lem they are lookin good man, prob is only slight but complex, one doesn't see this type of leaf deformation in soil based mediums unless there is a high sodium content.....so never with cannabis specific products unless coco mediums are not rinsed and retain high Na.....so its a slight imbalance of all nutes which can happen if u r directly nuting the root mass, have u considered goin organics with teas? the leaves are like straight blades which point upwards and shine
WOW was defo not expecting to hear that, thanks!

funny you should mention that i just read an article in a garden (not grow mag) on the use of ewc teas in hydro, i posted asking about this ages ago...i asked if i could start using ewc tea in place of water and nutes (now i understand what ewc is and is used for.) because ewc teas need to be aireated (cant spell). i will make a ewc tea for next run and use it at 1 cup per liter....it states the hydro nutes will not help the bennies nor harm it, so its all good. i am thinking of switching to coco using organic nutes for a run just to see if this taste thing is true!

at the moment i use the bio link bennies and im very impressed this is my first go using them, i used to use bio-enzyme but now understand thats a completly diff product. i started using the bio link bennies after i started to get root rot on these girls when the summer was here, it was boiling the res....as soon as i added this dirt shit/fish/ worst smell on earth liquid, within 4 hours i had the whitest roots i have ever seen, the bottle states it helps makes plants stronger, and it did this noticeably over night......ive bought allot of shit products but this one really does what it says on the tin....i even use it for soaking seedlings and jiffy cubes for cuttings as instructed....
That is the weird thing LK.

As far as I understand them, so far, compost teas are used to
enhanced the beneficial organisms in the soil.

They are not intended to feed the plants in any specific way,
though I am sure that they do in some way.

I have seen where experienced growers load their teas to the
point where the result is very nutritious and must be cut with
water before it is used, but these are not classic compost teas IMHO.

My point in going on is that I am not clear how a compost tea
will benefit a RDWC, or other hydro, system.

....or are there similar life-webs in the water that we are supporting?

Pardon the ignorance.

That is the weird thing LK.

As far as I understand them, so far, compost teas are used to
enhanced the beneficial organisms in the soil.

They are not intended to feed the plants in any specific way,

***though I am sure that they do in some way.***

i did just type out a huge reply again but then thought the label on the back of the bottle explains it better so here it is lol

Living beneficial microbes and fungi, use your plants natural defenses!
Hydrogarden Bio-Link Plus allows your plant to help itself! Naturally fighting a wide range of insects and disease. Bio-Link Plus does this by re-introducing a wide range of naturally occurring beneficial microbes and fungi that have long since largely disappeared from the environment. These naturally occurring organisms aid in the natural process of plant growth and development.
Improves nutrient availability and efficiency resulting in improved plant response.
Aids the development of healthy root systems, making the plant stronger and more resistance to adverse growing conditions & disease.
Assists in the prevention and control of Anthracnose (Black Spot), Botrytis Cineria (Grey Mould), Pythium, Phytophora, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew and Rhizoctonia as well assisting in the prevention of Red Spider Mite, Mealy Bug, White Fly and other insect attacks through building up your plants natural amune system.
Benefitial microbes assist in the digestion of minerals making them more plant available.
HydroGarden Bio-Link Plus is organic and contains a wide range of benefitial Microbes and Fungi. It is non toxic and non hazardous to humans, animals, fish and plants.
No animal by-products are used in the manufacture of Bio-Link Plus

........what ya think?
Yes, that is what I am talking about.

I have added beneficial bacteria by breeding those species found
in the compost tea starter that I use, and those in Plantone.

I also add a separate myco additive. (it is a lot like Great White Shark,
if you know that product).

I was just curious about the idea that these micro-organisms benefit
aquaponic grows.

That stuff sounds neat. I wonder what species they are referring to
when they say "that have long since largely disappeared from the environment"

Take care,

it seems targeted at hydro growers, so i assume that bit in bold is referring to hydro growers not using bennies and therefore they have dissapeard from our grow enviroments, maybe because hydro growers did not see a need or what they could do to help in hydro, im not sure.....but there defo working and i will always use them on every plant at all stages....but it stinks like shit...sooo bad and has a very short shelf life, it has a use by date,like clonex lol

right lads im of to bed its nearly 1am here and wana watch that film were samuel jacksons an interrigator (unthinkable i thinkits called) great film...thanks for all the good comments!! untill 2moz lol
i did just type out a huge reply again but then thought the label on the back of the bottle explains it better so here it is lol

Living beneficial microbes and fungi, use your plants natural defenses!
Hydrogarden Bio-Link Plus allows your plant to help itself! Naturally fighting a wide range of insects and disease. Bio-Link Plus does this by re-introducing a wide range of naturally occurring beneficial microbes and fungi that have long since largely disappeared from the environment. These naturally occurring organisms aid in the natural process of plant growth and development.
Improves nutrient availability and efficiency resulting in improved plant response.
Aids the development of healthy root systems, making the plant stronger and more resistance to adverse growing conditions & disease.
Assists in the prevention and control of Anthracnose (Black Spot), Botrytis Cineria (Grey Mould), Pythium, Phytophora, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew and Rhizoctonia as well assisting in the prevention of Red Spider Mite, Mealy Bug, White Fly and other insect attacks through building up your plants natural amune system.
Benefitial microbes assist in the digestion of minerals making them more plant available.
HydroGarden Bio-Link Plus is organic and contains a wide range of benefitial Microbes and Fungi. It is non toxic and non hazardous to humans, animals, fish and plants.
No animal by-products are used in the manufacture of Bio-Link Plus

........what ya think?
sounds like BS to me, how to get all these microbes without using shit.....ummmm why not just make yer own with shit, the plants love it if you get it right, im pissed off with all this voodoo botany anyone feel the same.....and don't get me started on very expensive non npk nutes........just say no
I do believe in the benefit of micro-organisms in the soil,
bacteria and fungi.

