do i have ocd or somthing?


Well-Known Member
ok, for like the last six months i cant stop pulling out long eyebrows/long hair on my head, and even long whiskers in my beard.

i cant stop,it hurts but i cant stop lol

can i get diagnosed with stress/nervous disorder now bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
uh.....none, i never like going to doctors. should i? i thnk somtimes i get real worried for no reason-my gf always points it out to me cuz i act different


Well-Known Member
hey ive been to scotland to btw, i was their like 5 years ago in edinburgh and glassgow for a missions trip (sorry if i cant spell), that place was sweet!


Well-Known Member
hey ive been to scotland to btw, i was their like 5 years ago in edinburgh and glassgow for a missions trip (sorry if i cant spell), that place was sweet!
If you have ocd you will also have mental obsesions as well as pyhsical cumpultions.
For example I often daydream about my closest family and friends dying all at once. Not something you want on your mind all the time.

I check my wallet like 200 times a day to see if its still there. I mean I know it's there. wtf

I count to 3 in my head then touch a doornob, then open the door.

Its weird. Ocd over all is not a big deal to me. I hide my shit well. Some people can't


Well-Known Member
If you have ocd you will also have mental obsesions as well as pyhsical cumpultions.
For example I often daydream about my closest family and friends dying all at once. Not something you want on your mind all the time.

I check my wallet like 200 times a day to see if its still there. I mean I know it's there. wtf

I count to 3 in my head then touch a doornob, then open the door.

Its weird. Ocd over all is not a big deal to me. I hide my shit well. Some people can't

yeah, I'm a tad ocd myself, also diagnosed with add as a kid. If you learn to control it, it can be helpful. what's that saying... "its a gift and a curse".
I'm an absolute neatfreak, my wife, not so much. I always wash dishes twice before I put them in the dishwasher, I dry everything with a paper towel. Linen dishtowels are disgusting. Complete germiphobe. Wash my hands at least 20-30 times a day. Shower at least twice.
I think of the same tragic things sometimes although I think that's a seperate issue apart from ocd. Think about my wife crashing the car with the kids in it all the time. Being alone, falling, (I climb trees for a living). "nervousness" runs in my family. Dad and grandfather were the same way. It's weird though seems to only affect the men. My sisters fine, daughter's fine, son has it. He's only two and the poor kid spends half his time playing cleaning up after my six year old daughter, who takes after her mother :)


Well-Known Member
im not sure but sometiems i wake up at three oclockish and start cleaning my room and i cant fall back asleep without satsifying my urge to clean.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not to sound like an insensitive prick, but IMO, many cases of ocd could be cured if we had a loved one smack us in the back of the head and yell "NO!" every time they caught us doing it.


Well-Known Member
Not to sound like an insensitive prick, but IMO, many cases of ocd could be cured if we had a loved one smack us in the back of the head and yell "NO!" every time they caught us doing it.
I do, it doesnt work though until about half an hour later. Its not till then that she will admit it was obsessive.;-)