Do i need a break from weed?

you know, i really wouldn't put it past my dealer to tell me its kush when its not. i mean, he's always been really good to me and knows i smoke medicinally, but you never know really. i find that the odor almost has a tea smell to it.. like tea leaves... i'll try and get a pic of it.. i'll also try and see if i can get my scope to work (i dont have new batteries for it) to let you know what colour the trichs are.

Give the batteries a shake and then give it a try. Usually will get another bit of spark out of batteries if you do this (not much, but something). Vigorous shaking.

What kind of tea? Regular herbal? I don't usually drink tea, but I'm not sure I'd describe the Kush odor as tea like. Have you ever tried deep breathing exercises? You can get high off of them if you're good at them, but more importantly, they are quite relaxing =)
I agree with Nusky , your anxiety is caused by some thing else and the pot you are smoking is exaggerating it , what has changed in your life , what worries do you have etc , if i cant go to bed at night knowing i have no said issues to worry about then i don't smoke , you are a long term smoker like myself , i think there is alot to be taken from the term "smoke yourself comfortable" , it can take only a small change or issue for shit to break loose in your head......

Did i make sense ?
who mentioned de-tox :)
Ive had a few friends have this happen to them around the time you are in (2-3 years) and yeah man, they still cannot smoke heavily or they panic. And like hospitalized panic.. this is also a few years after, they can only smoke some shitty bud, and thats about it. they smoke super super light, like strong weed they dont smoke, stress theyd smoke a couple puffs on a j...theyve never been able to come back full force..
Give the batteries a shake and then give it a try. Usually will get another bit of spark out of batteries if you do this (not much, but something). Vigorous shaking.

What kind of tea? Regular herbal? I don't usually drink tea, but I'm not sure I'd describe the Kush odor as tea like. Have you ever tried deep breathing exercises? You can get high off of them if you're good at them, but more importantly, they are quite relaxing =)

bubba kush will def remind me of green tea for some reason. its the only way i can describe it..
man, its been a while since i've posted in here.. but i need some advice.

i've been a daily toker for a while now, about 2-3 years. i smoke it to help with my depression and stuff. but lately, i've been having a lot of panic and anxiety when i smoke. not every time, but a lot. i got sick with the flu a few weeks ago and when my fever came on one night while i was high, i had a bad anxiety attack that lasted a couple hours. then i couldnt smoke for over a week while getting over the flu. i completely lost my tolerance. since then, in the past few weeks, i've been smoking, but just a couple puffs here and there, but i cant tolerate the feeling of being high very well at all. as soon as i feel the high i get panicked. i was thinking that maybe i need to take a break for a while, but i worry that if i take a long break i wont be able to go back to it at all, and that i'll never be able to smoke again. i also had thought that maybe it was the type of weed i've been smoking. i've been smoking kush for the last several months. different types of kush. so i wanted to ask here, to see what other people have experienced or would recommend. but if i need to take a break, i can take a break. it will be ok. thanks!

Take a break, or just eat brownies for a while :)
Or smoke through the bullshit :)
I find when I'm sick or really tired, weed will just kick my ass up down and sideways. Your body may still be weak from the flu and that may account for the effects you're getting.

I don't even feel like smoking when I'm sick, I already feel stoned, and not in a good way
man, its been a while since i've posted in here.. but i need some advice.

i've been a daily toker for a while now, about 2-3 years. i smoke it to help with my depression and stuff. but lately, i've been having a lot of panic and anxiety when i smoke. not every time, but a lot. i got sick with the flu a few weeks ago and when my fever came on one night while i was high, i had a bad anxiety attack that lasted a couple hours. then i couldnt smoke for over a week while getting over the flu. i completely lost my tolerance. since then, in the past few weeks, i've been smoking, but just a couple puffs here and there, but i cant tolerate the feeling of being high very well at all. as soon as i feel the high i get panicked. i was thinking that maybe i need to take a break for a while, but i worry that if i take a long break i wont be able to go back to it at all, and that i'll never be able to smoke again. i also had thought that maybe it was the type of weed i've been smoking. i've been smoking kush for the last several months. different types of kush. so i wanted to ask here, to see what other people have experienced or would recommend. but if i need to take a break, i can take a break. it will be ok. thanks!

It sounds like to me that you may have been contimplating about quitting and now when you smoke you feel guilty which is inducing the anxiety and makes you think about shit alot more. I say this Because I went through a bout of this myself I just quit smoking for awhile focused on growing and yes a captain morgan and coke was involved every night to soften the edge from the day and when I harvested my plants I was ready to smoke again, but i am not as heavy of a smoker as I once was. I beleive growing makes you a different kind of smoker, kind of an appreciative stoner instead of a designated bong, get out of kush and try a sativa better for you head!!!
hmmm how old are you guys that are getting burnt out? i'm a logical kind of person, trying to put 2 and 2 together.
Well, I've been smoking daily for about 12 years and regularly for 15. Still love me some ganja. Never had a serious panic attack except one time I ate 4 grams of hash thinking it would be cool in high school (thought I might die, although I sort of kept it in the back of my head that I wouldn't I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and it got a lot harder to breath because of it). 4 grams is too much.
I find when I'm sick or really tired, weed will just kick my ass up down and sideways. Your body may still be weak from the flu and that may account for the effects you're getting.

I don't even feel like smoking when I'm sick, I already feel stoned, and not in a good way

smoking is the only thing that lets me get up and do shit when im sick. that and a bit of buckleys.if im sick as soon as i smoke i hack up a loog and my head clears right up nothing works like it for me.
hmmm how old are you guys that are getting burnt out? i'm a logical kind of person, trying to put 2 and 2 together.

I'm not "Burnt Out" but "Sober" and "High" have run together.

