well im certainly glad i read this thread before hitting up my plants that are defo 3 weeks into budding. IM having an issue with fungus gnats. was told by the local and only nutrient guy in town to drench my soil in Azamax. did that yesterday with both rooms. seems i have an ass load more flying around than ever now. ill look at getting some of those yellow stickeys, i just got the dunks and will hit it up tomorrow. but in the mean time i was going to spray with Organocide. I was told by another guy progrower to use it. im certainly not going to be spraying buds with fishy stuff. didn't even think of that. i need to get neem aparently so seems much of the reading in a few forums.
As far as spider mites though, hit the plants with Azamax, then used PestOut, then Azamax again. few days apart. Ive heard how hard it is to get rid of spider mites, but unless i forgot something to list, i've no more spider mites. but went instantly into the fungus gnat. and its been 6 days progressively getting worse. It does appear however much less activity in the soil.
Well im glad i read this. cus now my assumption is, Organocide for the soil as it kills the larvea n eggs etc, but im going to have to go snag up some neem in a few hours..
BTW, i saw an interesting write up about how you should bake your soil before using it to avoid infestation created by careless soil manufactures and passed on to you.
If anyone has any suggestions can you provide a link for any literature. ive seen the predatory nematoads, yellow stickies, hydrogen peroxide 1 to 4 solution, one inch sand on top each pot of soil, mild natural soap pray, drying soil out for days till droopy leaves, B.T.I. (Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis), saw few of those in this link, very informative, worth a read for sure.
http://www.420magazine.com/forums/p...ungus-gnats-how-kill-larvae-soil-n-e-1-a.html .... scroll to the dude named "trip".
Before i go to town on these plants again, i need to consult the local nutrient guy. the store is specific to this growing. just seems he might have suggested something other than only azamax. clearly didn't solely fix the issue.
I will report back any results. This is seriously an important issue that there needs to be a single solution for. Where's all the mad scientists? OH, my bad, was 4:20 out to lunch