DIY REZ COOLER from a $30 craigslist freezer

not bad at all, reminds me of my homebrewing days, we needed to chill gallons of hot wort ASAP to pitch the yeast, then months later cool lukewarm keg beer.

Great stoner assembly BUT buy 12 ft of copper tubing, you'll see huge efficiency gains if you can get 12 twists in that bucket, fill it with water/ice, you'll prolly need some kind of thermostat to cycle the pump
I already thought of copper.

$48 just for copper this whole thing cost me under $50 and it works TOO good almost. In fact I recently took out he bucket and water and just run tho hose thru alone and it keeps in a better range so far.

march11 282.jpg
if youll fill the bottom of that freezer with gallon milk jugs full of water, after they freeze, place a piece of plywood on top of them as a subfloor, them throw your setup back in there, your compressor wont cycle near as often. it will greatly reduce the amount of energy you use to run the freezer and make it last alot longer.