DMT sounds mind blowing

Just to clarify you say the space I am is not any dimension of the universe. You may have had an insight of truth there. Do you realize that You, consciousness, is absolutely formless, you are space, nothing, a negative thought to the mind, I am nothing, a very deep truth that can only be realized by becoming directly aware of the Space in the Present Moment, the Space of the actual existing universe. You are perfectly One with space, not the fabric space of the space time continuum but the Space which is the container of all space time. You are space, emptiness, beyond the 4 dimensions you are what allows space time to exist.
Is that dark matter ?
anyone ever heard of this strange shit

I've taken LSA a few times, both from morning glory and HBWR seeds. Can be quite a pleasant trip, very colorful at times but still lacking compared to something like lsd but not bad for just a simple last resort kind of thing
Excuse my ignorance I'm not familiar with dark matter but no I think dark matter actually has mass no. No I mean absolutely no thing. You are no thing, simply a witness to this frame of space time.
Some scientists are interested in dark matter. It seems that physics is aware many types of particles that make up the fabric of the universe. However, there is an invisible matter that appears to exist between the particles that make up our understanding of things like this. This dark matter appears to be what actually holds the universe together, and, I think anyway as a common layman, this dark matter might also play a role in how gravity works. Scientist today still do not fully understand what makes gravity do what it does.
That's why after reading your post, I made that statement. Something about your post made me think of that. It could be that you were discussing something that you made me think was unknown or mysterious. I will have t reread it.
I have tripped dmt several times... Ok lots of times. It is hard to smoke, real burning plastic taste terrible odor. However it seems after the second or third hit it starts tasting more sweet to me. I'll fill out more trip reports etc but I'd like to mention a time I took 2 hits of blotter paper and smoked a joint with 0,01 grams of the deem...
I'm sitting in the kitchen and eat the lsd. I start to make some food to pass the time while I'm waiting. My buddy comes in and eats his. We have a couple joints rolled pretrip, always a good plan. One had half a tenth the other a bit less. So we go back to my room as soon as we feel the lsd. Tracers everywhere everything looks watery I'm feeling the lsd now, about to hit my peak...
I grab the dmt. For some reason my hands are trembling when I spark it and it takes me a second to get it good. Instant ugh taste. I take a real good hit and pass it. As soon as I see his hand touch it I let go. Sparks fly off my hands. This is SECONDS after taking it. I look at my walls covered in Salvador Dali posters pink Floyd, the usual trippy stuff. We are listening to Shiva Chandra, a really trippy sound. Except instead of flowing like water the usual lsd visuals the colors are super super bright like I've never seen white that white before. I see a hand with a joint. I take it more sparks fly off my hand. As I hit it suddenly in time with the funky fresh bass and trippy effects a lion tiger and fish jump into my room. They grab hands and dance around in a circle for a few SECONDS before being swallowed up by a grove of trees from which faeries and elves jumped out. They were frantically showing me their hands whic held tiny tools and machines which they were desperate to show me. They were swallowed by a giant lake whic held a single goldfish whic jumped out and turned into a cave with strange words written on it. The seams of my room suddenly burst apart 3 inches or so and I saw an iridescent purple silver. For some reason even if I closed my eyes I saw everything. I put my hands on my eyes because, Damn that's a lot of visual stimuli in less than 2 minutes... Nothing!! No change. I still see everything. My walls start crawling with a weird alien language that is frantic for me to recognize it. Somehow I do. I see words on the cave wall it looked like a star gate or something. With hieroglyphics everywhere. But my eyes are closed... I tilt my head up to look at the ceiling, still hands on my eyes. I see stars whirling out and suddenly the room is too small!! I'm growing huge at least 10 feet tall I can't fit inside. I open my eyes and my friend is starting at the walls eyes wide wide open a huge grin on his face. I suddenly get the feeling that everything feels amazing and nothing is wrong. The room goes back to a normal shape and people come out and start dancing. I feel a tug on my head and suddenly I see myself from about 3-4 feet above my head. I seedy body looking around and I follow where I am looking and see flowers and prisims and green purple and gold straws running around and falling out of the ceiling. I hear voices male female old young. Some of it sounds like me, exactly my voice! Some I don't recognize at all. Some in English Spanish every language. I understand it all, at that moment in time. I feel hot but the room is cold. I look around my buddy hands me the joint and I don't recognize it. Whaasthaa? I can't talk right now it was an amazing effort to slur that out. He hands it to me again and I take it momentarily looking at it Like I still don't understand. Finally I hit it. The entire thin dissolves into purple shimmery smoke. I thrust my hand back towards his and forget what im Holding. It feels like forever has gone by. This is no longer a usual acid trip. The entire room dissolves into gold vibrations. No longer am I an "I" I feel like a "we" or an "us" or maybe an "our" but no longer a Mike or an individual entity. More animals come dancing in. More people and elves frantic to show me some kind of alien device. I'm finally back inside my head and seeing out of my eyes. Snakes start running through my carpet big zig zags of dark swooping lines, orbs in all four corners of the ceiling and a couple right by my face. I can feel heat from them, and love, a genuine love for my existence. Suddenly the walls start to vibrate again, more gently and more acid like. I feel my pictures pop off the poster paper but no longer dancing around with me but just on top of the paper

