distilled / H2O2


Active Member
I'm using well water right now. Which is better for plants ? Well water or distilled with a little H2O2 for a litte more oxygen ? And is it natural for your plants to droop the day after watering them. Mine does. But they always spring back to life a day or two afterwards. I water them every 3 - 4 days and let them drain a few minutes before putting them back under the lights.


Well-Known Member
plants are expected to be a little droopy after you water them. will be more droopy during winter (colder temps) than summer (warmer temps). h2o2 would be good but not needed to grow. are you checking the ph of your water before you water your plants?


Well-Known Member
The best you can do for your plants is to buy a reverse osmosis filtering system. Or buy distilled water. I was using well water that had a ph of 7, then using ph down to lower it. I had calcium build up on all of the equipment. I put in the RO and you would be suprised what it will filter out.