DIY-Venting Grow Room Lights

its actualy a closest grow i was just saying i have an atic above it so i can get acess to the crowl space if needed witch whould be above the grow room but yea i see what u mean im just lookin for somthing right now i got ac with door cracked like 1 to 2 feet open when im here with ac on staying around 70-80 when open and about 90 to 100 closed on hot day i got one small fan monted on wall now i was going to go buy some them 1900 min cfl to add like 4 more them and call it good
Access to an attic would be a good thing. You could even use a bathroom vent fan mounted in the ceiling for exhaust, Just be sure to have the end going outside, don't just dump it in the attic. Anything you can do to keep the heat and humidity levels in balance will be a plus. VV
well its 8 foot by 4.2 foot across by 1.2 foot
how many cfm u think i would need im geting into atic tomarrow see what kind area i got to work with i was going to do some form of exh fan and add atic fan to drop vent outside with some from carbin fliter on there
well its 8 foot by 4.2 foot across by 1.2 foot
how many cfm u think i would need im geting into atic tomarrow see what kind area i got to work with i was going to do some form of exh fan and add atic fan to drop vent outside with some from carbin fliter on there

Just multiply length x width x height. Almost any fan would have that capacity. Let me tell you about my exhaust. At the time, I could not afford a canfan and carbon filter. I knew it was important, just couldn't afford it. I do have an attic space over my house, so I cut a hole in the ceiling and bought a diffuser, about $10.00 at the big box stores, attached about 20' of 8" duct line, I used the insulated flexible duct, and installed a 8" in-line duct booster I bought at Menards for less than $30.00. Shoved the open end in one of the roof hats, they are there to vent your attic. The 8" DuctBooster is rated at 500cfm, across that length it is probably about 3/5 of that or a convineint 300cfm. My room is 10 x 8 x 14, a little over 1100 cuft. and I want the air exchanged every 3 to 5 minutes.
See, there are not many people walking around sniffing the air at the peak of my roof, so I can use a cheap fan, larger diameter is better, and exhaust it were no one can smell it anyway.
The intake and exhaust do not have as much to do with temperature as some folks think though, whatever the 'ambient' air temperature is will be the temperature of the air you intake. When its 80 degrees out, the air I am in-taking is already 80 degrees, that is before you add the lights. As you have pointed out even floros can change that by as much as 20 degrees. That is why I posted this thread about air cooling the lights.:roll: There are no short cuts, you must have all of the parts of a good air handling system, whether it is a box or a house, seal it up so you have a 'controlled environment', then install the system necessary to keep your controlled environment ideal for what you put in the environment.
The only difference between what your plants need, and what you need is you breath oxygen, and they breath carbon dioxide, and they can't move. If it was 80 degrees or more, with 70% relative humidity and no breeze, would you stay in the room??:mrgreen: VV:blsmoke:
yea i think i can porb do that im waitin on a frined mine get here i just went and got 2 clamp light and 4 1700 lum 6500 datlight crl to add with reflecters cuz my end plants anit getin as much light and i got 2 get 2 more i think it shound help me out too ;0 thanks i do think im going try that your talking abuot like dryer vent duction anit u flexable shit
so the rooms 46 in across and 86 inch high and and 20 in wall to fram of the door i went got 4 23 w 65k daylight that `1600 lums each add them into the mix hopefuly that help so i shound be around 12k
all you really need 2 do is cut floor vents in your room(if in a house with foundation) and have and exhaust fan that will exchange the air. the air under your house is nice and cool and al ways fesh becuase air is always being replaced. my grow is currently on cement so i will have a duct booster with a air sock. that turn s on when temps get 2 high. 4 inch vortex exhast(8x8x8) that will be hooked up 2 a grozilla reflector on the other flange will be a carbon scrubber. exaust fan will be on full time 2 recirculate the rooms air im also using a 4 ft light rail. any thoughts on ducting thats movable?
Well, yes. The flexible aluminum is somewhat more mobil than the insulated duct I am using and the clamps do hold it better. If you use bungie straps to hold it up, you can move it a little with out disturbing the system.
I am not a fan of light movers. VV
yes i c i want the ducting to move with the light. light movers create more growing space even growth and can save you money in some grow applications
A got a few question for you VIC about how to vent if you dont mind.

I need help on how to setup my intake and exhaust, my room is 120 cubic feet I jus bought a can fan combo the fans rated 170 cfm, I have two smaller fans both rated 110 cfms for lighting i have a 400 watt hps cooltube. I also have a 7 inch ac hose from the house goin into my room.

So with all that how would you set up both light and filter?
A got a few question for you VIC about how to vent if you dont mind.

I need help on how to setup my intake and exhaust, my room is 120 cubic feet I jus bought a can fan combo the fans rated 170 cfm, I have two smaller fans both rated 110 cfms for lighting i have a 400 watt hps cooltube. I also have a 7 inch ac hose from the house goin into my room.

So with all that how would you set up both light and filter?

Don't mind at all. One of the 110 cfms for intake, the can fan and carbon filter for exhaust, and the other 110 cfm blowing through the light and out of the room, don't forget the Oscillating fan to keep the air stirred up.
The 7" ac hose indicates a heat problem??
Put all of this in a journal with pictures and send me a link. the planning for your air handling system begins with were you can get intake from and where you can exhaust to. All of the equipment you have will make this simple,...... Maybe. VV
Thanks that is the way i thought it should be setup and i meant that i have a 7" A/C line blowing cold air in so my room temps are always around 75/Day 60/Night. I don't even know if i need the A/C I was told that if i have A/C blowing in my room that counts for intake that where i kinda get confused. I will get a journal up as soon as a get the time. I appreciate your help VIC.
You can not put more air in than you ae taking out, it has to be going somewhere, or you 7" line is at the end of the line. More than likely, once you have the air cooling for the light, intake and exhaust set up, your air conditioner maybe able to keep up by just cooling the room that this area is in. If not then by all means use the air, I have a portable one in my room. VV
okay so with your portable A/C do you still have an intake somewhere else. You get what i saying i just want to try to get a good understanding of the whole idea of proper venting. Again I appreciate the advice
okay so with your portable A/C do you still have an intake somewhere else. You get what i saying i just want to try to get a good understanding of the whole idea of proper venting. Again I appreciate the advice

Yes, I do. I have a 6" line with a cheap duct booster, the same one I used for this thread, with the same carbon filter covering it to filter out contamination. You are paying attention to the most important system and is has three parts, there are no short cuts, if you want to create a controlled environment, and use HID lights.
When your planning, remember bigger is better, an 8" line is almost twice as large as a 6" line. All exhausted air from a grow room needs to go outside, that applies to the lights air cooling system also, and all incoming air should be filtered to avoid pathogens and pests.
Rollitup posted three drawings of grow room design that show all of this, a simple setup, one more advanced, and his ultimate. It is worth a search. I used them for a class on grow room design. VV:blsmoke: