• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

do my leaves look ok ?


Well-Known Member
ahh finaly able to post pics agin :D

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just gave em ther fist tast of ripen .. so I reccon in 10-14 days they will be ready ..

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and I started my new small once .. tho one of the VK didt germinate .. so startet a LSD more insted .. schould come up to day or tomorrow .. hope it wont be to fare behind :D

Ooh yea and here is the sugar I was talking about:


dunno if this is ok to use and if it do the diffrent ?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Looks like you're gonna get at least 2-3 oz off each plant. By the way, you gotta delete your inbox lol, I haven't been able to return your messages. But don't worry about a seed being 3 or 4 days behind, it won't make a difference. You can pop another seed if you want to if you have one, just to be on the safe side. But if you end up with only 3 plants it's ok, you can stake and prune one to grow in more of an oval or square shape to fill your 3'x3' space.


Well-Known Member
lol yea well .. forgot about my inbox .. nubs keep MSGing me all the time with stupid questions .. do you know the feeling ;)

and I germinatet a LSD more .. came up 48 hrs after I drop it in the coco .. much better and much better looking then the voilator kush I belive .. I might just have some bad or old seeds .. but them LSD do look prommising ..

and yea I did think about just keeping 3 ... but ya know .. now I pland and got all the pots and made the soil mix aso aso aso.

and I´ll be happy with them 4-6 oz if that is what you belive Ill pull .. lets see .. but that was about my goal to begin with ..
6 Oz will give me 2 Oz a month .. untill next haverst .. witch is plenty .. so hopefully .. still 10 days left so can still rip a bit more .. I hope ;)

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Haha, you been helpin newbs already? Awesome man. Look at that rep, I didn't even notice. Good stuff. No wonder I get on here every 3 days and you're already on lol. You're gonna be Mr. Ganja by the end of the month. :hug:

Don't let them get completely dry before harvest, but the pot shouldn't be wet either.

Auto-immune diseases are disease like HIV, where......never mind just check this link out lol. http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/autoimmune-diseases.cfm

Auto-immune patients are especially sensitive to pharmaceuticals and chemical treatments, so plant medicines are usually much more effective and can sometimes cure the disease, especially in the case of cannabis.

So the way I grow is organically as you already know, but I take it to the next level by not using any animal products either. Most peoples bodies can tolerate animals and animal products as long as they are not raw, but it's much healthier not to eat animals or animal products. That's how you know that us vegans are doing it right lol, we can eat the cake batter and drink our milk after it's been sitting out all day lol. ;-)

So the same thing applies to the way food and medicine is grown. If an auto-immune patient smoked some pot that was grown with guano or manure or blood or something that is tainted, it could kill them...where it would probably just make me or you sick, or might not do anything to us at all.

So I use ALL PLANT SOURCES and compost to grow. Not that there's anything wrong with growing with guanos and manures and bonemeal and stuff, it's just not what nature intended, and the closer we get to letting nature do everything, the better the medicine. So an auto-immune patient that eats a strict plant-based diet and uses organic medicine....is probably doing to get better and live a healthy life, as opposed to most Americans that just walk their fat unhealthy asses into the doctor and ask for drugs. :-P

And yea, don't worry about the hairs turning, some strains will have 80% white hairs at harvest, some will have 80% brown hairs, some have 50% orange hairs....and some have blue hairs :-P. Just watch the trichomes.

yea I will do 24 or so hrs of darkness .. what fits me .. but more then 24 hrs ..

and a small flush .. well might just give em a good watering evry time last 5 waterings (10 days) and then 2-3 days with out

Im thinking .. water .. then next day I normaly dont water .. then next day insted of watering start 24-48 hrs darkness .. so they are kind a dry when I start on the darkness ?

and sure use metric :D make it easy for me .. tho Im soon use to OZ. foot and inch`s :D

auto-immune patients ? erm ok ... please tell .. what is it and what kind of smoke you grow for em ?

about molasses .. I dont seems to be able to find the liquid kind .. dark one on bottels .. ? but I have the Dark muscovado Cane sugar ?

its unrefined and sold in a "green shop" as a clean product and as a dark rich sugar and have been very littel produced with a aim for locking in rather then refining out the natrual molasses of the sugar cane as they write ?

