DIY: SSL complete protection for two LED drivers

I think ,I already know what I'll 've to edit once I get sober ....

Something I remember about latching when speed limit was been reached ,
in order to check ball bearings of motor or smthng like dat ....

Ok ..
Edit : I dunno how exactly ,but I guess somebody else knows....
Latch the LM29*7 when the lower speed limit has been reached ....
For second time ...
After it of course ,while "initiation" ,the lower speed limit was reached and frequency of signals increased further more ....

Oh ,no .No
right now ,I don't think I can solve it ,further on .....


Salm,I trully trust -trust me - that any act of war & violence ,
is an act of pure stupidity.
Each life is unique and precious.
Everybody deserves to that right.
To live his or her life .
Any act obscuring that precious gift,from being unfolded ,
is or better belongs to our "animal side " ....

Our purpose ,I feel deep inside me ,is to fulfill a common destiny ...
To walk away from being just "animals" ,
to travel far away ,both the universes ..
The outside of us
and the one inside in us ...
To walk towards the light of the stars ....

Music is something else ,than bullets cracking around ...
I 'm not sure ,but even if it so ....
Our "animal side " has other "faces" ,too....
The ones thirsty for the "beat" of drums ....
The Electric riffs ..
The music that does not relax ..
On the contrary.....
The one that awakens some "monsters" ..
Like "Dignity"
Like " Freedom" ,maybe ...
Or it can be "the right to ..."

Anyway ...
Music is endless..
Same as human stupidity is ...

Make Light .
No war ....
...bro sds... im not in "war"... im refering the people forced to emigrate to other zones at cause of war zones...

...greece its in midlle of... for my pov... and i dont see a rapid solution...on contrary... seems to me ... the things go on scale... ...north people cant understand these... maybe when have lot of emigrated people in her countries they understand better the real problem... actually its a big prolem to south europe... ...britanics and germans start to understand the size of problem on these days... ...too much people forced to emigrate...millions..

...on the way... more and more... peolpe forced to move for war reasons... and lot of war zones ...near...

...but its only my pov... and i live in a island and here come people on bad boats too...

...then outthere the thing its bad than here... and here the things are too bad... ...sharing misery bro...

...few works... technicians case... substitued all personal with sudamerican worker

...they pay me 1400 to mouth... when i work... for do the same work they receive now 800 euros to month...

...ive hear hindues try to do the same for 400... 54 bro... im fucked...

...bad times... course....e function actived..

...wilson i told you..too much wine... too much hasch...


don't you warry ...
Hellas never dies...
We're fine...

Belly-button of Earth ...


And you France !
Long Live your Syrah variety ...

...maybe another offtopic mine...

...i saw this article...Selecting a Fan...

...and i like the blower fan way.... the Tangential Blower fans... the small and silent ones blower fans used by A/C systems too...industrial pieces?...;)

....maybe expensives...or too much watts on consume side... but i like the idea...cased heatsinks and blower fan...

...go ok on all position... heatsinks not only on horizontal position....

...maybe another crazy idea for help on ventilation side....;)


Do we need higher pressure and lower air flow?
The LM29*7N-8 has an open collector output, connecting to a micro controllers iis simple.

sensing 3 fans in one light, my brain starts to think about an Attiny45/85.
hmm... 4 resistors, 3 caps, one transistor,something to get the right voltage....

....more red vine please... i have to think
Any ideas to incorporate a Attiny 45/85 into this idea yet?
Easier to use than the LM2907 / LM2917 ,but yes ...
6 volt max Vcc ....
Probably it better "fits" to a motherboard ,rather to a LED grow light ..:sad:

About the one driver + 3 fans combo ....
The schematic can be like that ..( ido not see any problem why it shouldn't work ...
But the trained & far more experienced eye of Guod, might be seeing something I've already missed or did not even know about ... )
View attachment 3475029

One relay ,3x LM2907 ,one for each fan ...
At the zip folder ,the DipTrace pcb file for a single driver-single fan .

Sorry to be such a pain @stardustsailor would you happen to have the board layout for the 3 fan single driver protection circuit. I have no problem populating boards but have not yet got used to any of the PCB design software lol I will be going over some tuts and manuals so I can learn this stuff for the future though.
Having a bit of trouble finding the 12vdc Dpdt Relays stateside/Ebay....Any suggestions @stardustsailor
Also dropped the R4 [ 510 ohm] from the LM 2907N-8 option, even though you helped point out its use for the 2917....

