Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??


Well-Known Member
should the bulbs be on in short bursts like that, or would it be better to have them on with the normal lights, like 12/12?

I read a few pages, but didn't take the time to read them all. hope my question hasn't already been asked and answered.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey all you people that were in the first 60 pages of this same UV discussion. Do some of you remember why it DIED?? I know I never see many of these people around anymore, but hey, one or two must still be around. A hand full of us tried the UVB lights. I was one of them. I used them on half my crop. I saw no difference. But some people saw dried crispy buds in the last few weeks. We all chatted about it and we all figured that the people who ended up with crispy buds ha used Nuts that made the buds Shy away from UVB light like some Meds do for humans.

Anyway, you all want to try this, then great, but at least lower the PPM of your nuts, and raise the lights a little.

I already posted a link to this other thread from 9 months ago on this same subject. Message some of the people who tried these lights. I already have read about people wanting lights above 10%.. WOW!!! I do not think any of us had lights above 8%.

I really hope one of you does not listen to me, and this person keeps a good journal and has TRICHS drippin in the trays and clogging the water pumps. I would love to be proven wrong. As Techhead420 always says. You were not in Lab conditions, so your findings are invalid.

Good luck UVB Bulb Growers...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
i want to do this how can i wher do i get the lights???? do they make uv bulbs for 4' floros????

They sell 8% UVB lights most places that sells reptiles. Hey, while you are at it maybe you should buy a few banks of LED lights, this would really make them explode.

We even watched the same link videos as you have on this thread and many more. check out post #6 of this link. Plus you might want to read all of this thread.

We were all pumped. Went out and spent money and some of our buds went POOF! I was one of the lucky ones.


Well-Known Member
You cant use halogen lights for growing.
i know that. what you do is remove the lens from the halogen work light and put it in your grow room along with your lighting system. i read the back of one and it cautions about removing the lens for the reason of UV exposure


Well-Known Member
They sell 8% UVB lights most places that sells reptiles. Hey, while you are at it maybe you should buy a few banks of LED lights, this would really make them explode.

We even watched the same link videos as you have on this thread and many more. check out post #6 of this link. Plus you might want to read all of this thread.

We were all pumped. Went out and spent money and some of our buds went POOF! I was one of the lucky ones.
I have yet to reach my prime! people think I'm stupid, I'll prove them! lol

I have plans of my own. I'll do it all the right way and show you it works. only problem, I've never posted a picture of a pot plant on the internet.