Elapsed time:2 hours and change
I have tripped dmt several times... Ok lots of times. It is hard to smoke, real burning plastic taste terrible odor. However it seems after the second or third hit it starts tasting more sweet to me. I'll fill out more trip reports etc but I'd like to mention a time I took 2 hits of blotter paper and smoked a joint with 0,01 grams of the deem...
I'm sitting in the kitchen and eat the lsd. I start to make some food to pass the time while I'm waiting. My buddy comes in and eats his. We have a couple joints rolled pretrip, always a good plan. One had half a tenth the other a bit less. So we go back to my room as soon as we feel the lsd. Tracers everywhere everything looks watery I'm feeling the lsd now, about to hit my peak...
I grab the dmt. For some reason my hands are trembling when I spark it and it takes me a second to get it good. Instant ugh taste. I take a real good hit and pass it. As soon as I see his hand touch it I let go. Sparks fly off my hands. This is SECONDS after taking it. I look at my walls covered in Salvador Dali posters pink Floyd, the usual trippy stuff. We are listening to Shiva Chandra, a really trippy sound. Except instead of flowing like water the usual lsd visuals the colors are super super bright like I've never seen white that white before. I see a hand with a joint. I take it more sparks fly off my hand. As I hit it suddenly in time with the funky fresh bass and trippy effects a lion tiger and fish jump into my room. They grab hands and dance around in a circle for a few SECONDS before being swallowed up by a grove of trees from which faeries and elves jumped out. They were frantically showing me their hands whic held tiny tools and machines which they were desperate to show me. They were swallowed by a giant lake whic held a single goldfish whic jumped out and turned into a cave with strange words written on it. The seams of my room suddenly burst apart 3 inches or so and I saw an iridescent purple silver. For some reason even if I closed my eyes I saw everything. I put my hands on my eyes because, Damn that's a lot of visual stimuli in less than 2 minutes... Nothing!! No change. I still see everything. My walls start crawling with a weird alien language that is frantic for me to recognize it. Somehow I do. I see words on the cave wall it looked like a star gate or something. With hieroglyphics everywhere. But my eyes are closed... I tilt my head up to look at the ceiling, still hands on my eyes. I see stars whirling out and suddenly the room is too small!! I'm growing huge at least 10 feet tall I can't fit inside. I open my eyes and my friend is starting at the walls eyes wide wide open a huge grin on his face. I suddenly get the feeling that everything feels amazing and nothing is wrong. The room goes back to a normal shape and people come out and start dancing. I feel a tug on my head and suddenly I see myself from about 3-4 feet above my head. I seedy body looking around and I follow where I am looking and see flowers and prisims and green purple and gold straws running around and falling out of the ceiling. I hear voices male female old young. Some of it sounds like me, exactly my voice! Some I don't recognize at all. Some in English Spanish every language. I understand it all, at that moment in time. I feel hot but the room is cold. I look around my buddy hands me the joint and I don't recognize it. Whaasthaa? I can't talk right now it was an amazing effort to slur that out. He hands it to me again and I take it momentarily looking at it Like I still don't understand. Finally I hit it. The entire thin dissolves into purple shimmery smoke. I thrust my hand back towards his and forget what im Holding. It feels like forever has gone by. This is no longer a usual acid trip. The entire room dissolves into gold vibrations. No longer am I an "I" I feel like a "we" or an "us" or maybe an "our" but no longer a Mike or an individual entity. More animals come dancing in. More people and elves frantic to show me some kind of alien device. I'm finally back inside my head and seeing out of my eyes. Snakes start running through my carpet big zig zags of dark swooping lines, orbs in all four corners of the ceiling and a couple right by my face. I can feel heat from them, and love, a genuine love for my existence. Suddenly the walls start to vibrate again, more gently and more acid like. I feel my pictures pop off the poster paper but no longer dancing around with me but just on top of the paper

Elapsed time:2 hours and change

Did you ever get that pizza?
I was cooking souflees or something lol no pizza I don't think. Total time for th dmt part of the trip was maybe 2 hours. The lsd prolonged the deem a lot. A lot lot
I have a bit more time now so...

