Do clones have more terpenes?

Again. Genetic replica. One version is good one version is bad. Both the same from every grower in the world. Will be the SAME.
I guess a much simpler way to put it is

would vegging a plant for four months result in better terpene content than vegging for four weeks.

Being a clone doesn’t actually have anything to do with it, just happened to be involved when it was brought up.
If you take a cut from a mother that smells like skunk in veg. You thing that smell just disappears because you cut it? Where do you think that aroma is coming from in the first place.
The point is a mature plant. Clones are already mature in the mind. That’s why clones have more of scent then say a seedling

^^^ this.

I grow from seed to make moms. when they are sexually mature I take cuts. then I flower the cuts. take a little longer and more veg space but this way I have the mom ready to go to make more cuts of my keepers.

Waiting until the plant is mature will result in less herms. This can result from stress due to force flowering plants that are not ready. I also agree that climization plays a role. The seed plant might have been an outdoor in totally different climate than your indoor setup. Don't have science on this but it's the way I was taught from long time.
I will say any of my clones from indoor grown outdoor carried the same smell and flavor. But resin and yield was improved
I’ve seen a couple people mention this lately.

I’m halfway through my second grow, and the two clones I have smell waaaay more than the mothers did.

I assumed it was because they’re much healthier now that I have some idea what I’m doing, but then people started bringing up the theory that clones/older plants have more terpenes.

The flavors and aroma is going to be better the healthier the plant is regardless of its from seed, clone, etc.. VEG times don't affect it and nor does cloning, good topic though.

There are supplements like organic teas and stuff like microbes that can assist in the plant producing MORE terps but you aren't going to get added terpenes on a strain without changing its genetics or DNA.
The flavors and aroma is going to be better the healthier the plant is regardless of its from seed, clone, etc.. VEG times don't affect it and nor does cloning, good topic though.

There are supplements like organic teas and stuff like microbes that can assist in the plant producing MORE terps but you aren't going to get added terpenes on a strain without changing its genetics or DNA.

you never took cuts from a plant you just flipped in to flower.. if you havnt you have not seen the diffrencein growth from a plant started from seed. The cut/clone is allready established, its usualy faster grown with better results