Dj Short 20 year old back stock seed sprout.

Nope, just people like you and Mr. Head who demand that I somehow compensate you's for someone else ripping you off. Or people who somehow seem to think that if I was to just contact the distributors in question and ask them to cease and desist that they would have any moral or legal obligation to stop making money off of people who don't know any better.

And if all I was worried about was posting bud porn I'd ignore the trolls.

This is far from just bud porn, I'm authenticating my work and the previous work done by Dj Short. Anyone interested in authenticating the genetics would support this. And anyone concerned with the authenticity of the genetics being proven would discourage this.

I have more concern for calling out the bullshit misinformation being spread by people like you then I do for calling anyone 'business dummies.'

When people make a mistake or get taken financially they usually just need accurate information pertaining to that mistake in order to learn how not to repeat it. No one needs to be called a dummy, but perhaps people need a little reminder now and then that cannabis has very stringent international laws pertaining to it and that these laws restrict the free flow and commerce of this plant as well as the legal ramifications for such things as copy right infringement and counterfeiting.

Although this will most likely be the last time I respond to you Ray as you're sub-par even for a troll.
jd, i buy seeds from midweeksong, a relativly new bank w/ xcellent customer service and a price match and delivery guarenty.. antways my question to u is,, do u know when they may have dj shorts original blue berry back in stock? do u sell the seeds now? just wondering if u know if or when the real deal bb may be available again?? also they sell for 25.00 per seed,, so a pack of 10 is more like 200.00,, insanly expensive!!
Why don'y you take this up with the single seed center or wherever you got the seeds from.
Old World Genetics doesn't offer and hasn't offered True Blueberry for a long time. What aren't you understanding about this? Is it really that hard to understand that some companies are ripping people off?

Dj Short's Old World Genetics DOES NOT work with the Single Seed Center.
Also, the cost of seeds directly from Old World Genetics is about 1/4 of what single seed center is charging for their Dj Seeds.
So where do I go for the real deal DJ Short beans? Why not just sell direct with all the knock-offs? I've wanted to try his shit for a while just heard too much about old low germination seeds and they cost to much for low germination the way I hear about that shit I would have trouble paying $100 per pack. Serious only charges $100 per pack and them fuckers germinate 100%.
Ray and Head, could you guys cool it and try not being assholes for a bit? Maybe even take this shit slinging to another thread where it would actually apply.

I said my piece, I'm done. If you want to do business with someone who behaves worse then my 12 year old niece feel free.

I agree sell them direct. Or not the very least list all legitimate seed bank that have them.
they are available direct, but not from the breeder through mail order. dj has been somewhat touring the medical states and presenting informal seminars regarding his breeding-techniques and experiences over the decades. that would be one way to acquire beans, if you can find a speaking date this summer.
they are available direct, but not from the breeder through mail order. dj has been somewhat touring the medical states and presenting informal seminars regarding his breeding-techniques and experiences over the decades. that would be one way to acquire beans, if you can find a speaking date this summer.
This is the best way to get genetics period. Meeting people in person, seed banks can tell you whatever they want and they do, people like Short aren't going to spend all day chasing them all down. I wouldn't either!
Damn one minute this thread is good and the next is to hell. I'm not getting on nobody or taking any sides but both sides have legitimate points. I don't know who sells legitimate DJ Short gear and I think thats whats most of the people are trying to find out who has the legit gear. Everywhere DJ gear is listed the price is outrageous so if the gear is cheaper than that let us know where we can get it for the right price. Most of the people who are complaining about this is not even in the states where things are easy to get the legit gear like Cali, Oregon etc.. so we have no choice but to go through the sites that list the gear. I know that DJ is one of the most faked but other but other breeders go through companies selling their gear when its faked and trust and believe that they make and effort to find out. I test for SinCity and we found a company selling the gear and nobody knew if it was legit Sin went out and contacted the overseas distributors and the seed bank to find out the deal and it was later confirmed that it was real. I think thats what everyone wants to see that y'all are trying to at least get this under raps cus the banks your claiming to have fake DJ gear are very legit and have been selling beans for many many years without many problems. But I understand both sides as I stated before but it just sucks that we all have to go through this when something can be done about it. Let me know where I can purchase legit gear but I'm in no way to get it from Cali or any of there other legit states.
Damn one minute this thread is good and the next is to hell. I'm not getting on nobody or taking any sides but both sides have legitimate points. I don't know who sells legitimate DJ Short gear and I think thats whats most of the people are trying to find out who has the legit gear. Everywhere DJ gear is listed the price is outrageous so if the gear is cheaper than that let us know where we can get it for the right price. Most of the people who are complaining about this is not even in the states where things are easy to get the legit gear like Cali, Oregon etc.. so we have no choice but to go through the sites that list the gear. I know that DJ is one of the most faked but other but other breeders go through companies selling their gear when its faked and trust and believe that they make and effort to find out. I test for SinCity and we found a company selling the gear and nobody knew if it was legit Sin went out and contacted the overseas distributors and the seed bank to find out the deal and it was later confirmed that it was real. I think thats what everyone wants to see that y'all are trying to at least get this under raps cus the banks your claiming to have fake DJ gear are very legit and have been selling beans for many many years without many problems. But I understand both sides as I stated before but it just sucks that we all have to go through this when something can be done about it. Let me know where I can purchase legit gear but I'm in no way to get it from Cali or any of there other legit states.

