Well-Known Member
The whole point of the union was to show retards like you that decriminalization is actually a way better way to go but obviously you didnt pay much attention
I compleatly agree, if they give me the chance to vote on it i will marijuana should be legal and for those of you that say it shouldent because your gonna loose a buck, get over and get a real job until then be happy with what ya got.
Basically everything I was going write about this topic has already been written. I agree with the quoted post above and completely disagree with the author of this thread.Everything that you say about legalization of marijuana is false. Legalization of marijuana will actually lead to MORE jobs AND less people being thrown in jail. In your argument, which I find ill informed, you state that 90% of money created in the United States comes from the marijuana industry. This is wrong, there is no way that this could be true since most of our economy in some way shape and form is actually fueled by the major corporations. Unless Ford is creating cars that run on hemp, there is no way that this company is profiting from the sale of marijuana to support these claims.
If you imagine a small town in America, one which has mostly American made cars you will see that 99% of those people do not acquire their income from the Black Market. This hypothetical town can be seen as a representation for the rest of America in terms of what they buy and where the money goes to and circulates in the rest of the economy. Now take your drug dealers in the economy, some of them might acquire their product by growing it themselves. While this might be a few people, it will be a minority of people. Most of the dealers will acquire their product from a larger distributer. This weed will most likely come from Mexican drug cartels, or some other gang affiliated entity. Most of the time the money that they acquire does not go back in the economy, it usually get stashed away, where it will later be used to fund other CRIMINAL enterprises.
If you legalize weed, you will allow for job creation through means of creating places such as coffee shops where weed can be purchased, creating a industry for hemp, allowing breeders to be open about their trade. Other side business will also be created, shops which only sell awesome baked cannafood. What makes you think that these people who would sell weed would not put the money back into the economy. Most of these people have kids, homes, cars, and all of the other things that normal people have and want. They will also be able to be more open about their income, which means that would be able to buy what ever they want without giving the DEA a reason to throw them in jail. Decriminalization does not allow for ANY of these things. It means that people can have a small amount for personal use, but they will STILL GET ARRESTED FOR SELLING AND GROWING. Which still assures that people are getting sent to jail over a plant. Legalization basically means that I have the right to do what I want with the plant, and NO ONE can tell me other wise.
Even Amsterdam is having problems with their policies where you can sell it, but it is still illegal to grow it. Which is counterintuitive since that means that black market still has control over the industry. This keeps prices up since you are still taking a risk in selling the product. I do not understand why you would be for decriminalization, you would still be able to get arrested for weed, if it is above a certain amount.
Calling people stupid when you do not understand the issue your self makes you seem ignorant. I have seen The Union, read on this issue, and have debated many times with people on it. The Union was created to explain the on the Black Market marijuana industry is run, no where in documentary did it ever state that America was run on weed. You must have been to high to actually understand it.
The only argument I can see there is by going through local dealers, they put money into the local economy that may not have been present before. Not to mention the government is able to have police getting paid (for looking for illegal weed), arrest people, and collect taxes from illegal marijuana. Also, the pharmaceutical industry (I would imagine), does not want to see it legalized. So there are a couple of standpoints I guess.This is funny, dont legalize it so the dealers can still make their money?
how can there be any good argument from the dealer point of view on legalization, it is illegal to deal illegal drugs, and this applies to marijauna. if your not medical you are illegal, and if your selling and not a caregiver, your illegal.
This is a different argument. This is supply and demand.Just to let you know, dealers sell prescription drugs too, and these are legal for the people prescribed it. yet dealers still sell them. think this could apply to marijauna as well when its legalized? for the dealers.
that's supposed to be red HERRING! LMAOCool nice redfish by the way.
I was simply throwing out ideas, I am pro-legalization (just to see tax money better spent and a better legal plan initiated).Well, unless the money is being shipped back to Mexico.... all drug money is eventually spent on guns.![]()
In some states, yes. My state did not pass for medical nor for decriminalization, but they have a bill in action for legalization. It just depends on the state I guess. As to federally.. I am not the right person to ask, I really do not know.Wont decriminalization come before legalization anyway? Also, use spell check because you do have a good point but your post is barely legible. If you want people to take you seriously then be serious.
What is this in reference to?Lol i would like to see a link for your statistics or this is just a work of fiction