Fark, my TGA list grows.

I have a lot of respect for the Qrazy Train that they laid on me.
Very, very tasty smoke.

So, add Plushberry, Ace of Spades (how dare you leave that off! :0),
the Vortex cross, and the two news ones...

I need to wait until I have some real dough, as their genetics and regular
beans make 10 packs the best idea. These are expensive.

Take care,


P.S. BUT my hottest TGA wish is a good lemon Jacks Cleaner 2...which
is a seedling in the closet. :0)

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to papapayne again.

Nice one Big papa thats a sexy bitch if ever i saw one!! just saw some of these finish on the outdoor thread, huge nugs man....i want it lol...hows the smell still hints of tangerine?


ive heard that tga strains Can be quite airy in bud structure and some strains very leafy....vortex is ment to be a big producer, i would like to find out if the time wreck is a big producer, i love the shape of the nugs.

you never heard this from a lemon but that cheese quake on the next page over is stunning, everytime i see a CQ grow the nugs are always HUUUUGE!!

just nabbed this pick from the general growers bit, its HSO Blue dream done by help me 123 grower.........i think you lott can see were im going by crossing this to my lems....

@slater you got that shit yet??????

and picks are now up that went missing yday!
Yea it still reeks of tangerines and lemon and citrus. Its definitely crossed the line from fake lemons to real citrus smell. I can't turn my carbon filter off at all because of the LL within minutes of turning my exhaust filter off, my room reeeeeeeeeks of citrus funk.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to papapayne again.

Nice one Big papa thats a sexy bitch if ever i saw one!! just saw some of these finish on the outdoor thread, huge nugs man....i want it lol...hows the smell still hints of tangerine?


ive heard that tga strains Can be quite airy in bud structure and some strains very leafy....vortex is ment to be a big producer, i would like to find out if the time wreck is a big producer, i love the shape of the nugs.

you never heard this from a lemon but that cheese quake on the next page over is stunning, everytime i see a CQ grow the nugs are always HUUUUGE!!
tbh the genetics of papapaynes plant looks gash and it needs a feed and its got a slight pH issue, not very sexy unless you like the homely dumpy sort......no offence mate but no point praising gash genetics....TGA ive grown out CQ JTR and plushberry........plushberry was good but nannered at the end so got pulled a week early, cq is a bud that needs a cure and is a weird high....we smoked it when we ran out of shit and jtr was so gash Iooks the part but not strong or fruity enough compared to what im growin now........would I run them again.....no way, better off with a specialist like breeders boutique they got some killer strains that grow well and fuk you up nicely
I have only grown TGA's Qrazy Train but I can report that it is
a very nice smoke.

the homely dumpy sort....lol...I think that you need to factor in
Papa's shit photographic skills. (no offense Pap :0)

Joys of an iPhone 3 shitty camera.

i would say no offense taken indikat but I would be lying.
why are you offended....?....the plant has a very high leaf to bud ratio, it is not vigorous and will not yield more than 3 oz maybe less, no criticism of you so far,,,,,,,maybe you know why your leaves are curling in that tell tale way and are too lime green and limp looking....I don't do bs just strait talk
talking down about someone where you know they are goin to see it is hardly an act of someone trying to help or be friendly. Just someone with a fat ass ego. I am sorry my lemon Larry has to many leaves for your liking and won't yield enough for you oh master grower. Considering its only got a 2 week veg time I wouldn't expect 3 ozs. As far the lime green, my hps was right there shining on it.
talking down about someone where you know they are goin to see it is hardly an act of someone trying to help or be friendly. Just someone with a fat ass ego. I am sorry my lemon Larry has to many leaves for your liking and won't yield enough for you oh master grower. Considering its only got a 2 week veg time I wouldn't expect 3 ozs. As far the lime green, my hps was right there shining on it.

no need for ad hominem attacks thank you
wtf jus had a huge post gone uuuuurrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it took me ages to do......
anyway....no ones welcomed me to lemons thread.....lem u there man....wtf

*new short version*

welcome indi u fucker you sure know how to make an entrance!! lol

oi leave the lemon heads alone man!

both jd and big pap have multiple bb strains popped and on the go.....this threads like a bb ad lol

big paps had temp issues as of late but there all sorted now, n that larrys a clone only for a reason,


you are honest abe so....getcha laughing gear round this n tell me exactly what you all think.......be as harsh as poss it will only help....

were on day 39 so only 17 more days left untill 8 weeks, 9 looks more realistic to me.....i will flush with canna flush at lights out ive noticed some slight leaf clawing and the only thing thats changed is upping the nutes....

our main foucus here is bud structure in just over 2 years ive never seen an LS with buds like this...(pointy on top) norm they are round golf balls that are so hard there isnt much size difference between when there chopped and when there dried so here we are.....again....

*i also have had no ec meter all grow and have been gusseing the ec *

so....i present for your lots criteek Ls1.....

More lemony every day. :0)

Yeah, I have a ton of interesting breeds, and not enough experience to
authoritatively compare them....but I know when I like the smoke. I do
not even weigh yields (yet) so there is nothing to brag about.

As to BB breeds, I have popped my first five in the last two weeks.

LK got me going, looking for the Lemon Pledge pheno of PK, and then
he got me a 50% off coupon when the site failed me. Hoo hoo! I ended
up getting The Dog and the two Cherrys also. (and they added Cheese Surprise!)
So, I am definitely a BB fan.

Onward and upward,


  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Javadog again.

well ta lads thats not what i was expecting to hear......i wonder if im slightly critical of my self then?....i think i always panick up untill there last week.....

so who reckons theyll be done in 17 days (8weeks) or doya think theyll be better in 24 days (9 weeks)....