Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In


Well-Known Member
this might be the last update till after we move and get net setup...least as it comes to pics...but here we go

the haze....


ccob party cups


the retard


and the happy family....


Short Bus

Active Member
i normally wait till a week after i switch to 12 12 to start bloom nutes..its only been 12/12 for 4-5 days now...thought id start them early this time..and i had to take the tub out..i wanted the haze in the bucket in the middle..would not work with the tub in there..and it had cracks in it anyways...but ive read a few things about that also...not sure how it would work with party cups..i only have 3-5 holes in the bottoms of each cup...but one question i have...wouldnt that raise my humidity in there?since im flowering now i want to keep it low...i might try that when i start my next batch during veg...seeing as my humidity stays way to low during veg..but then again that will probably change after i get a tent.
Good point, didn't think about the humidity in the tight space. I actually only use "The Dip" (any Roger Rabbit fans out there?) on my party cup sized plants and they love it. Anyway, all the best with the move, hope it goes smooth and painless.

Short Bus

Active Member
It's just a tub of nutes with an airstone. I leave young plants in it to help them establish. Thought it might help Ruiner with his constant watering.


Well-Known Member
hahaha The Dip, whats your recipe for it? roger rabbit is the shit!

your haze is looking good dj, frosting up nicely!! how much longer do you think it has?


Well-Known Member
....stealing wifi from the neighbors.....priceless....lets just hope it holds up..its slow as dogshit...but it seems at least for now we have net to steal...woo hoo...but no downloading of movies....will try and do updates tonight...but we have been moving into the new place for the last about...oh 13 hours...its break time...i wonder if i start yelling marijuana out the window one of my new neighbors will bring us a joint...or 5


Well-Known Member
sorry that i havent done an update..heres a quick one..ITS A GIRL!! definitely makes me happy :) and she is doing great, growing like a weed haha and sucking up water like a champ..just gotta think of a name for her :)


Well-Known Member
was busy as hell unpacking didnt even get to water the plants before the lights went no new pics..but a few bits of good news...since moving to the new place the temps are doing fucking great...lights off around 66 lights on between 72-76 depending on the temps in the room...and im soon going to have the heat vented out of th doing good there...and in the next day or 2 im transplanting the biggest crop circle party cup into a 1 gallon bucket...she really needs more space...i also made a good little party cup/smart pot tonight...i made a few big holes in the side of the party cup and have a aluminum screen mesh on the inside and ill only use this on plants i plan to transplant...and last night i asked if i yelled marijuana out my window a new neighbor might bring some...well was close..had a guy stop buy with a couple grams of some danky dank today...2 grams only 10 bucks...woo hoo


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link man...ive got a pretty good idea on how to make them..seen a few things short bus has done...i just happened to find the screen mesh while unpacking and thought id just toss it together for the hell of it...when i get my tent up ill start making bigger buckets with better materials...really just made this one out of boredom...and was really high


Well-Known Member
not sure how long net will hold...have been trying to get a signal all day...just now getting it...ill do an update then load pics...just in case it loses net again...

transplanted the larger ccob party cup today...its now in a one gallon really needed the extra room for the roots to grow...she was starting to get rootbound...but that bad tough considering her size....not much change on any of the others as of tonight...the haze is starting to bulk up a little more though...but let me post this then ill try posting pics


Well-Known Member
here is the pics from last night that i never got enough net to load...just doing them all in one shot....had a good amount of growth in each plant and also transplant the bigger ccob party cup into a 1 gallon bucket...but here is all the plants as of last night



Well-Known Member
Alright, here is my update on the lil one..She is doing absolutely great! Her new growth is coming in nicely and she is starting to get her flowering stretch early..she grew a good 2-3 inches overnight and i can tell that shes not done stretching yet haha..the rack has to be moved down tonight or she will be in the lights by tomorrow..sorry about not doing an update sooner, the neighbor's net is not the greatest haha..but i will upload the pics in a little bit..the internet is not letting me at the moment
