DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box


Active Member
me and my buddy built this box starting off with 2 rubbermaid tubs

1. fasten the light fixture on the top tub, either by screwing fixture to top or by cutting out 4 holes in the tub so your lights can poke through and leaving the entire fixture outside on top of the box.
2.cut an intake hole and install a duct facing downward. then cut an exhaust hole, install a computer type fan in duct then we stuffed the rest of the duct with carbon air filter so it filtered the exiting air.
3. line entire inside of the top and bottom with mylar, we used a combo of mylar we had and emrgency blankets bought at wally world for 1.99. there also mylar.
4.then we bought 6 pots, well actually small trash cans and cut holes in the bottom for airation and water exit.
5. we put telephone books and boxes underneath the pots to raise them up to lights. when you have no more option for growth you have to build a spacer, i did this by buying another rubbermaid tub and cutting the bottom off it making it a nice spacer. then we tapped that to thetop of the bottom tub raising the height about bouble. worked great

any questions get back...
we pulled about 5 ounces of c-99 out of this little box

light fixture used in box( i also used it in a closet grow i did as seen in this picture)
aryt m8 a have 2 say ur grow box looks great and i am hopeing 2 make 1 soon just like urs would it be possible for u 2 take more pics of the box inside with no plants in it so i can see were the equment gos inside


Active Member
i'm VERY new to this
about how much space
does this take up?
cause i'm moving to San Diego
and i'm finally getting my own room
so this looks like it'll fit...but could i disguise it as saomething?
or i was also thinking about an aerogarden
are those good for beginners like me?




Active Member
i got a 250 mh i was gonna use for a trashcan grow, but i think it might work better for this? Yall think it will be ok or will that be too much heat


Well-Known Member
i'm VERY new to this
about how much space
does this take up?
cause i'm moving to San Diego
and i'm finally getting my own room
so this looks like it'll fit...but could i disguise it as saomething?
or i was also thinking about an aerogarden
are those good for beginners like me?



dude if you only have one room and not an entire house or apartment i wouldnt do it, it stinks bad man. for real its unreal how much they stink.


Well-Known Member
i got a 250 mh i was gonna use for a trashcan grow, but i think it might work better for this? Yall think it will be ok or will that be too much heat
if your gonna use a metal trashcan then ide stay with that plan, i think that would be to much for rubber tubs


Well-Known Member
jesuss, SUPER IMPRESSIVE BRO!!!! im about to do a cfl grow, i was wondering if it was possible to use 6 23w CFL's for 4 plant, veg for maybe a week or two, and lst them... trying to get between an ounce or two.. Dave, think i could pull this off?


Well-Known Member
its a fixture i bought at home depot for 11 bucks, its in the lighting section with bathroom light fixures abd shit..

ide honestly buy the 150 watt equiv. cfl's....why not, give then plants all you can for light man...

yea veg. for a couple weeks and then flower, that would work.

i started mine in october and i harvested at the end of february... i think, its been a while:blsmoke:
peace guys thanks for the compliments


Active Member
Nice yield for the first grow, thats like .5g per watt. I think you can get even better from the next grows. My setup is very similar with 2 50gallon rubbermaids ( wish I had just made a cab with regular doors) 8x42watt up top with a 50w hps in the center and 4x26w on the sides. I'v vegging now and will start flowering at the end of the week. No thread yet but as soon as i do I will post it for you to check out.


Well-Known Member
Dave i was wondering about the electrical setup, how did you wire the computer fans? The only ways that i could think of that would be safe is either using a PSU(too much electricity for a couple of fans IMO) or using a power brick.


Active Member
Hey dave those plants look amazing! Ive used a setup similar, but it was for Vegging purposes only. The fan i used is the Broan ventilation fan for a bathroom exhaust i found at Lowes for $12 i think.... What i did instead of putting lights through the top of the box i added support on the lid with some old school wooded rulers and some gorilla duct tape tohold the light fixtures. But man your ladies looks very healthy and well token care of! Keep on growin strong!


Well-Known Member
I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS THREAD FOR WEEEKSS!!! thank god i sware to god i was gona kill myself..thank you for posting on it


Well-Known Member
dude what the hell do you know.... probably about 276 posts of tellin people you dont believe them...funny shit man

great post:hump:
ur another 1 of them guys huh u think cuz u got 1,000 posts that ur king shit but really all it means is that u been on this site for a while and u sit on ur computer and post just because someone doesnt have 1,000 or more posts like u dont mean they dont know more then u so smoke some white widow and come to reality there little buddy


Well-Known Member
ur another 1 of them guys huh u think cuz u got 1,000 posts that ur king shit but really all it means is that u been on this site for a while and u sit on ur computer and post just because someone doesnt have 1,000 or more posts like u dont mean they dont know more then u so smoke some white widow and come to reality there little buddy
Dude good post all I was saying was don't post bullshit comments and you added to that nicely.

Great post
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