DIY aero cloner

@TerrapinBlazin .... IMHO, the lid should be a couple of inches below the rim of your rez, eliminates leaks.

I have suggested the Clone King before & understand you prefer DIY.
HERE is a Clone king rez by itself on ebay, a couple of bucks cheaper than the Viagrow, DIY a lid from a plastic cutting board, holesaw for your size puc's

I’ve decided that I really just want to DIY the plumbing. That’s been my hang up from the start since that’s where most of the extra cost from the kits come from. I’m to the point where I’m happy to pay for a good reservoir that doesn’t leak, and that one looks like a decent option. At this point I’d rather not build any part of the reservoir. I may cancel my order for the other one. Some of the reviews mention it leaks and that’s a deal breaker. May just return it if it sucks.
I've popped over 50 clones in mine now, 100% success, haven't changed res water in weeks. Check it daily to keep ph at 6 (it fluctuates 0.1 per day or so). No leaks. Insulation means you can add some ice daily if you need to keep it cool. I havent... its 28C which matches the room its in and I've had no issues. And if you're on the cheap finding a used cooler should be super easy, and at worse you buy one right now on clearance since its end of season. Just sayin' :D
I may end up doing the same and finding the box and building my own plumbing.
I at least need to get a different tote. I have to change the weather stripping like every other run in it and it starts leaking sometimes. Kinda annoying.