Things are a little frustrating for Caregivers and Patients here in New Mexico. It's not an ideal system for growers at present.
The following is quoted from a feedback letter from a disillusioned patient in Northern New Mexico:
To whom it may concern,
As a registered patient for some 6 months, my experience with this program as a whole has been frustrating and disappointing.
In general:
- The notification and ordering systems rely almost entirely on the Internet, assuming that most folk are fully connected.
- Supply is ridiculously limited. If one does not get in the initial rush, well . . .tough.
- I have been 'lectured' about the difference between drugs and medicine, and found it rather insulting.
- There's something a little off when the 'black market' supply is comparable in price and quality, yet far easier to obtain. It defies economic rules and definitions.
- Product qualities vary wildly between the samples I have had the fortune to try.
I am tired. I am disabled. I just don't have what it takes to actually benefit from a system that seems to have been designed by disparate committees of malevolent bureaucrats in Russia in 1950.
It's simple: Have a Store. When I am well enough, I can come in and see some of that medicine that you offer and I need. I will pay. You will hand it to me.
You may even deliver. Patients will be served. Medicine will be had. The State can happily take their bite.
There will be no e-mails in spam boxes at the library for two weeks. No passwords, codes, secret names, secondary phone calls, month long waits, sold-out messages, secret meeting places, advance payment and general 'spy vs.spy' bullshit.
Do you know that it's easier to go to a foreign country, not speak the language, and be able to find medicine faster than it is with this current legal setup in my own town? It beggars my belief, actually.
I appreciate my current status inasfar as it vaguely confers some notion of 'legality' to my use of Cannabis as medicine, but have been thwarted beyond that.
Thank you for enquiring my feed back, may it serve some benefit.