Finished up my digikey order, gang....For those stateside, who need links and ideas!

I bought enough components for Single Driver with 2x Fans either 5v/12v [LM 2907N-8 option]
  • mostly Tantalum capacitors [More expensive than Electrolytics/Ceramic]
  • All resistors @ 1% +- tolerance

LM 2097-N8 {Use this option for 5VDC fan power supplies]

[R1] 4k7 ohm
[R2] 33k ohm
[R3] 200k ohm
[R4] ....not needed with LM 2097N-8
[R5] 5.1k
[R6] 5.1k ohm
[R7] 510k

[C3] 47 microFarad 35V
[C4] 1microFarad 35v Tantalum
[C7] 1 microFarad 35v Tantalum
[C5] 0 .1 microFarad [100 nF] 35v Tantalum
[C6] 100 nF 35v Tantalum
Having a bit of trouble finding the 12vdc Dpdt Relays stateside/Ebay....Any suggestions @stardustsailor
Also dropped the R4 [ 510 ohm] from the LM 2907N-8 option, even though you helped point out its use for the 2917....

Finished up my digikey order, gang....For those stateside, who need links and ideas!

I bought enough components for Single Driver with 2x Fans either 5v/12v [LM 2907N-8 option]
  • mostly Tantalum capacitors [More expensive than Electrolytics/Ceramic]
  • All resistors @ 1% +- tolerance
View attachment 3479558

LM 2097-N8 {Use this option for 5VDC fan power supplies]

[R1] 4k7 ohm
[R2] 33k ohm
[R3] 200k ohm
[R4] ....not needed with LM 2097N-8
[R5] 5.1k
[R6] 5.1k ohm
[R7] 510k

[C3] 47 microFarad 35V
[C4] 1microFarad 35v Tantalum
[C7] 1 microFarad 35v Tantalum
[C5] 0 .1 microFarad [100 nF] 35v Tantalum
[C6] 100 nF 35v Tantalum

Here are a couple options and I believe these are the relays @stardustsailor is using.

and 5V version
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I will try a fan protection circuit soon. Not sure what IC works best for me.
@Abiqua , a while back you mentioned about the manual reset thermal switch. I assume you abandoned that idea in favor of LM 2907N-8.

I am curious why not these? Was 5V a concern?
Max chipnused capacitor to adjust rpm threshold.the 2nd chip is better as it uses resistor for rpm threshold. I was thinking of trying this one as it looks simple.

If I put each of these per driver/fan. All drivers will turn on at same time when fan rpm reaches threshold. Assuming all fans reach thersold rpm at almost same time. Not sure of how to address inrush issue.
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I will try a fan protection circuit soon. Not sure what IC works best for me.
@Abiqua , a while back you mentioned about the manual reset thermal switch. I assume you abandoned that idea in favor of LM 2907N-8.

I am curious why not these? Was 5V a concern?
Max chipnused capacitor to adjust rpm threshold.the 2nd chip is better as it uses resistor for rpm threshold. I was thinking of trying this one as it looks simple.

If I put each of these per driver/fan. All drivers will turn on at same time when fan rpm reaches threshold. Assuming all fans reach thersold rpm at almost same time. Not sure of how to address inrush issue.

Many thoughts, wish I would have replied sooner...:)

The manual reset's are still in play...

I would like to incorporate them into this circuit, but in reality, my being cheap and buying 75 C threshold monitors, won't help with the fixture I would like to use the fan fail safe circuit on.....

but they could also be a cheap fail safe for 2 wire fans...If I am not mistaken without going back and reading thru the notes, this circuit will need some reworking and Chip like you described above ^ use 2 wires....

Also planning a new light with 2x Vero 29's @ 2.1 amps each...Testing with a MW LPC150-2100...the voltage threshold is close, but @ 50C junction temperature is what is needed to run a lower this might be a great candidate to incorporate the 75C resets......

These two are new to me! That's why :)

But wow, the maxim looks very simple and this seems to a real easy solution for 2 wire fans, even has a micro-controller port...Been kicking around how to integrate my Ard Nano, and maybe I can use this for a 2 wire board design...

Thank you!
I am interested in this circuit. I would ask @stardustsailor, maybe after a "cycle" of use,
how it behaves, and if you have made changes or improvements.
It would be interesting to be able to try someone :wink:
Thanks for sharing such a useful information here. It will be helpful in my projects also.
Currently i am working on projects using Arduino.
Can you please help me to understand the use of U1 in post no. 51?
I want to know about this IC, its applications and its specifications.