Do not use "organocide"

ma ballz drop bra me cok so much bigger then yerz x)

edit: n i iz spek liek dis cuz it makes me look cool!! talkin bout ballz n shit wtf :roll:

learn 2b kewl!

Did you say:

Your ma wants me to drop my balls in her bra because my cock is bigger than yours?
You are right on. I use it up to week 4 as well. I get it concentrated from my grow shop and mix it at 2/3 strength or so and I have no mites at all.I don't spray anything else till they finish and I've been mite free. Do you use another product like safer or something?
Ive used Organocide for a long time and I think it works great.... you just cant spray it past week 4 of flower, it has a 40 day residual
Try a natural pyrethrin bomb... I haven't had spider mites in a long time, but late in flower I use p bombs... You have to use the natural pyrethrins, not synthetic. No taste, no effect, just a few hours of light and it breaks down into harmlessness.

I'm not sure why no one does this for mites... perhaps there is a reason I am unaware of.
I know this is an old thread but I just wanna point something out, this guy was flippin about organicide, if u read the bottle it clearly saids not too use "indoors" lol I used organicide from day one since I had sprouts n I don't have any problems with pest....just my thought on it...
I made the same mistake a while back using this Organocide stuff from home depot in the exact same situation not realizing there was a deodorized formula.. not sure why I thought something that is 93% fish oil wouldn't stink.. guess i didn't read the label well enough.

I did want to get you all's opinion on this though as some of the labels on these products and their directions are very misleading and really aren't referring to smokables when they say it's okay to "spray at harvest time." I have been using Azamax and from what I've read/heard about it, you can spray up until week 3 and then after that you would only want to use it as a soil drench or otherwise in your root zone up until day of harvest.

Found this product description for organocide while i was researching.. and here again we have a company saying in their description that you can spray up until the day of harvest.. and again we have assume they are not considering any smokables. however, these organic oils do break down after 4-5 weeks and should be completely gone by harvest time if you keep your spraying before week 3.. thoughts?

Product Description

Organocide is an OMRI listed, nature-safe insecticide and fungicide for organic production. Derived from a unique blend of soybean extract and sesame and fish oils, Organocide is heavier and more effective than other oils, but safer to the plant. It will not cause plant burn even when used on hot sunny days!

Effective on a wide variety of insects, mites, armored and soft scales and certain fungal diseases like black spot on roses and powdery mildew. Organocide replaces many "hard" synthetic pesticides and is safe enough to spray at harvest time or indoors*.

The OP is crazy, clearly you have no idea what you are doing. LOL did you not research the product before you bought and used? "It smells like fish so don't use this garbage"

How about you don't post garbage threads about your garbage techniques resulting in your garbage weed. Do more research before going full retard on the forums. This is a great product when used correctly as many others have stated. I myself have had great success with this product. Anyways maybe you learned a lesson LOL.

For some fucked up reason I went with "Organocide" from home depot because my hydro shop was closed & I couldnt find neem on a Sunday.


With Organocide, my buds hardly smell like bud.. They still smell like fish. The smell lingers around bad. it slowed the spider mites a little.

Neem oil has very little stink. The slight smell is gone in a week. And it did a nice job on the spider mites last time.

I just had to crop 2 weeks early because this garbage didnt get rid of the mites. Now I have BUNK WEED!

Anyone wanna smoke up a 1/2 lb of fishy hay??? LOL.. I had to toss the other 1/2 lb because it was so infested with mites that it wasnt smokable, or it still had too much fishy smell.

I had to spray them in week3 and week 5 of budding. I had no choice.

Damn I should have just went with Neem.
I use Southern Ag Triple Action Neem before mid-flower and Nature's Care Insecticidal Soap plus their 3-in-1 Insect, Disease, and Mite Control if things get really bad. All from Home Depot for cheap. Hydro shops charge premiums.
Outdoor grower here. I know this is a dead thread revitalized but I did a quick google search to see if anyone had experimented with or tried Organocide mixed with neem in a single spray and this thread popped up number one. Just want to give my experience with the product. The fact that OP mentioned he lost half his crop to fish and the other half to mites should say something to anyone thinking for themselves. I've had great success with neem, as have most. As for Organocide I've had great results too.

First used it for powdery mildew, which we all know can only be fought not beat. Organocide fought it as well as anything I've used. Also as we all hopefully know fish might be a bad smell to us but it is not a bad smell for our plants, in the form of this product or others. I not only get pest and mildew/fungus control, but greener leaves and happier plants from this spray. I'm sure there are better ones out there and I would love to hear about them. But for an organic pest and mildew spray, and for the cost, I have yet to find a better solution than this one.

Also to OP, pay closer attention to your plants. If you saw the problem before it was in full meltdown you wouldn't be spraying flowers in week 5...
well im certainly glad i read this thread before hitting up my plants that are defo 3 weeks into budding. IM having an issue with fungus gnats. was told by the local and only nutrient guy in town to drench my soil in Azamax. did that yesterday with both rooms. seems i have an ass load more flying around than ever now. ill look at getting some of those yellow stickeys, i just got the dunks and will hit it up tomorrow. but in the mean time i was going to spray with Organocide. I was told by another guy progrower to use it. im certainly not going to be spraying buds with fishy stuff. didn't even think of that. i need to get neem aparently so seems much of the reading in a few forums.

As far as spider mites though, hit the plants with Azamax, then used PestOut, then Azamax again. few days apart. Ive heard how hard it is to get rid of spider mites, but unless i forgot something to list, i've no more spider mites. but went instantly into the fungus gnat. and its been 6 days progressively getting worse. It does appear however much less activity in the soil.

Well im glad i read this. cus now my assumption is, Organocide for the soil as it kills the larvea n eggs etc, but im going to have to go snag up some neem in a few hours..

BTW, i saw an interesting write up about how you should bake your soil before using it to avoid infestation created by careless soil manufactures and passed on to you.

If anyone has any suggestions can you provide a link for any literature. ive seen the predatory nematoads, yellow stickies, hydrogen peroxide 1 to 4 solution, one inch sand on top each pot of soil, mild natural soap pray, drying soil out for days till droopy leaves, B.T.I. (Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis), saw few of those in this link, very informative, worth a read for sure. .... scroll to the dude named "trip".

Before i go to town on these plants again, i need to consult the local nutrient guy. the store is specific to this growing. just seems he might have suggested something other than only azamax. clearly didn't solely fix the issue.

I will report back any results. This is seriously an important issue that there needs to be a single solution for. Where's all the mad scientists? OH, my bad, was 4:20 out to lunch

If I may I have eradicated gnats on the couple occasions Ive run into them with gnatrol and yellow sticky traps. Super easy and very effective. Go heavy (3tsp per gallon) on the gnatrol for 2+ weeks and they will be gone. Same BT as dunks but seems to work faster.
You are right on. I use it up to week 4 as well. I get it concentrated from my grow shop and mix it at 2/3 strength or so and I have no mites at all.I don't spray anything else till they finish and I've been mite free. Do you use another product like safer or something?
Where does it state there is a 40 day residual? On the front label it reads "Harvest the the same day" granted that would be for vegetables etc. The primary active ingredient is sesame oil. It's EPA exempt. Where did your information come from please


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I just read this on the organocide website.

Benefits Ingredients/Packaging Versatile:
Active Ingredient: Sesame Oil.............5.0%
Inert Ingredients Fish Oil .............92.0%
Exempt from EPA registration Patent Pending

Item Specifications
Item Number: 132566
Universal Product Code: 679045119581
Manufacturer: Organic Laboratories
Ive used Organocide for a long time and I think it works great.... you just cant spray it past week 4 of flower, it has a 40 day residual
New grower here. I just picked up a bottle of organocide plant doctor. To deal with the beginning stages of powder mold trying to grow some big blue dream plants 67 days veged already from clone. and putting them outside in the couple weeks to veg more. Any suggestions on what ratio to use?IMG_20170331_231845.jpg
New grower here. I just picked up a bottle of organocide plant doctor. To deal with the beginning stages of powder mold trying to grow some big blue dream plants 67 days veged already from clone. and putting them outside in the couple weeks to veg more. Any suggestions on what ratio to use?View attachment 3917665
I use it @ 1/2 Tsp / gall. For preventative once or twice in veg & haven't had pm since.
Here's the info I got from e-mailing their representative. image.jpgThat's Plant Doctor not 3-1 so others are not confused.
The 3-1 should be only 15ml. / gall. Any more will kill your leaves. 3-1 will only prevent pm for about a month.
Fish guts.
the formula is completely different now, no fish oil it is just MONO- AND DIBASIC SODIUM, POTASSIUM, AND AMMONIUM SALTS OF PHOSPHORUS ACID turns into potassium and phosphorus in 7-14 days.
Thread from the dead, again!! New grower here, and I use this stuff too. I didn't do so hot on my first grow, but I blame that on the clones moreso than anything; they were clones from a local dispensary, and I only gave them ONE treatment of Organocide before I went full-throttle into the grow. Shoulda treated them weekly, because about 3 and a half weeks in, I had gnats and spider mites on all 3 plants!

Currently on my 2nd grow, and am about 10 days from harvest, this run done from seed. Organocide used every 10 days until week 3 of flower, I stopped. This entire grow has been SMOOTH SAILING.

What I typically do, is turn off my blowing fans and just spray the fuck out of the plants until they're dripping wet, and all the overspray and drips on the floor i just wipe around all over the floor and kinda let it dry. Same thing with any overspray on the walls. It makes the tent smell reeeallly fishy thru veg, but man, I really think it kept any pests at bay. I even found a couple dead carpet beetles outside the tent, but nothing inside whatsoever.
Organicide is a great product when used correctly. It is basically interferon for your plants. It will either kill them or it will save them. There is a 50-50 chance of doing either. It's only true and best use is on small clones infected with spider mites. Hold them upside down and dip them. It will smother the eggs and prevent further infestation permanently. The trick to using this stuff is to mix it in a bucket and use a small pump at the same time to keep the water circulating. The circulating water prevents an oil slick from forming on top. When you dip your plants they will get an even coat rather than just pull the oil off the top. However, you will still have about a 50% death rate. I mixed at a rate of 2 oz per gallon.


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I'm having a septoria leaf spot battle right now and am strapped for cash. I have this 3 in 1 be safe organicide and it says it has a fungicide in it. Will this be good for combating the septoria? I don't want to lose my whole crop. 6 look savable 1 looks like its dieing from the disease so progressed