• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

do my leaves look ok ?


Well-Known Member
fist time indoor growth (26 days from germination)

room: w5xd3xh10"

seed: violator kush

Soil: light mix (PH 6,2)

nutriens: floraduo (but have only been feeting it once and very lightly 1/4 strengs)

watering: with normal tab water at normal room temperature adjusted to a ph of 6.5 (only use ground water in my country so no chlorine in it at all)

light: 6x5" 49w T5 HO tubes (4x 6500K and 2x 2700K = total of 27,900 Lumen) 2-5 inches away

ventilation: 2 fans (one table fan in the room pointet away from the plants and one tower fan that is adding fresh air in to the room, the room is open in the top 1-2 inches to let old/hot air out)

humidity and temperature : around 40-45% and 75-78f at day and about 72-75f at night

question: right from the start my leaves have been looking "funny" or is it just me ?
like they are curling and twisting a little ? special new shoots/leaves

please tell me what you think

DSC00386 (2).jpg

plant have been LST a littel to make more shoots (6-7 coming up nicely)


Well-Known Member
and here is a picture of my other plant (I have FIM it so got like 6 shots in the top and 4 more is really shooting up fast from the side)

same look, new leaves look funny



Active Member
as u noticed urself , its a start of micronutrient ( mg/ca/zn ) deficiency , from the pic i can say that the pot u use is shallow , plz check for root bound


Well-Known Member
ahh thanks for the quick answer bonjo :)

I will check immediately, as I do have some 4 gallon containers ready, was just planning on doing the repotting in like 2 weeks from now 1-2 weeks before flowering, but I guess I can changes that plan if it is root bound (by that you do mean that the roots have grown all the way down the pot .. right ? sorry Im nub)

could that stun the growth and make the leaves look like that ?

@ going to check and repot .. will report back asap. :)


Well-Known Member
ok done

@ take a smoke after all that hard work .. ahhh ;)

roots as you expected was all the way down the pot (1 gallon pot) sorry forgot to take a picture (all dirty hands aso)
but it was full of small white thin roots all the way down and around also around the small leca nuts/stones in the bottom !

did`t want to touch it too much, so I did only shake it a little to let the loose ones drop off before replanting.

hope thats ok ?

so it have like ½ a inch of leca stones in the middel of the new pot.

had to add like twice as much dirt as it was in so hopefully this pot will support it to the end ???

did only water with normal 6,5 ph water .. no nuts only a little yucca to let the roots take up the water more easily.




so now I actualy got another question :)

as I was just beginning to start on nutrients (1/4 strengs) and was planning to go ½ strenges next week.

but now I just added 2/3 new dirt (light mix) to the pot.

schould I continue to add nutrien evry seccon time or wait like 14 days (4 watering or so) to begin to add it agin ?

if so Im almost in to flowering before Im up to full level of nutriens before I have to switch to flowering nutriens :S ?

Styles T

Active Member
Hey there Slipon! Pretty nice plants by the way not too bad. 4rm the look of it, it look's like your growing numerous seeds together in one big pot-I know that can't be just one plant(unless topped)? 27,900 Lumens? Wow! I have only 4,000 Lumens dishing out of my 2tube T-5 Structure. A lot of people starting out think that they need to get those high wattage lights when in fact you don't really need all that much. Check0ut my plant@6Wk's(1month/2wk's) - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/529058-6wks-making.html#post7442610

Less light(not too less) is more(@least in the veg stage) because the plant grows while in search of more light. If you do decide to use lights such as Metal Halide 0r HPS(high pressure sodium) then keep them way above. I have a High Pressure Sodium light in my bathroom and I would keep my plant under it sometimes about 3ft away and after hours of exposure, the plants became dehydrated, droopy(of course) and just sad looking putting a whole lot of stress on the plant And that was 3ft away! Everyone's set-up is different I know but "I ain't got time for play'in I'm just say'in"! I will continue to use my T-5 2tube and the natural sunlight(when possible) and maybe HPS light for a couple hrs if that and I should be good. Flowering is going to be more of a challenge however. Well keep doing your homework and I hope you succeed in your growing endeavors.


Well-Known Member
thanks style :)

and yea not to bad looking for a fist indoor grow (have done some outdoor many years ago tho so have some knowleges)
but you know, allways looking for perfection (I do anyway) and more knowledge.

and no it is not numerous plants, I have 2 plants in total, 1 in each pot

tho I have FIM one (6 new tops and 4 more side shoots comming up)
the other one (the one I just replantet and the one with most problems and smallest pot to begin with) is LST and have like 6-7 shoots comming up thats why it look like that ..

some pics from a few weeks back


and the one I FIM .. pic from a few days ago


about the light, well I work as a metal worker and one day, a month ago or so I saw our electrician changing the outside light fixtures ..
had been playing with the idea of starting a indoor grow for a long time (tired of buying it) so I ask him later in the day when I meet him, what he was doing with them old once, he said he was going to throw them out !!!! as they wher broken (the plastick around em ;))

so I got em for free :) 3 pices of 2 bulb each.

