DIY with Quantum Boards

Yeah but HLG QBs are not made in china, they are made in the USA, providing jobs for USA citizens and paying tax into their own country, not sending the manufacturing off to china so they can put food in their kids mouths.

If you research and design a product it cost money, then you purchase the equipment to build those products, that costs money , then you send out free lights to known growers to prove the performance of that product, then you get them sphere tested , all this cost money, money which needs to be recouped, just like in any industry.

Then you build the brand name and at that point the Chinese come along and copy it, in some cases with an inferior product, then they cut the price by a massive chunk because labour is cheap when human rights are non existent and quality control is less.

There's a thread for knock off boards, this is not it! You have the right to buy what you want from where you want but don't come in this thread saying shit like "why pay the greedy middle man" because you clearly don't have a fucking clue what your talking about.
you have 0 communication skills
This thread is almost 800 pages long, my bad for not reading all of it. I read 20 pages of bullshit ass wipe sniveling, and internet warriors venting about personal beliefs in the middle somewhere, my bad. I thought I could add my 2 cents
I will say that when I get another one I will try hlg, the point of the thread was not lost on me, and I try to buy local humboldt county products as well as made in USA whenever possible!
The problem was hlg wasn’t advertised well enough for a beginner in the trade to lock-on to as the best option. This is the 2nd forum I’ve been to, and here it’s all over the place and confusing as well, I had to really look hard, so instead of TELLING EVERYONE TO FUCK OFF IN CAPITAL LETTER BOLD, try helping my little uninformed mind.
Also if they were a solid USA company with solid reliable results why aren’t they in a single grow shop in humboldt county? That’s my confusion, and the only reason they aren’t hanging over my plants.
This thread title is DYI with quantum boards, not HLG Growers only. How confusing for a beginner? Funny, people are always more respectful face to face, hear what I’m saying? Keyboard warrior
This thread title is DYI with quantum boards, not HLG Growers only. How confusing for a beginner? Funny, people are always more respectful face to face, hear what I’m saying? Keyboard warrior

Yeah quantum board is a trademarked name that's been misused to sell any board that uses even remotely similar diodes.
Your right though, I could of stated things in a far more logical and calm way, without been agro, which is not the norm for me.
You were not to know the full history and I could of explained it and probably would have if you hadn't been the umpteenth person making the same assumption.
But still the assumption that the people who designed, tested, marketed these lights and then had their design copied and undercut were just greedy middle men got my back up.
Middle men would have been amazon or the store front I purchased it from etc.... I see now you can buy direct, from a USA address, and if their prices are in fact as competitive as others have said it’s worth considering. When I went into the local grow stores looking for led lighting for efficiency I got a lot of blank stares, so I turned to the internet. And without some bolder advertising strategies they got lost in the overwhelming garbage out there. I had read threads from when they were manufactured in China I guess and failed to see the difference.
Idk I started reading and commenting in this thread to understand all this better, and state where I was at.
301b-301h is anti sulfur coating? For reading so much about it it’s still going off he said she said, anyone can give me the facts as well
Yeah quantum board is a trademarked name that's been misused to sell any board that uses even remotely similar diodes.
Your right though, I could of stated things in a far more logical and calm way, without been agro, which is not the norm for me.
You were not to know the full history and I could of explained it and probably would have if you hadn't been the umpteenth person making the same assumption.
But still the assumption that the people who designed, tested, marketed these lights and then had their design copied and undercut were just greedy middle men got my back up.
Really the greedy middle men to me are the local grow shop owners, they mark everything up quite a lot, and the local growers just buy it. I save a ton by buying off amazon, but it’s sort of an ethical dilemma of its own. I wasn’t implying hlg was a middle man.
I buy stuff like soil and local formulated nutes but pretty much all my equipment is made in China anyway, spending like 230$ on a 120$ 400w hps is silly
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