I also believe that one was grow many of these species using
a good manure starter. (mine used cow+bat+seagull)

However, I cannot say that PPP does not have some other beneficial
species of microorganisms that will not commonly be found in
manure based tea starters.

For my part, I am happy so far with my 35 gallon barrel and waterfall.
(I just re-loaded it to start a new run this morning)

But I might enjoy getting a small bottle to add to my starter mix.

A little can go a long way if you are brewing your teas.

I do appreciate your being on guard against the flim-flam man.

I do believe in the benefit of micro-organisms in the soil,
bacteria and fungi.

I also believe that one was grow many of these species using
a good manure starter. (mine used cow+bat+seagull)

However, I cannot say that PPP does not have some other beneficial
species of microorganisms that will not commonly be found in
manure based tea starters.

For my part, I am happy so far with my 35 gallon barrel and waterfall.
(I just re-loaded it to start a new run this morning)

But I might enjoy getting a small bottle to add to my starter mix.

A little can go a long way if you are brewing your teas.

I do appreciate your being on guard against the flim-flam man.


im growing uk clone only strains, they have been around for 30 years without loss of vigour or potency, u need to know someone who trusts you and you also need to be able to clone......its worth it, psychosis livers/blues and genuine exodus cheese, not the ghs rip off exo cheese. These fukkers need feeding every day so act is the way for me
oh im with ya lads ive ran dwc buckets on organic tomato food from the garden centre i think it was 20-20-20...all good except abit off white goo in the res...never effected the plants...

and i do try and stick to basic botany rather then....cannabis specific internet hype....HOWEVER....the results i have from using this vile smelling liquid are outstanding.....and very noticable...sometimes you gota just go with the flow even if you cant comprehend it atm.....its like you have roots and nutes...the bennies seem to attach themselves to the roots and just make them function better....

as said above next run i will be making my own ewc mix to use instead and see whats what....i might even add a splash of this to the mix.....will see but i will forever use bennies in every medium after the results ive seen from bottled ones i would be a DICK not to!


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I hear you. When it comes to getting hooked into the
existing community, I am a newborn.

I did get a clone-only GSC, but we will see what I really got when
it is done flowering....this one has too many weak copies out there,
it seems.

I have heard of the livers/blues/cheese lines, and recognized how highly
regarded they are across the pond.

Carry on! :0)

oh im with ya lads ive ran dwc buckets on organic tomato food from the garden centre i think it was 20-20-20...all good except abit off white goo in the res...never effected the plants...
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and i do try and stick to basic botany rather then....cannabis specific internet hype....HOWEVER....the results i have from using this vile smelling liquid are outstanding.....and very noticable...sometimes you gota just go with the flow even if you cant comprehend it atm.....its like you have roots and nutes...the bennies seem to attach themselves to the roots and just make them function better....

as said above next run i will be making my own ewc mix to use instead and see whats what....i might even add a splash of this to the mix.....will see but i will forever use bennies in every medium after the results ive seen from bottled ones i would be a DICK not to!

whats in ur ewc mix lem?
im using the bio link this run and ewc next run....i have the ratios written down somewere, but as itll be my first batch im abit sure, from memory the ewcastings and molasses for them to feed on and keep it bubbling...... as you have experience using them chip in,,,,im unclear as to what act is as well??
just chopped ls2 down no leaching or flush.....itll will help me compaire to ls1 who will be (like all the rest) leached and flushed (started lowering nutes now...from 15ml to 12.5ml for the next week, then 15ml then canna flush and topped off with water for 4 days.....

i have used canna flush for ages but can never find any info on how to use it properly in dwc, OR more inportantley whats in it i emailed them with no luck,,,,,,..

i just read that its just sugers? i dont think this is true because what ever it is at the stated dose it drops the ph of tap water from nearly 9 to 5-6 ish....any ideas lads??
o n i had some ls2 quick dried WICKED sat buzz ive been sweating and everything, eyes feel heavy as well! .....yea boi!
o n i had some ls2 quick dried WICKED sat buzz ive been sweating and everything, eyes feel heavy as well! .....yea boi!

Now we're talking! Great news. I am happy that it held up to expectations.

As to your flush, this is another area that I have not added to my regimen.
I do water with plain water in the last week, maybe two.

BTW: EWC plus a food source will indeed be all you need to make a tea
(this is the basics anyway).

Good luck,

whats the clone off 1?? or 2????
sorry you chopped her dude its a crapper... i even felt shit choppin a male once lol
im using the bio link this run and ewc next run....i have the ratios written down somewere, but as itll be my first batch im abit sure, from memory the ewcastings and molasses for them to feed on and keep it bubbling...... as you have experience using them chip in,,,,im unclear as to what act is as well??
you need INDIKATS FLOWER TEA ......10 litre bucket de chlorinated water 1 mug of ewc 3/4 mug high P bat guano, one cap fish mix (10 mil) 2 caps alg a mic one cap magnecal (non organic ingredient can be left out for most strains but not clone onlies...exo cheese needs extra calcium)......a gift for ya lem