long as they don't disagree on much ... especially on how much power the state has over the people. Then, we take over all the means of production and distribution. That way we can control the food supplies. With that control, we can determine who eats and who doesn't. Of course, the military will be fed very well, housed well and clothed well ... we need them to keep our slaves, whoops, I mean out devoted citizens in line. Oh, and we abolish all private schools and form a government monopolized school system, run by the state, throughout the land. You know the old saying ... "just give me the minds of the little children." We would have to abolish all religion too ... especially those Christians, because their religion teachs individual responsiblity toward one's fellow man. Hah! ... how do they expect us to convince people to rely on government for everything they get with those danged Christians around? As soon as we have complete control of the entire country, with the backing of our military, we can put the gulags and torture chambers into place. THEN ... we can have our way with the most beautiful women in the land.

Want to be my assistant, Med?

Naw, its too complicated, and besides at my age, the viagra expenses would break me. Had you hit me up in my teens, I'd a been your man. I remember when the little head did most of my thinkin, those were the days, alas the little head has been gettin lazy for a while now, he comes out very rarely, usually takes a look around and doesn't see anything worth thinkin about and goes back to sleep. God bless him, he has served me well!