Im sorry for those who are not in the states or a legal jurisdiction to buy and source the genetics they want. But this isn't the sole problem of Old World Genetics to solve. If one must go through an internet site to acquire the seeds they seek then they must understand the laws pertaining to such matters. There is no way to verify what you're buying. And in most cases the genetics or seeds can't even be sold as seeds, so if you try and talk about your purchase as anything other than a souvenir you'll get nowhere. There is no legal recourse for selling bunk or unauthentic genetics, so what makes anyone think they have any right to demand that what they're purchasing is anything other than a souvenir? And what makes anyone think that this legal issue is Old World Genetics problem? Just because it's the most authentic genetic bank in the industry doesn't mean it's obligated to adjust the laws pertaining to your jurisdiction. I know this issues is frustrating, I can relate. We worked really hard to legalize cannabis where I live and we spent many years without many things that we could have had sooner if it were legalized.

As consumers we're taught to buy as local as we can get. If you want these genetics where you live, help change the laws. It's our obligation to future generations anyway. I just don't think complaining about the legitimacy of an illegal purchase made from the internet on an cannabis forum is going to get anyone the results OR genetics they're looking for.

And I haven't actually claimed ANY seed banks had unauthentic Dj gear. What I've claimed is that Old World Genetics does not work directly with any of these major seed banks and verifying the gear there isn't possible at this time. And I also said that if the gear offered at those banks was legit that it was bought and resold from a 3rd party without any involvement from Old World Genetics. And if this is the case the beans in question may have passed through multiple different countries to get where they're going and multiple different hands, hence the reflection in the astonishing mark up in price and the potential germination complications, all of which at that point Old World Genetics can no longer be responsible for. We do our best to get the genetics to as many people as possible, but there is an entire framework that brings them to your doorstep. We're just the first step out the door...
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Why the fuck am I still getting updates to this thread....

Also Joe, just because someone expects a certain quality of service doesn't mean they are a hater, that word is used way too much to try and discredit legitimate complaints. Treat customers like shit and telling them they are idiots is not good business, regardless of what book JD read for his awesome business sense and customer service skills.

Tell you right now any other breeder could verify their genetics regardless of what JD says. It's a couple phone calls or an email.
Why the fuck am I still getting updates to this thread....

Also Joe, just because someone expects a certain quality of service doesn't mean they are a hater, that word is used way too much to try and discredit legitimate complaints. Treat customers like shit and telling them they are idiots is not good business, regardless of what book JD read for his awesome business sense and customer service skills.

Tell you right now any other breeder could verify their genetics regardless of what JD says. It's a couple phone calls or an email.

Unfollow the thread...

...and if it's that easy why don't you make those calls instead of using your energy to continue a flamewar on the internets...?

If you cared so much and it was that easy, you fact, you said you were going to...

And what makes you think any bank would admit to offering fakes or beans that have been bought and resold multiple times?
You're preaching to deaf ears JD, the kids here don't care about authenticity and will make up the craziest nonsense and ironic accussations to hold on to their convictions.

You clearly have absolutely no idea how the industry is ran and the legal logistics behind it. It's no surprise considering your knowledge of the industry that all you can find are over-priced beans and poorly made knock off f2's.
Yep.... Bad luck brian meme material... "Buys chuck-offs. Complains to original breeder"
Like I said, you're either an idiot or a troll. We don't offer seeds for more than 65$ for 13 of em. That puts the price exactly where you want them @ 50$ for ten of em. And they're even cheaper in bulk, so any authentic seed distributor is getting them for even less. If you spend 180.00$ to buy a pack of unverifiable beans, that ain't my problem. And then you have the audacity to demand that you somehow be compensated for your inability to responsibly purchase your beans? What is this....amateur troll hour?

There is no copyright or patent on the brand name Blueberry or Dj Short....I can't afford to buy all the fake seeds off the market so people like you stop complaining and or buying them, there are too many to buy... give me a break. Again, you sound like a child in an adult body throwing a tantrum because you can't have the diamond sprinkled ice cream cone you want.

Soon enough all of this will come to light. This conversation here is proof enough of that. People aren't going to keep spending all this $ on unverifiable products, so it's obvious the market will soon be adjusting to meet this demand.

You might not buy nike's at footlocker, but you buy seeds off the internet as if there's somehow some legal system in place to protect you if you make an inappropriate purchase. If you conducted yourself in the same manner with nike over their business practices they'd laugh in your face.
And that's pretty much what I'm doing.

It's obvious you guys want the genetics otherwise you wouldn't be throwing this hissy fit over not getting the ice cream cone you wanted. I do understand that they are some of if not the most premier genetics on the market. So why not come on over to oregon, michigan, california, colorado and get ya some of what you're looking for and stop hissy fitting because you got ripped off.

Yes, amateur troll hour. But it is you who keeps losing potential customers. Sad to watch the children ruin the family business with their hubris. I used to work for a guy with a similar attitude, he's no longer in business. Surprise, customers are important, even when they're piss off about shit from years ago. Good luck. But your grow pictures aren't really giving you much leverage either. Not all that impressive, imo.
Not even close. No deal with any major distributor has ever been made.

And there is no other seed company that has this problem because there are no other seed venders offering the quality of genetics that Dj Short's Old World Genetics offers. And no other supplier of genetics that carries the weight of the Old World Genetic brand. They are the most ripped off genetics for a reason. And no way would any company that's had their product or brand dragged through the mud, as ours has been, offer free or discounted products to the last person in line just because they were the last person in line.

Your expectations are unrealistic and only further prove you lack of business sense and the legalities and logistics involved in this I said, a child throwing a tantrum....