DIY cloner! Looking for feedback.

Did the skinning make a difference? I would think and have read the skin fights against the protruding of the roots. Probably just some more cannabis growing folklore.

From this experiment, 2 of the skinned clones are barely rooting now. The split stem and skinned cloned is one of the most rooted. I'm going with the bro-science answer as I never skin my clones outside of this experiment , and have no issue rooting anything put in there.
I've been doing a lot of reading since building my own cloner yesterday to save my root rotted girls with cuttings. In terms of a dome most if not all things I've researched said that a dome is actually counter productive for aero cloner. There were a bunch of believable reasons given that all sounded true. Anyone on here have an opinion on using domes with aero cloners?

I know It's old. Don't know why I wasn't getting notifications anymore. I don't use domes on my areocloner(same one in the 2 year old pic).I don't want my cutting to have to get reacclimated to the natural tent environment.
I only use a dome to pop my beans in those peat pellet trays,and that's only because they aren't being germed in the same place the tents are located. Soon as the beans pop they are transplanted into solos and placed into the veg environment.
I've seen commercial cloner's for sale with domes included. I don't know why other than higher humidity there's a need for one. If clones are turning yellow before they are rooting,IMO &IME your light is too intense on them and they are trying to photosynthesize instead of focusing on rooting.
I don't know bout all that.... I've seen roots in 9 days with 24HR schedule. I rarely see anyone doing anything but 24 while cloning.
I've cloned under 6/6/6/6,GLR,13/11 12/12,14/10. It's not the light schedule imo. It's either too intense light,unhealthy moms,or environment,that are conducive to high failure rates in aerocloning. I'm also of the camp that all living things need rest,so I can't comment on 24/0 or 18/6. Never felt the need to use them for veg. Genetics have a say in how fast or a clone roots,but everything I put in an areocloner roots. It may take up to 20 days for some I've ran yet,they do root.
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Lot's of good discussion here, wish I had found this thread earlier.

I just built a DIY EZ Cloner, and I called the folks at EZClone with a few questions.
One, Type of water to use? They said use tap if possible, dependent on ppm. I told them I use RO for everything as my tap is 775 to 825 on a constant basis. He said add about a quarter of my tap to the RO, did that and it is at 225 ppm, which makes it easier to pH.

Two, Rooting compond? He said it will wash off with the first watering, and that it is really not necessary. I had already used it and found that to be true, does not stay on the stem past the first couple of cycles.

So took the cuttings, went straight into a glass of 25/75 water (6 gallon RO and 2 gallons tap). After all the cuttings were taken I took one at a time an cut them at a 45 and put directly into the cloner. I had it set for 3 min off and 20 seconds on, have since changed that to 5 min off and 20 sec on. It has been about 5 days and everything is still ok.

I cannot see the first two pic from post #1 but I believe my system is very similar to Fragile, 27 gallon tote, 15 nozzle manifold (red EZClone's), 25/75 Tap/RO. Using the Titan controls cycle timer.
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The weather stripping around the top of the tote works great, my Hydro guy told me to definitely include this.
Using a 550 g/m pump.
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One question I have is lighting, I have a T5 but using only one lamp and just raised it to 14 inches, any though's about this setup?

Paint your cover black and then white or go super cheap and wrap it in tinfoil, not the best option but the one I chose at the last minute, I'll change it next time.

Other then that it looks tits!
Yes mine is nearly all the same i just drilled out a few less sites. Even my pump size.
I had also read about rooting gel and it washing off ect, thats why I went with the Dyna-Grow KLN+Pro-tekt combo.
I added these 2 at recommended strength and let it go. With 7 gallons of water in my cloner, 2 small bottles off amazon is enough for 2 cloning cycles for $20.
Res stayed 80-82F the whole time. Did not change water once and they were in there a month.
It took longer to build the veg setup than I thought so I just added a little bit of nutrient to it when they started looking hungry and left them in the cloner longer.

I use a T8 hood that I got at lowes for $20 on sale. Its a 2ft U bulb so its like 4 2ft bulbs.
They seemed to like that at 12-18" I kept it higher until they rooted and dropped it down a bit when they started popping out.