and when I open them up to strip them for the broken plastick aso. I notice to my big surprise it was 49w t5 HO !
as we only run "normal" T8 36W indoor at the factory .. so as you can imagen I was happy going home with 3 fixtures for free

just cost me around 50$ to fit 6 new tubes in them (4x 6500K and 2x 2700K each with 4650 lumen or sumthing like that)

tho I also just got a 600W HPS (2100K I belive) but I will keep that for late flowering (maby do as you ?) have been thinking of the same thing, runn it for a few hours a day or so.

the T5 when Im not at home and then add the 600W HPS for like the last 4 hours of the day along with the T5 for side lighting maybe ? (can easily make sumthing at work to hold it so its easy to move)

or just use it all for the last 4 weeks of flowering or so ? if I can crontrole the heat ?????

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I'd say as well on your first two pics it's a little CaMg deficiency, are you using RO water? If you are you'll want a CaMg supplement. Also the second pic looked like it could use a little N as well.

Root bound means that the roots have run out of room to grow and are just wrapping around the inside of the pot. It sounds like you changed it just on time. And I would still go half strength on your nutes even though you repotted. :lol:


Well-Known Member
ahh ok thanks a lot doctor

so I continue with ½ strenges nuts

RO water ?

I use normal tap water, but I let it stay night over to get normal temperature and add PH down to get it from like 7,5-8 to 6,5ish and I add a littel yucca to break the water tension.

(I live in scandinavia, we got realy clean tab water, have allways been able to drink it right out of the tab no problems atall, its ground water from 30 meters down 1000 of years old so its pretty much total clean, water cleaning plant then runn it trough 2 diffrent filters, thats all, nothing added, even on ther home pages they brag about ther water quality)

CaMg erm .. just to sound realy nubish . what is that ? calsium/magnesium ? dont the nutriens hold that ?

and yea I guess I was just in time for repotting, tho been looking around now at some other pictures and I can see it could have been a lot wors , but I guess thats why I was just in time, ther wher roots all around the pot but not as tick as some of the pictures I just saw, mine was like 70% dirt and 30% roots if you can say so ? them I saw was like half and half and even some who was totaly covert in roots !)

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry I guess I forgot to ask what nutes you were using as well lol. RO water means reverse osmosis, or filtered water. But if you're using clean tap water and letting it sit out 24 hours you are good there. The filter cleans the water, but also takes out minerals as well. And yes, CaMg is calcium and magnesium.

You're using GH right? Their organic line has a really good CaMg, but I don't know much about using synthetic nutes. The yucca is good, I use Aloe vera juice for the same thing. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ahh ok .. and yea I use GH (floraduo 2 parts + rip tho that is for late flowering)

did actualy just take your advice (lookd up floraduo and found out it had MG and Ca in it) so I gave them some ..

couldnt water as I just water them/repot but I gave them half dosis with folia feed/spray .. lets see if thats help ..

better let em rest now and see .. boath a repotting and folia feet in one day must be enough ;)

I just read sumthing intersting

quote from another thread:

"The idea behind a water softener is simple. The calcium and magnesium ions in the water are replaced with sodium ions. "

cannabis doesn't like sodium beware

so I guess I/we schould be carefull with the yucca ? as I belive it is a water softing product ?
maby thats my problem since I use it boath when I water and spray ?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
To be honest I'm not sure. I know a lot of experience growers use yucca and swear by it. I use Aloe Vera juice instead, because I get it really cheap and it does the same job.


Well-Known Member
k me either .. but I will look in to it some more ..maybe hold back on it for a few days and only add nuts next time I water ..

do you use it boath for watering and foile spraying ?


Well-Known Member
just a littel update ..

was at my parents house to day .. my mom have a littel garden and a green house ..

had a look in the shed and found a dirt PH test kit (and some other stuff ;))

but had to try it out just to make sure that was`t the problem (have been reading even more about CaMG and other nutriens plants need)
so when I came home I made a test on boath plants



spot on it seems :)

a littel darker then PH 6 and a littel lighter then PH 7 so schould some wher in between ..

so they schould be able to take up any nutriens I give them .. so I guess I just have to give them more
(maybe I have been holding back a little since I was afraid of over do it and my dirt is light mix and ist that strong in nutriens to begin with)

guess my plants was growing out of room and food .. atlest thats what I belive now ..

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I use it for both, and I use it in my teas now too. But to be honest I forget to pour it into the res half the time because I keep it in the fridge separate from my other nutes lol. And yea, that's where my PH normally comes out when I check run-off.


