DiY - Samsung's strips

they sent me 2 strips over what I ordered... :D Dumb ass I am.. I built the frame before counting the number of strips that was in the box... Would have been nice to add 2 more to optimise even more the efficiency / spread =)
they sent me 2 strips over what I ordered... :D Dumb ass I am.. I built the frame before counting the number of strips that was in the box... Would have been nice to add 2 more to optimise even more the efficiency / spread =)
I've never heard of that happening, it's not like you could have predicted it.
Lots of pots are +/- 20% tolerance unless you buy a precision type ( = mo' $$$)...
I ordered something like a 20 pack of 100k off Amazon and checking each with a DMM I only got about 5 that were 100-105k in addition to another package I already had in stock...
They were as low as 78k and I added a series resistor to a couple to get it to make 100% full (though the min. dim % is then higher) because I think I have around ten 240 W HLG drivers downstairs plus a couple oddballs like 185's & 150/200 W and close to half are "B" series.
In the next week, that'll change too though, LOL!
As for the dimmers... Seems I cannot find one that can output at 100%. As soon as I put one, caps at 96-97%.
add a 4.7k or larger resistor in series, should push you into the 100% range, there is usually huge tolerance margins on them, so they are often less than you need. It is only a couple of microamps, so even a low power resistor will be fine.
I used a DMM (digital multi meters are cheap at harbor freight) and measure the deficit of resistance, then added a value that would put it over 100k (MeanWell) because I'd like my minimum dimming too.
A random value like 4.7k might not always be a good choice, especially when you have a tolerance from (on paper) 80-120k.
I've even gotten some in the upper 70k region.
There you would need a 27k or 33k resistor to get "close".
A 1/4 or 1/2 W resistor assortment off Amazon is fairly inexpensive and you can "fix" quite a few pots for under ten bucks.
I have all B's, they work. I measured a 120 and (2) 240's at over 640 watts with no adjustments, running the $5 Samsung strips, so even the B's will put out more wattage.
Where are you getting $5 strips? I have been trying to find cheaper prices on 2’ strips. I want to build a couple lights for veg/flower.
I've been able to crank up to 550 watts but dimmed right after.. :) I don't know if I can hold that wattage long term.. the potential on the hlg are way too responsive.
You cranked a 480 up to 550? That's pretty good. I got a couple 50k wire-wound resistor pots and some 5.1k metal film resistors on Amazon, haven't hooked them up yet. I'll post results when I do.
I just tested with a PAR meter, with the extended range, from Apogee...

Quick result, was just to anxious to test it out.

In the middle, distance from light fixture.
8" 1475.
20" 1200.

Quick reminder, 16 strips (4ft @ 3k) driven by 2 480h @ 505 watts each.

Total wattage at the wall, 1010 watts.

I will take more measurements in the coming days and post them.