I just dont know about the 100mg Sodium per 100g it contains ? dunno ? and Im not sure about sugar canes as I think I read molasses is from sugar beet ? dunno if ther is a diffrent .. or if I can use this product with out harming my girls now so close to the end ?

beside the Sodium it seems to only keep good stuff (not that sodium is`t good)

per 100 grams:

Potassium 580 mg
Calium 99 mg
Magnesium 58 mg
Phosphorous 8mg
Sodium 100mg
1,6 mg

been looking evrywher and used hrs of reading and googling .. but cant realy find a answer if this is ok to use ? and how much and often aso. ? could realy use some advice here if you have any idea ?

Ooh yea and you say I schouldnt worry about the hairs turning ? I was in the belive that would happen before the Thricomes becam cloudy/amber ?

and thanks for your patience with me :) I will smoke the fist bud and think of all your help .. with out I would not be anywher near wher I am now ...... and it would be smelly ;)[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
lol yea .. been addictet to this forum it seems :)

and I have vacation and Im just home this year .. relaxing .. looking after my girls and makeing a few things around the house ..

so yea Mr. Ganja in reccord time .. I bet I soon wake up one morning with dreedlocks ..

and I did`t know all that about Auto-immune patients and animal producs .. but well I dont care so much .. I use my smoke to relax .. stress off and mostly for sleep ..

and I also have to take one step at the time .. not Mr Ganja yet ...

Im on my seccon grow allready and in organic soil ... thanks to you ;)

maybe next grow .. but I dunno .. cant care less about vegans ... as I grew up as one .. tastet my fist hotdog at ages 14 !!!!!!!!! same ages I smoked my fist joint acctualy :D

so I love my meat to day .. but dont worry . I know how to eat healthy .. Im 182 cm and wight is around 78 kg never had problems ther .. allways made some kind of sport .. use a Bicycle to work and our crisps here in EU is in 200 gram bags .. not 5 KGs ;) and my microowen is used like onc a month .. to heat up stuff I made the day before .. hate them "ready meals" do try to buy organic food/milk/meet aso and I love to cook and bake aso.

Ooh yea and I try to avoid all artificial Médecin .. I even try to avoyd normal pain killers .. dont like the concept of not knowing what I fill my body with .. last time I was at the doctors was .. hmmm ... erm ... hmmm .. 5 years ago .. maybe ? only visit the Emergency klinik now and then when Im clumsy at work and get sumthing in my eye or cut my finger and need a few stitches or sumthing ..


Well-Known Member
a littel update .. last pics before dark time/haverst ..


do to high temps (88F) and a bit to mouch nitrogen I got some foxtaling .. but Im kool .. its strickly for personal use .. so it just pack on a bit more smoke for me :D

and I also learnd a lesson when it comes to indoor growing ..


Well-Known Member

but damn I need a break .. so mouch work :D

and my fingers are so sticky that I hardly can write on my PC ..


Well-Known Member
ok done .. so to speak ...


damn I hate this part .. if it was`t Bc. Im addicted to weed I wouldnt become a killer ... but I am ..


Well-Known Member
but I love this part :D


so ther it is ... 3½ months work :D

a pile of fan leaves ... a bucket of sugar leaves and cutings ..and a lot of small cute pop corn buds ... and of course 23 steams full of foxtaling :D

tho underneed them ther is atlest 5 oz of dens buds ..

and even a middel fast dry bud give me a big smile and totaly dry lips ..

and I did also discover that it not that cool to work on .. cleaning my grow room to make space for my new 2½ weeks baybies ..

its not that you dont feel enthusiastic about the work .. its more like after a few hrs of trimming and cleaning Im totaly bustet and my mouth is as dry as Shahara on a dry day ..

Ooh yea and I cant get my fingers clean ;)


damn thricomes .. didt know mine was so sticky .. high temps have made em foxtaling a bit and is`t that full of thricomes .. tho it seems like I was wrong ..

also dark hrs gave me atlest 20% more brown hairs .. and last time I check .. 2 days ago I had 5% amber .. lets see when they are dry and cured ..

cant wait to see how mouch it give in the end .. but Im happy .. over all .. as its strickly for personal use I think I have enough for 2½ month ..

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Hell yea, you can get it off your fingers with either rubbing alcohol, or any alcohol really, or nail polish remover works really good too. Once it's cured it probably won't make your mouth as dry. But yea, I always have cotton mouth lol. I actually can't trim without being high, but I have super bad anxiety usually which is why I usually start smoking when the sun comes up lol.

I think what it really is, is that trimming sucks after a few hours no matter what you're on lol. It's boring as hell, especially by yourself. I think people just think it's fun because it's the rewarding part of growing....but you don't get rewarded until after it's dried and manicured lol, we just don't realize until we actually start trimming lol.