Active Member
hey m8 , i really like the ph test with the tube may not be pin point acurate but its all that u really need , just have a clue on where u step ;)

after a couple of weeks when u are closer to flower , the soil in the pots will be a bit lower when the fresh soil gets pressed with the watering , u will be able to unpot the plants , put some more fresh soil on the bottom and on the sides , this way u will be macking another transplant which it may proove very helpfull , u may discard some excisting top and side soil so to be able to add more new

whats the strain ? is it white one ? whites always need more micronutrients and less macronutrients ( NPK )


Well-Known Member
Doctor @

lol :) get it in the room ..

well I will not add it when I water .. atlest untill they look better .. but I think I will continue to add it when I spray them (to ensure they can take up the water trough the leaves) that was also the original reason why I did buy it .. just found out you could add it when you watering as well ..

also .. did check my runn off the other day and with 6,5 PH water going in and sumthing like 5,5-6 PH comming out I was a littel concernd ..
even tho I have read somewher that runn off mostly will come out a ½ - 1 point lower as it do runn trough nutriens aso.

bonjo @

yea your right ..tho I think I will invenst in a good PH/EC meter when I have a bit more money ..

maybe one of them who also can read temp/humidity and maybe even light/Lux .. if they are anygood ?

have bad experiance with other stuff when they can to much.. if you know what I mean ?
also when they break you are left with nothing .. etc. like a tv with dvd inbuild ..sucks when the dvd is broken.

Ooh well Im happy with the test .. as you say .. give a good clue ..
atlest I know that Im not under 6 and not over 7 .. so now I can sleep at night ;)

dunno if I want to repot them anymore ? atlest that was`t the plan .. I was hopeing them 3-4 gallon (12L) pots would be enough to the end ?
it would also be 4th time I repot them then .. dont like to do it to much .. lets see I reccon I will need a few days/a week to get them back on track and then maybe veg em for like 2-3 weeks more (so I veg in total 6 weeks + a week I kinda lost do to this CaMg/root bound stuff)

the strain is violator kush .. did choose it for its low hight (2 feet) as I dont want monsters .. think I will choose a auto flowr strain next time
(will suit me better .. special the problem with no light doing dark time/night as my room is`t 100% light proof) reccon I can have 4 under my T5 insted of 2 "normal" as I have now .. also considering to try out DWG but thats another storie ..

I will continue to updating this thread so you guy/galz can see if/when I solve the problem and how they progress ..

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Doctor @

lol :) get it in the room ..

well I will not add it when I water .. atlest untill they look better .. but I think I will continue to add it when I spray them (to ensure they can take up the water trough the leaves) that was also the original reason why I did buy it .. just found out you could add it when you watering as well ..

also .. did check my runn off the other day and with 6,5 PH water going in and sumthing like 5,5-6 PH comming out I was a littel concernd ..
even tho I have read somewher that runn off mostly will come out a ½ - 1 point lower as it do runn trough nutriens aso.

bonjo @

yea your right ..tho I think I will invenst in a good PH/EC meter when I have a bit more money ..

maybe one of them who also can read temp/humidity and maybe even light/Lux .. if they are anygood ?

have bad experiance with other stuff when they can to much.. if you know what I mean ?
also when they break you are left with nothing .. etc. like a tv with dvd inbuild ..sucks when the dvd is broken.

Ooh well Im happy with the test .. as you say .. give a good clue ..
atlest I know that Im not under 6 and not over 7 .. so now I can sleep at night ;)

dunno if I want to repot them anymore ? atlest that was`t the plan .. I was hopeing them 3-4 gallon (12L) pots would be enough to the end ?
it would also be 4th time I repot them then .. dont like to do it to much .. lets see I reccon I will need a few days/a week to get them back on track and then maybe veg em for like 2-3 weeks more (so I veg in total 6 weeks + a week I kinda lost do to this CaMg/root bound stuff)

the strain is violator kush .. did choose it for its low hight (2 feet) as I dont want monsters .. think I will choose a auto flowr strain next time
(will suit me better .. special the problem with no light doing dark time/night as my room is`t 100% light proof) reccon I can have 4 under my T5 insted of 2 "normal" as I have now .. also considering to try out DWG but thats another storie ..

I will continue to updating this thread so you guy/galz can see if/when I solve the problem and how they progress ..
Lol, I've been working on getting it in there. I just started upgrading my laundry room so that my rain water comes in from outside and hooks up to the laundry machine, and a secondary hose with a shut-off for my 15gal sprayer. :hump: Lol. I have to move around some ducting too....gonna be a busy week.

Here I found this for you. http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/surfactants-is-your-water-wet-enough/

The first two paragraphs explain why to use a surfactant as a soil drench. But yea, definitely awesome in the foliar either way. If there's a trader joes by you they sell gallons of pure organic aloe juice for like 7 bucks.


Well-Known Member
ahh thanks a lot .. did learn something they .. didn't know yucca actually comes from a tree ..
I will continue to use it for foliar spraying ..


Well-Known Member
I don't think at this point u really need the PH/EC meter, if u were thinkin bout doin a larger hydro setup I'd say yeah for sure get a good dig ph/ppm all that good stuff meter, but with just what ur growin now as long as u have a basic idea that ur soil ph isn't gonna kill ur plants ur fine, ur plants r lookin nice ya know with the lights you said you have now you would be able to grow more than just the 2 plants if you were to maybe set up ur 600w HPS light and u could maybe change ur lights in ur T5 to more veg lights and try to setup a cycle of growing so u have one for veg and one for flowering, but u might try that later if u wanna grow more than 2 at a time.