You shouldn't smoke dmt like meth with the foil and straw, it will taste really will more likely cough and choke than blast off.
You shouldn't mix it with tobacco either. It won't taste good. I rolled a joint of tobacco with .5 g of dmt. That was a lot like we are sure to blast off. We start smoking and everything turns cloudy and there are specks of light shimmering everywhere. The tobacco suddenly hits me really hard, I don't smoke tobacco except blunt wraps. The dmt is hitting me really hard and the room starts to spin like a tornado. Suddenly the floor is almost sideways and I feel like I gotta throw up so I give the joint back to my friend and run to the bathroom. After I throw up I'm just lying on the floor staring at it, the patterns of swirling colors popping up and forming fours dimensional shapes and swirly hair like things. The entire time feeling nauseous as hell. Lasting only a minute or three.

If you have to smoke out of foil use the standard foil pipe for weed but make it extra thick.

You can smoke it out of a light bulb that's how I blasted off my first time. The one problem with that is if it gets into small particles while you are smoking it tends to pop up the sides and can be hard to vaporize.

I have heard the meth pipe is the best way or one of the best ways but I've never tried it.

One of the best ways to ensure a blast off is to get yourself set, go thru a ritual. Get a grabber and heat the coil. When it is red, take .01 grams maybe a bit more and get ready to blast off. Wait until it is not red, ie cooled off and not super heated. Dab away.

Another sure fire way to blast off is to take a really good rolling paper, I prefer zigzag ultra thins but that's me use what you like. Put the .01 g right in the middle or maybe slightly more to the top. Try not to touc it or get it anywhere but in the joint. Smear it just slightly so it's not just one ball or rock. Roll it nice and blast off. The better the weed you use the better the trip.
yeah i like zig zag ultra thins too, i usually use ziggy whites though, best two papers in the world, king size paps are fucking stupid, not gonna want to smoke big ol gram joints all the time.

Untitledggh.png ->>> :bigjoint:
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In my experience, the best way is a rig. I had a few grams a couple months back and blasted off pretty regularly. I used a crack pipe too but that was for mobile use while I was shroomin or on lsd being an adventurer. When those are in your system you don't need much haha
Plus doing it while you're tripping is good if you feel uncomfortable. Because after that you're like well.. Ive seen it all now why did I feel uncomfortable?

Everyone always told me using a rig was best. And not everyone has a vaporizer to do it out of but that's the other best way!

Dmt is an amazing and enlightening experience. If you give your experience an intention before you do it, you'll be thoroughly surprised with what it tells you.
Using dmt in a few forms was the best idea that I've ever had in all honesty. Knocked my depression and anxiety clear out after awhile. Destroys your problems at the core instead of putting them off like any other drug. All psycedelics alike do this, especially if you give it an intention. But dmt is definitely something.. More..
what is Your typical intention every time You trip? (even if it may be different)
YOU sound like YOU have a very strong MIND and HEART to be getting that high off dmt, lsd, and mushrooms. I can be a pussy with my psychedelics, so I eat mdma with my trips so i can handle it more.
In another thread You stated that peyote is more controlled and that is probably exactly enjoy mdma with lsd or mushrooms or even dmt. mdma always draws me to trip even deemsters but when i am in my normal state of mind, i wouldnt even get close to smoking dmt while tripping.

candy flips are where it is at
what is Your typical intention every time You trip? (even if it may be different)
YOU sound like YOU have a very strong MIND and HEART to be getting that high off dmt, lsd, and mushrooms. I can be a pussy with my psychedelics, so I eat mdma with my trips so i can handle it more.
In another thread You stated that peyote is more controlled and that is probably exactly enjoy mdma with lsd or mushrooms or even dmt. mdma always draws me to trip even deemsters but when i am in my normal state of mind, i wouldnt even get close to smoking dmt while tripping.

candy flips are where it is at
Well, with smoking it I usually don't. Or it's for the sake of showing someone else.. Or Just because I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Just kinda fun and definitely when I'm tripping haha back when dmt crystals were 'impossible to find', I Would have an intention, and it's definitely helped me. My intentions fluctuate. The most underlying one is to get rid of a social anxiety crutch. At one point it was to stop taking so many pills. But a felony, near fatal car accident and a seizure kind of taught me in that area. A psychedelic trip would show me during it that I shouldn't be doing those obviously, but id always end up going back to the benzos specifically because I kind of panic in any social situation. Ever since quitting the pills it's been way way way better.
I save my intentions for ayahuasca, strongest medicine there is. Can't do it too often, I feel like I am disrespecting it. Its gotten me out of anything that I've asked it for. Always has, always will.
Haven't had n,n in awhile though honestly. Thatd be nice. I miss tripping on the woods and hitting that pipe only to open the doors of everything all the way. Makes it last a bit longer too. I've honestly never had a bad dmt experience. I've had ayahuasca beat me up out of love, but it was needed and in that state you are completely helpless. You must surrender you have no other choice.

Candy flips are fucking awesome lol mdma is something I haven't done in awhile too! So much love packed into a trip, easier to talk.. More visuals.. Awesome haha

I'd say just do it anyways, dmt isn't there to scare you. Its there to help you!