High is my thinking space, it's almost even more "sober" than my "sober".

I'm 19...
hmmm how old are you guys that are getting burnt out? i'm a logical kind of person, trying to put 2 and 2 together.

I having smoking for 16 yrs, heavy for around 10 yrs, over the past 5-6 yrs I have really just smoked to clear my head and destress, however I really started getting good at growing and producing some incredible product over the last 7-8 yrs or so. I have found that whether I smoke 3-4 hits or whole joint the high is the same, so to me smoking a whole joint is just wasting when I could get high several times of one joint. I found that one hitters with deep bowls work the best for me....thats just me though!!!
thanks everyone for the replies. i think that the big problem is that i have a mix of my own anxieties and feeling sick off and on. im going to take it easy for a while, and not smoke so much. maybe just a couple tokes a day for a while and see how that goes. i may take a break if i really feel the need to. i had a couple tokes earlier today and it was ok, but there was almost no high at all. i think i just lost my tolerance and need to take some time to build that back again. i seem to get anxious when i feel sick, and weed is only making that anxiety worse, so i think for the time being if i feel sick, i wont smoke. thanks again!
The same thing started happening to me about a year ago, first with just one strain then with all of them. I even went to the doctor to see if I was having heart problems. I quit smoking cigarettes, cut back on caffeine, only take two tokes and wait. All of that helped but now I'm at a point where I just want it to stop. I normally would have thought weed was helping my anxiety but I guess not. I've been a heavy pot smoker for 20 years, nothing but kick homegrown for 10. Its kinda hard to wrap my head around because my life is heavily intertwined with marijuana. Its really strange because I used to smoke more than everyone else, have the best shit, and so on, now I'm a super lightweight! Just yesterday for thanksgiving I let my guard down, the night before we had a serious session, stayed up late, drank some coffee (I was amazed that I didn't freak out). Then the next morning we had some more coffee and 3 fat ass joints, every thing was all good then wham it hit me like a train. I had the shakes, chest pain, tingley neck, I was really freaking the fuck out! I now have vowed to quit caffeine all together and will probably take a break from the weed. I hope you are careful and I don't get any worse this last attack lasted 3-4 hours and was still hurtin 8 hours later. I wish you luck, I never thought I would be the guy looking for the weak shit, HA!
The same thing started happening to me about a year ago, first with just one strain then with all of them. I even went to the doctor to see if I was having heart problems. I quit smoking cigarettes, cut back on caffeine, only take two tokes and wait. All of that helped but now I'm at a point where I just want it to stop. I normally would have thought weed was helping my anxiety but I guess not. I've been a heavy pot smoker for 20 years, nothing but kick homegrown for 10. Its kinda hard to wrap my head around because my life is heavily intertwined with marijuana. Its really strange because I used to smoke more than everyone else, have the best shit, and so on, now I'm a super lightweight! Just yesterday for thanksgiving I let my guard down, the night before we had a serious session, stayed up late, drank some coffee (I was amazed that I didn't freak out). Then the next morning we had some more coffee and 3 fat ass joints, every thing was all good then wham it hit me like a train. I had the shakes, chest pain, tingley neck, I was really freaking the fuck out! I now have vowed to quit caffeine all together and will probably take a break from the weed. I hope you are careful and I don't get any worse this last attack lasted 3-4 hours and was still hurtin 8 hours later. I wish you luck, I never thought I would be the guy looking for the weak shit, HA!
Seedy shit is cheaper any ways:) That was the best part about Tx bud :)
Could be the weed....could be you. Dont take that the wrong way... I smoke lots. I find when I am achieving less in life I am more prone to that panicky feeling. When I am achieving, I dont get the panics. Its me, not the weed so much. Follow me? Try doing something that makes you proud of yourslef, likely you will enjoy your bud more too :-) just a thought
Could be the weed....could be you. Dont take that the wrong way... I smoke lots. I find when I am achieving less in life I am more prone to that panicky feeling. When I am achieving, I dont get the panics. Its me, not the weed so much. Follow me? Try doing something that makes you proud of yourslef, likely you will enjoy your bud more too :-) just a thought

I have too much Grandiosity from my mania for all that :)

In mania

In mania, as opposed to narcissism, grandiosity is typically more pro-active and aggressive. Thus 'the manic begins by promoting himself in the family hierarchy...moves backward to grandiose statements of the high rank and quality of his forbears, and forward to an exalted view of what he proposes soon to accomplish'.[6] Alongside with 'the individual's imputing quite grandiose personal properties to himself...there will be alterations in the overreacher's subjective sense of himself'.[7] At the same time, he or she may 'become tremendously expansive and feel very big and powerful, and start all kinds of over-ambitious projects...going back to being a big balloon.'

And I actually get shit done, when shit needs to be done :)
I don't just talk about shit manically, and never do anything :)

Because this is also me :)
(Horoscope for people born on my birthday, and it fits pretty well)
born on January 20 have deeply personal visions of what their personal and professional lives are meant to be. They have a quiet determination that gets them through difficult times. They are concerned about the image they project. They make excellent role models and are deeply committed to humanitarian causes.
thanks everyone for the replies. i think that the big problem is that i have a mix of my own anxieties and feeling sick off and on. im going to take it easy for a while, and not smoke so much. maybe just a couple tokes a day for a while and see how that goes. i may take a break if i really feel the need to. i had a couple tokes earlier today and it was ok, but there was almost no high at all. i think i just lost my tolerance and need to take some time to build that back again. i seem to get anxious when i feel sick, and weed is only making that anxiety worse, so i think for the time being if i feel sick, i wont smoke. thanks again!

Possible anxiety is making you feel sick too. I know for me bad anxiety will make me feel sick to my stomach.

Either way do what feels best.